syllabus - Department of Political Science

Elliott School of International Affairs
Department of Political Science
Political Science 8489
(Fall 2011)
United States-China Relations
Tuesdays, 5:10-7:00 p.m., Monroe Hall B34.
Professor David Shambaugh
Office Hours (by appt. only): Mondays, 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Office: Sigur Center for Asian Studies, 1957 E St., NW, Suite # 503
Email: for appointment.
Course Description
This is a serious course for serious graduate students. It requires a lot of work and is not
to be taken lightly.
The course covers the complexity of interactions between the United States and China
over time. The course will be both historical and contemporary, as it is vital to understand
the historical context of more recent Sino-American relations. While the course attempts
to examine both sides of the relationship and its interactive dynamic, special attention is
given to American policy toward China over time. Its thematic thrust will be more
practical and policy-oriented than theoretical. Readings, lectures, and discussion will
focus on the historical evolution of the relationship, the domestic context of policy
making in each country, the impact of mutual perceptions, several functional arenas of
interaction between the two nations and governments, and prospects for the future.
In addition to learning about the substance of these facets of U.S.-China relations, the
course is designed to teach several important practical skills to students: informed reading
and critical analysis; oral presentation and policy advocacy; teamwork; forecasting; indepth research; and writing. Different assignments are designed to develop and advance
these skills.
There are no formal prerequisites for this course other than a strong interest in China and
U.S. diplomacy, and a willingness to read a large amount and work hard. Students with
background in Chinese affairs, U.S. foreign policy, and the international relations of East
Asia will be well-served.
The first course requirement is to do a lot of reading. There is a large and wonderful
literature on Sino-American relations. We cannot read even a large fraction of it, but
students will be exposed to a number of classic in addition to more recent books in the
field, as well as a variety of important articles. Each week there will be one book and
often a number of articles assigned. All articles can be accessed via Alladin and
JSTOR. There will also be some recommended readings in several areas, for students
who wish to read further into a given area of the relationship, and to pursue in their
research papers. As these required readings are heavy, if you cannot do it all, read as
much as possible. All books are available at the GWU Bookstore or from Amazon, and
all (except Friedberg) should be available in paperback). These include:
Robert Sutter, U.S.-Chinese Relations: Perilous Past, Pragmatic Present (Lynne Reinner,
2010 edition)
T. Christopher Jesperson, American Images of China, 1931-1949 (University of
California, 1994).
Chen Jian, Mao’s China and the Cold War (University of North Carolina Press, 2000).
Robert Suettinger, Beyond Tiananmen: The Politics of U.S.-China Relations, 1989-2000
(Brookings, 2003).
Richard Madsen, China in the American Dream: A Moral Inquiry (University of
California, 1995)
Carola McGiffert and John Hamre (eds.), Chinese Images of the United States (Center for
Strategic & International Studies, 2005)
Michael Swaine, America’s Challenge: Engaging a Rising China in the Twenty-First
Century (Carnegie Endowment, 2011)
Aaron Friedberg, A Contest for Supremacy: China, America, and the Struggle for
Mastery in Asia (W.W. Norton, 2011)
Kevin Pollpeter, U.S.-China Security Management (Rand Corporation, 2004)
Zachary Karabell, Superfusion (Simon & Schuster, 2009)
James Mann, The China Fantasy (Viking, 2007)
Recommended but Not Required:
Ramon Myers, Michel Oksenberg, and David Shambaugh (eds.), Making China Policy:
Lessons from the Bush and Clinton Administrations (Rowman & Littlefield, 2001)
David M. Lampton (ed.), The Making of Chinese Foreign & Security Policy in the Era of
Reform (Stanford University Press, 2002).
In Addition:
Students will find the following surveys of Sino-American Relations very useful:
Henry Kissinger, On China
Richard Rosecrance and Gu Guoliang (eds.), Power and Restraint: A Shared Vision for
the U.S.-China Relationship
Scott Kennedy, The American Debate Over China Policy Since Normalization (Roman &
Littlefield, 2003)
Harry Harding, A Fragile Relationship: The United States and China Since 1972
(Brookings, 1992).
