Job Description and Person Specification (HR5) Post Number: Job Description Chemistry School/Academic Unit: Research fellow Post Title: Please enter Level under appropriate Career Pathway ERE TAE MSA CAO Clinical 4 Academic Posts ERE & Clinical Posts: Please indicate the category R.Nurse Teaching & Research Research only Non-Academic Posts Teaching only Enterprise Education Development X Posts Responsible to (and Level): Principle Investigator (level 6) and Co-investigator (level 7) Posts Responsible for (and Level): none Job Purpose: To conduct research in inorganic materials chemistry, specifically synthesis and characterisation of metal nitride catalysts under the EPSRC grant, as directed by the grant holders. Key Accountabilities/Primary Responsibilities (6-10 bullet points maximum) Research on the project, Some teaching on UG courses in the School of Chemistry and contribute to the training of PhD students in the group Preparation of research reports, draft manuscripts related to the research project, prepare material for conference presentations % Time 80 10 10 Internal & External Relationships: (nature & purpose of relationships) Directly responsible to the principal investigator of the project To collaborate with Dr J. Hargreaves (Glasgow University) -linked investigator on the project as required. Special Requirements: None 1 Person Specification Criteria Essential Desirable How to be assessed Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience: PhD in Inorganic Chemistry (awarded or pending) X Application Proven skill in synthetic inorganic chemistry, handling of hazardous/reactive chemicals X Experience in inert atmosphere, glove box techniques X Application form/interview Application form/interview Experience of solid state/materials chemistry X Experience in collection and interpretation of Xray data (single crystal, PXRD) X Experience in acquisition and interpretation of IR, NMR, X Application form/interview Familiarity with electron microscopy (SEM, TEM, EDX, WDX) X Application form/interview Experience with collecting and fitting X-ray absorption spectroscopy data X Application form/interview Able to carry out appropriate risk assessments (COSHH) relative to the project Planning and Organising: Able to work independently and to agreed targets under the research project Time management to meet set targets X Interview Application form/interview references interview X X Problem Solving and Initiative: Able to interpret spectroscopic and structural data Application form/interview Application form/interview X Interview/ references Management and Teamwork: To work with other members of the Hector and Levason groups to achieve the project targets To collaborate with Dr J. Hargreaves (Glasgow) to facilate testing of the catalysts Communicating and Influencing: Able to present research results at group and project meetings and conferences Interview references X interview X Able to draft research results for publication in peer-viewed journals 2 X Interview X interview Other Skills and Behaviours: Special Requirements: Willingness to spend some periods of time working at collaborator institutions and at central facilities (e.g. Diamond) which may include working antisocial hours. X Interview Job Hazard Analysis Form - Appendix to Job and Person Specification Please tick one of the following statements: This post is an office-based job with routine office hazards e.g. use of VDU (if ticked, no further information needs to be supplied) X This post has some hazards other than routine office e.g. more than use of VDU Please tick all those that apply, and put N/A if not applicable Environmental Exposures O* Outside work N/A Extremes of temperature (eg fridge/ furnace) F C X Potential for exposure to body fluids ## N/A Noise (greater than 80 dba - 8 hrs twa) ## N/A Exposure to hazardous substances (eg solvents, liquids, dust, fumes, biohazards). Specify …………………………………………………………. ## X Frequent hand washing X Ionising radiation. X Equipment/Tools/Machines used Food Handling ## N/A Driving university vehicles(e.g. car/van/LGV/PCV) ## N/A Use of latex gloves (note: prohibited unless specific clinical necessity) ## N/A Vibrating tools ( e.g. strimmers, hammer drill, lawnmowers) ## N/A Physical Abilities Load manual handling. X Repetitive Crouching/Kneeling/Stooping N/A Repetitive Pulling/Pushing N/A Repetitive Lifting X Standing for prolonged periods X Repetitive Climbing i.e. steps, stools, ladders X Fine motor grips (e.g. pipetting) X 3 Gross motor grips X Repetitive reaching below shoulder height X Repetitive reaching at shoulder height X Repetitive reaching above shoulder height X Psychosocial Issues Face to face contact with public X Lone working N/A Shift work/night work/on call duties ## X O – Occasionally (up to 1/3 of time); F – Frequently (up to 2/3 of time); C – Constantly (more than 2/3 of time) ## denotes to HR the need for a full PEHQ to be sent to all applicants for this position. FOR SCHOOL/SERVICE USE ONLY ResourceLink Post Number Which post does this job report to 1425595 Is this post a Line Manager? Yes No If yes, which posts directly report into it? ResourceLink Post Number Post 1 Post 2 Post 3 Post 4 Post 5 Post 6 Post 7 Post 8 Please add additional rows as required 4