Highlands High School 2513 – Advanced Placement Biology 2010 – 2011 Course Syllabus Instructor: M. Douglas Gerrard 859-815-2632 doug.gerrard@fortthomas.kyschools.us Credit: 1 Grades: 11-12 Prerequisites: Biology I (advanced preferred); Chemistry I (advanced preferred) / can be taken as a co-requisite; recommendation of current science teacher; interview with instructor Description: The Advanced Placement Biology class provides in-depth studies, laboratory investigations, individual projects and outside readings for students with a sincere interest in biology. The concepts presented involve three very broad areas: molecular and cell biology, hereditary / evolutionary biology, and organismal / population biology. Field trips and guest speakers will enhance the course. The Advanced Placement Biology Exam, given in May, is required of each student. A fee is charged for this exam. The student may receive college credit for their exam results, depending on their particular college. Course Standards: Students will: develop a deep level of understanding of biological concepts and vocabulary. become much more able to successfully operate in the lab setting using current technologies to solve scientific inquiry problems. develop critical thinking skills so as to be able to access important aspects of biological issues. be able to connect other discipline issues with biological topics and concepts. gain an understanding and appreciation for the history of biology and science and from that, be able to more clearly discuss the critical interactions between science and society. Textbook: Biology A.P. Edition by Campbell & Reece; 8th ed., 2008 Materials: three ring binder; colored pencils; calculator Grading: Test and Quizzes: Lab Reports: Homework: Course Content: Molecules & Cells: Heredity and Evolution Organisms / Populations Semester One: Themes; Ecology; Behavior Chemistry Cells Energetics Heredity Molecular Genetics Semester Two: Evolution Diversity Structure / Function: Plants & Animals 70% 20% 10% 25% 25% 50% Chaps. 1,51-56 2-5 6,7,12 8-11 13-15 16-20 Days 10 11 16 13 13 14 21-25 26-34 13 13 35-50 52