James Mann, About Face: A History of America’s Curious Relationship with China, from
Nixon to Clinton (Knopf, 1999).
Patrick Tyler, A Great Wall: Six Presidents and China (Public Affairs, 1999).
Nancy Bernkopf Tucker (ed.), China Confidential: American Diplomats and SinoAmerican Relations, 1945-1996 (Columbia University Press, 2001).
In the Classroom
Most class sessions will be a combination of lecture and discussion of the topic and
readings. An occasional video may be shown, and we might have some guest speakers
from the U.S. and Chinese governments.
As history is distant, it often develops an abstract quality through prose. Thus, the class
will draw on benefit from a series of excellent historical documentaries. Students are
responsible for all of this material.
Writing Requirements
Students will be required to write two papers during the semester—each aimed at
developing different skills.
The first will be a 12-15 page (double-spaced) essay analyzing historical “Patterns of
Interaction in U.S.-China Relations.” It should be based on the readings for the first six
weeks of the course and should be thematic in orientation, i.e. to identity the principal
variables and patterns in the U.S.-China relationship during the past century. Do not get
bogged down in the detail of what happened when, but rather focus on the broad factors
that have shaped the relationship over time, factors that have caused breaks in the
relationship as well as those producing cooperation. Use historical details to illustrate
themes and patterns of interaction. The paper is due in class at Session 7.
The second written assignment will be an exercise in forecasting—and will be coupled with
oral briefings. It will be related to any ONE of these sessions 9-13 in Part III of the course
(“Arenas of Interaction”). Based on the readings for the session you choose, you are to
imagine that you are part of a U.S. government-wide drafting team, coordinated by the
National Intelligence Council and resulting in a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE),
which attempts to forecast: “The United States, China, and XXX: Factors in the Future
Evolution of the Relationship.” This paper should also be in the range of 8-10 pages
(double-spaced), with an Executive Summary of 300 words, and should forecast 2-3 years
into the future how U.S.-China relations will likely transpire in the selected arena and why?
This paper will be written by each individual student, but will be tied to team presentations
given in the appropriate class. A Bibliography of sources consulted should be attached. A
template for the NIE will be distributed in class. This second paper is due in class the
day of the presentations.
Ph.D.-track students in the Department of Political Science are required to write one
additional paper during the semester: a ten-page critical literature review of any single topic
on the syllabus (the equivalent of four books on that topic). Students are expected to go
beyond the required and recommended readings to deeply explore the subject matter;
please consult with the instructor in choosing topic and readings.
Note: Violation of the Academic Integrity Code (e.g. plagiarism) can result in failure of the
course and university-specified penalties.
Other Requirements
As teamwork is a prized asset in the workplace today, and is central to many careers in
international affairs, there will be one team-based project during the semester.
The exercise is tied to Part III of the course, “Arenas of Interaction,” and the second written
assignment noted above. Students will divide into one of five equal teams. Each team will
present, in about 90 minutes, a briefing on the key aspects and prospects in each arena over
the past 2-3 years and for the next 2-3 years into the future. The format will be a simulated
briefing of the National Intelligence Council. Students should be prepared to orally explain
their team’s predictions and rationale for them.
Grades will be comprised of the following components:
 Two papers (40% x 2)
 Team-based project presentation (20%)
 Ph.D. students’ literature critique will count for 20%, while each briefing paper will
count for 30%.
I. The Historical Evolution of Sino-American Relations
Session 1: The United States and China Prior to 1911
Robert Sutter, U.S.-Chinese Relations: Perilous Past, Pragmatic Present, chapters 1-2.
Video: The China Call
Highly Recommended:
Michael Hunt, The Making of a Special Relationship: The United States and China to
Jonathan Spence, To Change China: Western Advisors in China, 1620-1960.
_____________, The Search for Modern China, pp. 158-164, 170-184, 216-238.
Warren Cohen, America’s Response to China (4th ed.), chapters 1-2.
John K. Fairbank, The United States and China (4th ed.), chapter 12.
Y.C. Wang, Chinese Intellectuals and the West, 1872-1949
Session 2: The United States and China, 1911-1949
Barbara W. Tuchman, “If Mao Had Come to Washington in 1945: An Essay in
Alternatives,” Foreign Affairs (1972), in Barbara W. Tuchman, Notes From China
Sutter, U.S.-Chinese Relations, chapter 3.
