A hybrid networking architecture

A hybrid networking architecture
Malathi Veeraraghavan and Admela Jukan
University of Virginia
Feb. 28, 2010
A recent funding opportunity announcement1 defines hybrid networking as follows: A hybrid
networking paradigm combines traditional packet and circuit switching concepts over a single integrated
backbone network to provide differentiated network services to high-end science applications with
different end-to-end networking performance requirements.
Further, it lists key networking challenges of hybrid networks as: dynamic allocation of resources
across multiple networking modes, hybrid networking traffic engineering services and inter-domain
peering services, and protection and recovery mechanisms for hybrid networks.
The purpose of this document is to define a hybrid networking architecture to meet these networking
Background: Current ESnet deployment and services
Figure 1 shows the ESnet deployment as of Summer 2009. It consists of two nodes at each PoP, a core
IP router and an Science Data Network (SDN) MPLS switch, which are interconnected by one or more
10Gbps links. There are multiple inter-PoP links, some interconnecting core IP routers and others
interconnecting SDN switches. There are two primary types of connectivity services offered by ESnet2:
IP-routed services and virtual circuit services. The IP-routed services are supported by the core IP routers,
and the virtual circuit services are supported by the SDN switches. The latter also requires an OSCARS
(On-demand Secure Circuits and Advance Reservation System) InterDomain Controller (IDC)3, which is
a circuit scheduler through which users and applications can request circuits of known durations and rates
for immediate or future use.
In addition to the router/switch equipment at the PoPs, ESnet deploys its own routers in many of the
site networksa, referred to as Provider Edge (PE) routers. Customer Edge (CE) routers owned and
operated by the sites connect to these PE routers within the sites. PE routers typically connect to the core
IP routers at the PoPs, though some site routers connect to the core SDN switches directly as well, e.g.,
Fermilab. Packet filters and route filters are executed on these site PE routers. It is preferable to execute
these filters at the site PE routers than at core routers because core routers handle traffic from multiple
sites, which would make the aggregate size of the filter files unmanageably large (per-site inbound and
outbound filters often exceed 10K lines or more4).
ESnet also peers with commercial networks and other research-and-education networks (RENs).
The term “site” is used to refer to national laboratories and other organizations connected to ESnet.
Figure 1: Summer 09 deployment [Source: http://www.es.net/pub/maps/current.pdf]
Integrated network
The first step in designing a hybrid network, as per the definition stated in Section 1, is to determine
equipment suitable as integrated nodes. The next step is to determine how these integrated nodes, located
at PoPs and possibly some sites, are interconnected.
Integrated node
For this context, an integrated node is defined as one that supports both (i) IP packet forwarding, and
(ii) virtual circuit switching.
Given the ubiquity of IP-routed services, IP packet forwarding capability is a must in any integrated
For virtual circuit switching, there are a number of technology choices: SONET/SDH, WDM, MPLS
variants, and Ethernet VLANs/carrier Ethernet. Circuit switches, such as SONET/SDH switches and
WDM switches, are one potential choice. MultiService Provisioning Platforms (MSPPs), such as Ciena’s
Core Director, integrate Ethernet VLAN capability with SONET/SDH switching. These MSPPs are used
in Internet2’s Dynamic-Circuit Service (DCS) deployment. However, they do not support IP packet
forwarding capability. MPLS is built into IP routers, and is the current solution used for the virtual circuit
services provided by ESnet. Equipment such as Juniper’s M, MX and T series systems, and Cisco’s
Catalyst 6500 series, among others, support IP packet forwarding, MPLS switching and Ethernet VLAN
switching. VLAN switching is made more scalable with new standards defined under the umbrella term
“Carrier Ethernet.”
The InterDomain Controller Protocol (IDCP)5 has been defined to offer users inter-domain virtual
circuits. Recalling Metcalfe’s law that value grows exponentially with the number of connected
endpoints, this extension of virtual circuit services to inter-domain usage is highly important.
SONET/SDH, WDM, and MPLS technologies have no data-plane constraints for scaling to inter-domain
usage. However, for Ethernet VLANs, Carrier Ethernet standards, such as IEEE 802.3ad and 802.3ah, are
required to overcome scalability problems with the basic 12-bit VLAN identifier6.
In summary, the key requirements for an integrated node are that it supports: (i) IP packet forwarding,
and (ii) a virtual circuit switching technology that scales for interdomain usage.
Integrated links
Figure 2: Integrated node and links
Figure 2 depicts an integrated node that meets the high-level requirements specified in Section 3.1 in
that it supports both IP packet-forwarding capability and a scalable virtual circuit switching capability. In
this section, we focus on how the links can be shared between IP-routed and virtual circuit services.
