Assg: NOTEBOOK Bozeman Water: A Polar Molecule Answer the

Bozeman Water: A Polar Molecule
Answer the following questions in your notebook. Remember to watch this video you go to our school website,
Henriques webpage, and in the upper right click on the video tab. Find the video titled “Bozeman Water: A Polar
Molecule”. Answer all questions in your NOTEBOOK. Staple this paper somewhere in the notebook so you know the
questions to all the answers you wrote in your notebook.
1. Where you find
you find life!
3. Oxygen’s atomic number is 8. Draw an oxygen atom with the protons, neutrons and electrons (be sure to place
the correct number of electrons in each shell).
4. Hydrogen’s atomic number is 1. Draw an oxygen atom with the protons and electrons (be sure to place the
correct number of electrons in each shell).
5. Looking at your drawing, how many electrons does oxygen need to become stable?
6. Looking at your drawing, how many electrons does hydrogen need to become stable?
7. True or False? If the two molecules your just drew could share electrons, both atoms would be stable.
8. Explain your answer to the previous question.
9. So what can happen next so that both atoms are stable?
10. Play the video but as soon as you see “Oxygen is electronegative” pause and draw the diagram on you see on
11. What does electronegative mean?
12. Which atom is more electronegative? Oxygen or hydrogen?
13. Oxygen has ___ valence electrons.
14. If ionic bonds don’t hold oxygen and hydrogen together, what type of bond does?
15. Draw the water molecule you see on the right. Use this diagram to explain why water is polar.
16. Draw the molecule on the right. Identify all the oxygen atoms and
hydrogen atoms. Then identify the charge on all the oxygen atoms and
then the charge on all the hydrogen atoms.
17. Circle where hydrogen bonding will occur.
18. Explain what is hydrogen bonding.
19. Water is a polar molecule while fat is a ____
20. Water is charged therefore it can only grab on to other parts that are
21. Remember the phrase _____ dissolves _____
22. Explain the property high specific heat.
23. Explain why water is often called the universal solvent.
24. In cohesion water molecules will bind to ____
25. Why can a paper clip float on water?
26. Explain capillary action.
27. As water gets colder is get ____ dense.
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