T. Christopher Jesperson, American Images of China, 1931-1949
Video: The Dragon & Eagle
Highly Recommended:
Barbara Tuchman, Stilwell and the American Experience in China
James C. Thomson, While China Faced West: American Reformers in Nationalist China
John King Fairbank, The United States and China (4th ed.)
Patricia Neils (ed.), United States Attitudes and Policies Toward China: The Impact of
American Missionaries
John Garver, The Sino-American Alliance
Michael Schaller, The U.S. Crusade in China, 1938-45
Tang Tsou, America’s Failure in China
Yu Maochun, The OSS in China
John Stuart Service, Lost Chance in China
Department of State, United States Relations with China (1949) and Mao Zedong, On the
U.S. White Paper
Peter Buck, American Science and Modern China
Mary Brown Bullock, An American Transplant
Phillip West, Yenching University and Sino-Western Relations
Barry Keenan, The Dewey Experiment in China
Session 3: The Cold War, 1949-1972
Chen Jian, Mao’s China and the Cold War
Video: Cold War (Episode 15)
Highly Recommended:
Robert S. Ross and Changbin Jiang (eds.), Re-examining the Cold War: U.S.-China
Diplomacy, 1954-1973
Gordon Chang, Friends and Enemies: The United States, China, and the Soviet Union,
Zhang Shu Guang, Economic Cold War: America’s Embargo Against China and the
Sino-Soviet Alliance, 1949-1963
______________, Deterrence and Strategic Culture: Chinese-American Confrontations,
Roderick MacFarquhar, Sino-American Relations, 1949-1971
William Burr (ed.), The Kissinger Transcripts
Thomas Christensen, Useful Adversaries
Robert Sutter, China Watch: Toward Sino-American Reconciliation
E.J. Kahn Jr., The China Hands
Nancy Bernkopf Tucker, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the United States
Chen Jian, China’s Road to the Korean War
John W. Lewis, Sergei Goncharov, and Xue Litai, Uncertain Partners: Stalin, Mao, and
the Korean War
Thomas Christensen, Useful Adversaries: Grand Strategy, Domestic Mobilization, and
Sino-American Conflict, 1947-1958
Jan Kallicki, The Pattern of Sino-American Crises
Odd Arne Westad, Cold War & Revolution
Qiang Zhai, China and the Vietnam Wars, 1950-1975
Lewis Purifoy, Harry Truman’s China Policy
Foster Rhea Dulles, American Foreign Policy Toward Communist China, 1949-1969
The Cold War International History Project Bulletin (Issues 6-7)
Session 4: After the Opening: Building the Relationship, 1972-1989
Robert Sutter, U.S.-Chinese Relations, chapter 4.
Michel Oksenberg, “A Decade of Sino-American Relations,” Foreign Affairs (Fall 1982)
Video: History Declassified: Nixon in China
Highly Recommended:
William Kirby, Robert Ross, Gong Li (eds.), Normalization of U.S.-China Relations: An
International History
Robert Ross, Negotiating Cooperation: The United States and China, 1969-1989
China and the United States: From Hostility to Engagement, 1960-1998 and Tiananmen
Square, 1989: The Declassified History. Available at:
Harry Harding, A Fragile Relationship: The United States and China Since 1972
Michel Oksenberg and Robert Oxnam (eds.), Dragon and Eagle
Andrew Nathan and Perry Link (eds.), The Tiananmen Papers
James Mann, About Face: A History of America’s Curious Relationship with China, from
Nixon to Clinton, relevant chapters.
Patrick Tyler, A Great Wall, relevant chapters.
Rosemary Foot, The Practice of Power
John Holdridge, Crossing the Divide
David M. Lampton et al, A Relationship Restored
Memoirs of Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Cyrus
Vance, Alexander Haig.
Session 5: Difficult Years: From Tiananmen to Terrorism, 1989-2001
Robert Suettinger, Beyond Tiananmen: The Politics of U.S.-China Relations, 1989-2000
Robert Sutter, U.S.-Chinese Relations, chapter 5.