Shown in Figure 2 are access links to sites and peers and inter-PoP links, on both of which static circuits
(shown in blue) and dynamic circuitsb (shown in red) can be provisioned. IP addresses will be assigned to
the static circuits causing packets arriving on these to be handled by IP packet forwarding. Frames
arriving on the dynamic circuits will be handled by the virtual circuit switch.
Figure 3 shows an illustrative example of how integrated nodes can be deployed using a part of the
ESnet topology. Five PoPs, PNWG, DENV, ALBU, ELPA and SUNN, and three sites, PNNL, LBL and
LANL, are shown. Since some sites may just have IP routers while others may have these integrated
nodes, as an example Figure 3 shows just an IP router in the PNNL site (which could be a PE or CE
router) and integrated nodes at the LBL and LANL sites. Links between PoPs are shown to be 100GbE.
Blue dashed lines are used to depict static circuits provisioned via a network management system, such as
the Spectrum NMS currently used by ESnet2. A red dashed line is used to depict a dynamic circuit set up
between LBL and LANL, which is created by the OSCARS IDC. Projects such as Terapaths7, StorNet8,
and ESCPS9 will increase the number of end applications that request the use of virtual circuits.
The term “dynamic circuit” is assumed to be a generic term including both circuits and virtual circuits, depending
on the technology used. ESnet refers to this service in [2] as just “virtual circuit” service. Hence these terms are
used interchangeably in this document.
Figure 3: An example integrated (hybrid) network deployment for a part of the ESnet topology
Such an integrated use of links for both IP-routed traffic and dynamic virtual circuit traffic requires the
support of additional network functionality, which is described in the next section.
Additional functionality in hybrid networks
As stated in Section 1, three networking challenges are identified for hybrid networks in [1]. These
include: dynamic allocation of resources across multiple networking modes, hybrid networking traffic
engineering services and inter-domain peering services, and protection and recovery mechanisms for
hybrid networks.
Dynamic allocation of resources between IP-routed service and dynamic circuit service
Capacity of all inter-PoP links and site/peer access links needs to be divided for IP-routed services
managed by the Spectrum NMS and virtual circuit services controlled by OSCARS IDC. For example,
each 100GbE link between PoPs may be divided into a 10Gb/s allocation for static circuits between PoPs
to carry IP-routed traffic, and the remaining 90Gb/s allocated for dynamic circuit service. In practice, the
OSCARS IDC could manage the creation/deletion of both dynamic circuits and static circuits, with the
Spectrum NMS used for monitoring and other functions. Even in this scenario, capacity should still be
divided between static circuits and dynamic circuits to prevent starvation of either of these two service
For an optimal computation of capacity allocations for the two types of services, IP-routed and
dynamic circuit services, network management systems that have a complete view of the current routing
and traffic conditions are required. These consist of:
Hybrid route monitoring servers
Basic route monitoring servers have been implemented to listen to but not actively participate in the
distributed routing protocols executed by the route processors of IP routers. Special monitoring systems
such as the OSPF Monitor10 have been successfully deployed in large ISP networks and have been
integrated within the monitoring and management systems successfully in order to identify faults in IP
networks11. Similar systems can be implemented for ISIS and BGP, and other routing protocols, if any,
deployed by ESnet. New hybrid route monitoring servers, which are required to support hybrid capacity
allocation servers (see below), could build on these systems, and add functionality, such as determining
the cause of routing changes and the effects of these changes on routing in the network.
Hybrid traffic monitoring servers
Basic traffic monitoring servers are deployed in ISPs to periodically read out link loads measured by
SNMP agents running within IP routers. Averaging is done on the order of 10-30sec. Traffic matrices
(showing traffic levels between each pair of PoPs) can be estimated from these link-level measurements
using techniques such as the Gravity model12. Other techniques used to determine traffic matrices is to
deploy a full mesh of MPLS LSPs between PoPs with no rate policing/limiting, and then obtain SNMP
traffic measurements on these LSPs13. Some such mechanism is required to determine traffic matrices for
both the IP-routed and dynamic circuit service in order to then use the optimization tools to compute new
capacity allocations.
Hybrid capacity allocation servers
Using information from the hybrid route monitoring and traffic monitoring servers, forecasting can be
done to project expected traffic for a time interval into the future. Optimization algorithms can then be
executed to determine the ideal capacity divisions between IP-routed and dynamic circuit services. The
allocations determined for IP-routed service can be implemented with rate policing on the static circuits
established between the integrated nodes. The allocations determined for the dynamic circuit service
would need to be communicated to the OSCARS IDC for its use as it accepts/rejects requests for circuit
This functionality of dynamic capacity allocation is important if a service provider chooses to operate
the network at high levels of link utilization. However, service providers typically operate their links at
less than 50% utilization both to absorb sudden surges, as in the REN community (e.g., Internet2 has a
stated “headroom practice” of operating links at a maximum of 25-30% utilization to “enable researchers
to engage in unpredictable large-bandwidth applications”14), and for handling additional traffic loads
caused by rerouting if and when failures occur (an often cited reason by commercial providers for
maintaining low link utilization). In other words, service providers typically overprovision their link
capacities by adding new links as traffic loads increase.
