About the Biology Placement Test - UNC Chapel Hill: Department of

Biology 101/101L: Principles of Biology
Placement Test Information
Fall 2012
General Information
The BIOL 101 & 101L Credit-By-Exam placement test will be given on Monday, August 20 2012, 11:00 a.m.1:00 p.m. in Coker Hall Room 201. It is not necessary to be registered for the course, or to register for the exam.
New Rules taking effect Fall 2013:
Students who receive credit for Biology 101/L from any source will receive credit for the PX approach
requirement. Students receiving credit for BIOL 101/L as TR (transfer credit) or by taking the course at UNC-CH
will also receive CI credit. Students who receive credit for BIOL 101/L as PL or BE will not receive CI credit and
will have to meet this requirement using another course
New Rules taking effect Fall 2010:
First year students may take the placement exam and if they pass will receive BE credit. This confers credit on
their transcript. They can take credit for the lecture, the lab or both. Non- first year students and transfer students
may take the placement exam, and if they pass will earn PL, but not academic, credit on the exam. Such credit
can be used to fulfill the BIOL 101/L prerequisite and the General Education PL/PX and CI requirements.
There is no placement test for lab only. You are NOT eligible to take the exam if you have COMPLETED Biology
101, have CREDIT for Biology 101, or if you have taken the placement exam PREVIOUSLY.
About the Biology Placement Test
It is not necessary to be registered for the course or to sign up in advance to take the exam. A picture ID and a
UNC PID are required for the exam. If you have any questions regarding the test, please contact Dr. Jean DeSaix
at jdesaix@email.unc.edu, 302 Coker Hall or 962-1068.
Report Scanned Exam Scores (https://onyen.unc.edu/cgi-bin/unc_id/reportcard.pl).
There is no placement test for lab only. You are not eligible to take the exam if you have taken it previously.
This test is designed for people who have had two years of high school biology and, therefore, probably do not
belong in our introductory biology (Biology 101) course. Although most departments give placement tests only
once a year before classes begin in the Fall, this test is generally given three times a year. We do this in order to
help the greatest number of students. It is given before classes start in the Fall for students who need the score to
plan registrations, and about two weeks into both Fall and Spring semesters to allow students who feel their
registration into the course is a mistake, to attempt to place out.
The test is equivalent to a final exam in Biology 101 and demands an equivalent passing level (60%). Students
who choose to take the test given after the semester starts must maintain enough credit hours to drop Biology 101
and lab if credit is awarded. This means having 12 academic hours in addition to the Biology 101 hours to be
First year students who pass the test, may take “by exam” (BE) credit for both lecture and lab (BIOL 101 and
BIOL 101L). These hours go directly to your record at the end of the semester and do not count as hours credit in
any particular semester. Alternatively, it is possible to take “by exam” credit for only one of the two components
and take the other component as a class. There is no separate exam for laboratory only. Placement (PL) will be
received for all other students passing the exam who are not first year students.
If you are currently registered in the course and you plan to drop lecture or lab or both, you should do so
immediately upon being notified of your passing score. You may not drop after the last day to drop a course, even
if you have placement credit.
Remember that university regulations require that you be registered for 12 academic hours (Physical
Education/PHYA courses above 199 don't count as academic hours) in order to be a full time student. Because
“by exam” credits may not appear on your transcript until the following semester, it is your responsibility to see
an academic advisor in the Steele building in the following semester to be sure your credits have been distributed
You may take the test only once. If you do not pass the test, nothing will be entered on your transcript. When you
take the test, you will be asked to sign the following:
I pledge that I have not taken this test before, that I will not request a drop below 12 hours as a result of
this test, and that I have neither given nor received aid on this examination.
The test is largely multiple choice. The test covers all of biology: cells, genetics, ecology, plants, animals, etc.
Any good introductory biology textbook may be used to study for the exam.
Interpretation of your score:
70 and above is a strong pass.
65-70 is a low pass and you should choose your next biology course carefully.
60-64 very low pass. See a biology advisor about what biology course you might take next.