Highly Recommended:
David M. Lampton, Same Bed, Different Dreams: Managing U.S.-China Relations, 19892000
Ramon Myers, Michel Oksenberg, and David Shambaugh (eds.), Making China Policy:
Lessons from the Bush and Clinton Administrations
George H.W. Bush, The China Diaries of George H.W. Bush
James Mann, About Face
Harry Harding, A Fragile Relationship
National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, United States-China Relations: Current
Tensions, Policy Choices
Kenneth Lieberthal, “A New China Strategy,” Foreign Affairs (November-December
David M. Lampton, “America’s China Policy in the Age of the Finance Minister: Clinton
Ends Linkage,” The China Quarterly (September 1994)
David M. Lampton and Alfred Wilhelm (eds.), United States-China Relations at a
James Shinn (ed.), Weaving the Net: Conditional Engagement with China
David Shambaugh, “The United States and China: Cooperation or Confrontation?”
Current History (September 1997)
_____________, “The U.S. and China: A New Cold War?” Current History (September
Steven Levine, “China and America: The Resilient Relationship,” Current History
(September 1992)
David Bachman, “The United States and China: Rhetoric and Reality,” Current History
(September 2001)
Nancy Bernkopf Tucker, “A Precarious Balance: Clinton and China,” Current History
(September 1998)
David Zweig, “Clinton and China: Creating a Policy Agenda that Works,” Current
History (September 1993)
Joseph Fewsmith, “America and China: Back From the Brink,” Current History
(September 1994)
Robert Sutter, “Tiananmen’s Lingering Fallout on Sino-American Relations,” Current
History (September 1991)
Robert Sutter, “Sino-American Relations in Adversity,” Current History (September
Gideon Rachman, “Containing China,” The Washington Quarterly (Winter 1996)
Richard Bernstein and Ross Munro, “The Coming Conflict with America,” Foreign
Affairs (March-April 1997)
Robert Ross, “Why Our Hardliners are Wrong,” The National Interest (Fall 1997)
Session 6: Sino-American Relations During the George W. Bush/Barack Obama and
Jiang Zemin/Hu Jintao Eras
Robert Sutter, U.S.-Chinese Relations, chapters 6-7.
Council on Foreign Relations, U.S.-China Relations: An Affirmative Agenda, available at:
Highly Recommended:
Jonathan D. Pollack (ed.), Strategic Surprise: U.S.-China Relations in the Early 21st
Joseph Nye, “American and Chinese Power After the Financial Crisis,” The Washington
Quarterly (October 2010)
Thomas Christensen, “Shaping the Choices of a Rising China: Recent Lessons for the
Obama Administration,” The Washington Quarterly (July 2009)
John W. Garver, “Sino-American Relations in 2001,” International Journal (Spring 2002)
David Shambaugh, “Facing Reality in China Policy,” Foreign Affairs (January/February
David Shambaugh, “Sino-American Relations Since September 11: Can the New
Stability Last?” Current History (September 2002).
David M. Lampton, “Small Mercies: China and America After 9/11,” The National
Interest (Winter 2001/02).
David M. Lampton, “The Stealth Normalization of U.S.-China Relations,” The National
Interest (Fall 2003).
Aaron Friedberg, “11 September and the Future of Sino-American Relations,” Survival
(Spring 2002).
Bonnie Glaser, “U.S.-China Relations,” Comparative Connections
(, regularly updated.
II. Mutual Images and Policy Making
Session 7: Mutual Perceptions
Richard Madsen, China and the American Dream
Carola McGiffert and John Hamre, Chinese Images of the United States
Highly Recommended:
David Shambaugh, Beautiful Imperialist: China Perceives America, 1972-1990
Carola McGiffert and John Hamre (eds.), China in the American Political Imagination
Recommended on U.S.:
Harold Issacs, Scratches On Our Minds
John King Fairbank, China Perceived: Images and Policies in Sino-American Relations
Benson Lee Greyson (ed.), The American Image of China
Jianwei Wang, Limited Adversaries: Post-Cold War Sino-American Mutual Images
National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, U.S. Media Coverage of China
Hongshan Li and Zhaohui Hong (eds.), Image, Perception, and the Making of U.S. China
David M. Lampton, Same Bed, Different Dreams.