Furthermore, dynamic capacity allocation for the IP-routed service could require rerouting of some of
the static circuits and/or rerouting of IP-layer traffic. Operations divisions of service providers typically
have strong resistance to change the network topology because of the potential for “route flaps” and
drastic changes in the end-end packet latency (e.g., greater than 10ms). For these reasons, the frequency
with which dynamic capacity reallocations will be required is likely to be small.
Hybrid network traffic engineering services
The ESnet services document [2] explains the traffic-engineering services deployed on today’s ESnet
as follows: “ESnet employs a variety of techniques to make the best use of the resources deployed, these
include: scavenger service, and site specific traffic engineering to support programmatic needs such as
LHC Tier1 to Tier2 support at FNAL.” The scavenger service is implemented to be “consistent with
Internet2’s QBone Scavenger Service (QBSS)” and is done by “done by allocating a separate queue
within each router in ESnet and configuring it with an aggressive drop profile and minimal service quota”
so that large bulk transfers do not impact day-to-day traffic. The site-specific traffic engineering is
implemented with Policy-Based Routing (PBR) to map specific traffic flows on to virtual circuits
established through the dynamic circuit service (using OSCARS IDC).
The integrated (hybrid) network architecture, described in Section 3, should build on these deployed
traffic engineering services. There are two approaches, both of which can be viewed as hybrid element
management systems: LambdaStation15 and HNTES16. In the Lambdastation approach, end
applications, such as dCache/SRM, signal LambdaStation servers associated with IP routers that a
particular flow being generated by the application would prefer the use of virtual circuits. The
LambdaStation server communicates with the OSCARS IDC to dynamically create the circuit, and then
configures the IP router using PBR to redirect packets corresponding to that flow to the newly established
circuit. By deploying such Lambdastation servers, a better use of the two services types is accomplished
with the help of end user applications.
In the Hybrid Network Traffic Engineering Software (HNTES) approach, Netflow data collected
by routers (which is currently enabled in ESnet routers) is analyzed offline using an Offline Flow
Analysis Tool (OFAT). Unlike on the Internet, where P2P flows that implement port masquerading make
5-tuple identification of long flows challenging, in the ESnet context, it is easier to detect long flows
generated by scientific applications. For example, the Unidata LDM application used by Climate
scientists runs on a well-known TCP port, 388. An analysis of Internet2 Netflow data has already shown
that many flows generated by this application are indeed of long durations (running tens of minutes to
hours). When long flows are identified by OFAT, flow identifiers (which is a subset of the 5 tuple:
source IP address, destination IP address, source port number, destination port number and IP protocol
number) of long flows are placed in a monitored flow database (MFDB). The associated IP router is
configured to mirror packets from these flows to the HNTES system. A flow monitoring software module
is executed within the HNTES system, capturing these packets, and then communicating with the
OSCARS IDC to create a dynamic circuit for a particular flow. Again PBR is used to redirect packets
within the IP router to the newly established circuit.
These two hybrid network traffic engineering schemes ensure a more-effective usage of the capacity
allocations that are determined by the hybrid capacity allocation servers described in Section 4.1. The
hybrid capacity allocation algorithms cannot be executed too often as it could cause instabilities.
Therefore, these hybrid network traffic engineering servers ensure that traffic is more effectively spread
between these two allocations. Even as user applications initiate flows directed to the IP-routed service,
these traffic engineering servers redirect some of these flows selectively to the virtual circuit service to
improve overall performance.
Protection and recovery mechanisms for hybrid networks
The ESnet services document [2] notes that “ESnet’s multiple ring backbone topology insures that no
single backbone circuit failure will cause an outage to a site. The internal routing protocols are configured
to switch to a backup path within 2 seconds upon determining a backbone link has failed.” The topology
in Figure 1 shows these rings. For example, if there is a failure on the link between DENV and KANS,
the ring passing through HOUS, ELPA and ALBU can be used to reroute IP-routed traffic. This means
restoration is occurring at the IP-routed layer (Layer 3).
In the integrated (hybrid) network described in Section 3, since ESnet would has its own capability to
provision circuits via its virtual circuit switching engines, instead of establishing single static circuits
between PoPs for the IP-routed service as shown in Figure 3, two path-disjoint circuits could be
established for IP-routed service, with one circuit being the working path and the second, a protection
path. This would consume more bandwidth but offer a faster restoration than the IP layer restoration
implemented today. It however requires the virtual circuit switching technology implemented within the
integrated nodes, as shown in Figure 2, to support automated protection switching schemes as offered by
SONET or fast reroute of MPLS. Whether Carrier Ethernet supports such automated protection should be
considered while choosing the integrated node equipment.