Peter Gries, China’s New Nationalism
David Shambaugh, “Coping with a Conflicted China,” The Washington Quarterly
(Winter 2011).
David Shambaugh, “Imagining Demons: The Rise of Negative Imagery in U.S.-China
Relations,” Journal of Contemporary China (May 2003).
Emma Broomfield, “Perceptions of Danger: The China Threat Theory,” Journal of
Contemporary China (May 2003).
Alexander Liss, “Images of China in the American Media,” Journal of Contemporary
China (May 2003).
Stanley Lubman, “The Dragon as Demon: Images of China on Capitol Hill,” Journal of
Contemporary China (August 2004)
Recommended on China:
Biwu Zhang, “Chinese Perceptions of American Power, 1991-2004,” Asian Survey (May
Samantha Blum, “Chinese Views of U.S. Hegemony,” Journal of Contemporary China
(May 2003).
Rosalie Chen, “China Perceives America,” Journal of Contemporary China (May 2003).
Philip Saunders, “China’s America Watchers: Changing Attitudes Toward the United
States,” The China Quarterly (March 2000).
David Shambaugh, “Anti-Americanism in China,” in Anti-Americanism: Origins and
Context,” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (May
Wang Jisi, “Beauty and Beast,” Wilson Quarterly (Spring 2001).
Michael Pillsbury, “China’s Perceptions of the USA: A View from Open Sources,”
available at
Ren Yue, “China’s Perceived Image of the United States: Its Sources and Impact,” in
Koehn and Cheng (eds.), U.S.-China Relations Following the 1997-1998 Summits
Hongshan Li and Zhaohui Hong, Image, Perception, and the Making of U.S.-China
Relations, chapters 7-10.
Yuan-li Wu, As Peking Sees Us
David Arkush and Leo O. Lee, Land Without Ghosts
Yong Deng and Fei-ling Wang, In the Eyes of the Dragon: China Views the World
Session 8: Domestic Sources of Sino-American Policy Making
Ramon Myers, Michel Oksenberg, and David Shambaugh (eds.), Making China Policy:
Lessons from the Bush and Clinton Administrations
David M. Lampton (ed.), The Making of Chinese Foreign & Security Policy in the Era of
Recommended on the U.S.:
Robert Suettinger, Beyond Tiananmen: The Politics of U.S.-China Relations, 1989-2000
David Lampton, Same Bed, Different Dreams
Robert Ross (ed.), After the Cold War: Domestic Factors Affecting U.S.-China Relations
Ashton Carter and William J. Perry, The Content of Engagement with China
Bates Gill, “Limited Engagement,” Foreign Affairs (July-August 1999)
Robert Sutter, The China Quandry: Domestic Determinants of U.S. China Policy, 19721982
Robert Sutter, U.S. Policy Towards China: The Role of Interest Groups
Peter H. Koehn and Xiaohuang Yin, The Expanding Roles of Chinese Americans in U.S.China Relations
Ezra Vogel, Living with China
Robert Zoellick, “What Engagement Means,” The National Interest (Winter 1996-97)
Tan Qingshan, The Making of U.S. China Policy
Jonathan D. Pollack (ed.), Strategic Surprise
Recommended on China:
Susan Shirk, Fragile Superpower
David Shambaugh, China’s Communist Party: Atrophy & Adaptation
Peter Gries, China’s New Nationalism
Michael Swaine, China: Domestic Change and Foreign Policy
Ezra Vogel (ed.), Living with China
Articles by Shambaugh, Glaser/Saunders, and Mulvenon/Gill on Chinese think tanks,
The China Quarterly (September 2002)
Robert Sutter, Chinese Policy Priorities and Their Implications for the United States
David Shambaugh, “Containment or Engagement of China: Calculating Beijing’s
Responses,” International Security (Fall 1996)
Yong Deng, “The Chinese Conception of National Interests in International Relations,”
The China Quarterly (June 1998)
Allen S. Whiting, “Chinese Nationalism and Foreign Policy After Deng,” The China
Quarterly (June 1995)
III. Arenas of Sino-American Interaction
Session 9: Multilateral Institutions and Global Governance
Rosemary Foot and Andrew Walter, China, the United States and Global Order
Michael Swaine, America’s Challenge: Engaging a Rising China in the Twenty-First
Century, chapters 3, 7.