Alternate schemes are possible in which IP routing tables could list routes via the backup virtual
circuits, but then set the backup virtual circuits to a “down” state until failures occur on the primary
virtual circuits. When a fault management NMS sees an alarm indicating a failure of a primary virtual
circuit, it could signal the router to make the backup virtual circuit interface functional, allowing for the
IP packet forwarding engine to immediately find reachability for addresses via the backup virtual circuits.
This form of restoration would be faster than IP (Layer 3) restoration, such as the ring based solution used
in ESnet today, since the latter requires IGP routing protocol messages to be exchanged before new
reachability information is stable for addresses than become unreachable when a link fails.
In addition to an immediate protection switch to a backup circuit, commercial service providers such
as AT&T17 implement a two-phase approach leveraging the hybrid nature of these integrated networks.
Phase 1 is the immediate protection switch to the backup circuit. Phase 2 consists of a hybrid faultmanagement NMS computing an alternate set of two paths (working and protection), and then
communicating with either the OSCARS IDC or the Spectrum NMS to establish these circuits, based on
whichever of these two software systems handles the static circuits required for the IP-routed service.
Literature review on hybrid networks
Urushidani et al.18 uses the term hybrid networks in the following manner: “some academic backbone
networks [Internet2 and GEANT2 are cited] focus on providing layer-1 circuit services as well as packet
services by using hybrid network architectures composed of IP routers and next-generation SDH/SONET
devices”. Effectively, this definition does not require an integrated network deployment in order to
support the two types of services as in the definition provided in [1].
Gauger et al.19 defines a hybrid network as follows: “an optical network architecture is called hybrid if
it combines two or more basic network technologies at the same time.” Three optical network
technologies are named: optical packet switching (OPS), e.g., Nejabati20, optical burst switching (OBS),
e.g., Qiao21 , and optical circuit switching (OCS) technologies operating on wavelengths, wavebands or
fiber. Optical hybrid networks are then classified as: (a) client-server, (b) parallel, and (c) integrated. The
IP-routed services layer is not considered as part of this definition of “hybrid” networks. In all three cases
of “optical hybrid networks,” IP routers are considered the endpoints of the hybrid optical network.
In client-server networks, OPS and OBS form “client layers” that use wavelength-, waveband- or
fiber-based circuits established through the “OCS server layer.” IP packets from IP routers are carried
within optical packets through an OPS network, or in bursts through an OBS network. These optical
packet switches or optical burst switches are interconnected via optical circuits established a priori
through the OCS network. In the parallel optical hybrid network, IP routers can feed packets directly into
both the (i) OPS/OBS network, and (ii) OCS network. An example of a parallel hybrid network is a
polymorphic multiservice optical network (PMON) proposed by de Miguel et al.22 The third class of
hybrid architectures is the integrated hybrid network, where the optical circuit switching capability is
integrated with an optical packet or burst switch. The hybrid optical switch (HOS) proposed work by Xin,
et al.23 combines an OBS with an OCS. Another such integrated OBS/OCS hybrid node was proposed by
Lee et al.24
Recently, Grid and cloud computing communities have used the term “hybrid networking” in the
context of connectivity services for scientific communities, such as in a paper by de Laat et al.25 A paper
by Yeh et al.26 discusses the important issue of alarm correlation in combined optical/IP networks.
In summary, most of existing literature uses the concept of “optical hybrid networking” to refer to
network technologies that combine different optical switching mechanisms (such as optical circuit
switching, optical burst switching, and optical packet switching). Unlike the architecture described in this
current paper, IP packet forwarding capability is not part of these “optical hybrid nodes.” In all cases, IP
routers are edge devices that connect to these optical hybrid networks. In addition to these publications on
“optical hybrid networking”, there is a significant amount of literature on integrating the design of IP
routed networks with Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) algorithms in optical circuit switched
networks, such as SONET/SDH and WDM networks. These papers are not cited here as they are
essentially separate networks with the optical circuit-switched networks serving the IP-routed networks
by providing point-to-point connectivity between IP routers (e.g., Gauger et al.’s client-server
There are several advantages to creating an integrated network, consisting of integrated nodes that
support both IP packet forwarding and virtual circuit switching, and one set of shared inter-PoP and
site/peer access links, on which two distinct types of services, IP-routed and dynamic virtual circuit
services are supported. Equipment maintenance costs, collocation service costs and costs of wide-area
link leases, will all be lower than in a solution where separate network equipment and separate links are
deployed to offer customers these two types of services. Three networking functions are identified to
enable the support of these dual services on this integrated single network. These include: (i) dynamic
link capacity allocations for these two services, (ii) hybrid network traffic-engineering services to
effectively use both capacity partitions, and (iii) hybrid fault management systems for improved
protection and recovery capabilities.
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