Elizabeth Economy, “The Game Changer: Coping with China’s Foreign Policy
Revolution,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2010)
Highly Recommended:
G. John Ikenberry, “The Rise of China and the Future of the West: Can the Liberal Order
Survive?” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2008)
Michael Fulilove, “China and the United Nations: The Stakeholder Spectrum,” The
Washington Quarterly (Summer 2011).
Gregory Chin, “Will China Change the Rules of Global Order?” The Washington
Quarterly (October 2011).
Ann Kent, Beyond Compliance
Evan Medeiros, China’s International Behavior: Activism, Opportunism, and
Gerald Chan, China’s Compliance in Global Affairs
Katherine Morton, China and the Global Environment: Learning from the Past,
Anticipating the Future
Katherine Morton, Taming the Yellow Dragon: International Aid and China’s
Elizabeth Economy, The River Runs Black: The Environmental Challenge to China’s
Elizabeth Economy and Adam Segal, “The G-2 Mirage,” Foreign Affairs (May/June
Pamela Baldinger and Jennifer Turner, Crouching Suspicions, Hidden Potential
Thomas Christensen, “The Advantages of an Assertive China,” Foreign Affairs
(March/April 2011)
Session 10: The Security and Military Context
Michael Swaine, America’s Challenge, chapters 4, 6.
Robert Sutter, U.S.-Chinese Relations, chapter 8, 10.
Kevin Pollpeter, U.S.-China Security Management: Assessing the Military-Military
Wang Jisi, “China’s Search for a Grand Strategy,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2011).
Highly Recommended:
U.S. Department of Defense, Annual Report on the Military Power of the People’s
Republic of China (available at:
Michael Swaine et al, Managing Sino-American Crises: Case Studies & Analysis
Christopher Twomey, The Military Lens
Zalmay Khalilzad, The United States and a Rising China: Strategic & Military
Council on Foreign Relations Task Force on Chinese Military Power (2003)
Denny Roy, “China’s Reaction to American Predominance,” Survival (Autumn 2003).
Yong Deng, “Hegemon on the Offensive: Chinese Perceptions on U.S. Global Strategy,”
Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 116, No. 3 (2001).
Wu Xinbo, “Understanding Chinese and U.S. Crisis Behavior,” The Washington
Quarterly (Winter 2008)
Herbert Yee and Ian Storey, The China Threat: Perceptions, Myths, and Realities
Steven Mosher, Hegemon: China’s Plan to Dominate Asia and the World
Ted Galen Carpenter and Robert Dorn, China’s Future: Constructive Partner or
Emerging Threat?
David M. Lampton and Gregory May, Managing the U.S.-China Relationship in the
Twenty-First Century (Nixon Center 2000)
Benjamin Self and Jeffrey Thomson (eds.), An Alliance for Engagement: Building
Cooperation for Security Relations with China
David Shambaugh, “Sino-American Strategic Relations: Partners or Competitors?”
Survival (Spring 2000).
David Shambaugh, Modernizing China’s Military.
David Shambaugh, “China Military Views the World: Ambivalent Security,”
International Security (Winter 1999/2000)
Dennis Blasko, The Chinese Army Today
Thomas Christensen, “China, the U.S.-Japan Alliance, and the Security Dilemma in East
Asia,” International Security (Spring 1999)
Taylor Fravel, “China’s Search for Military Power,” The Washington Quarterly (Summer
Ezra Vogel (ed.), Living with China, chapter 2.
Robert S. MacNamara et al, Sino-American Military Relations
National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, United States-China Relations:
Comparative Security and Foreign Policy Processes
Session 11: The Regional Context
Aaron Friedberg, A Contest for Supremacy: China, America, and the Struggle for
Mastery in Asia
Michael Swaine, America’s Challenge, chapter 2.
Hugh White, “Power Shift: Australia’s Future between Washington and Beijing,” in
Quarterly Essay, No. 39 (2010)
Highly Recommended:
Evan S. Medeiros et al, Pacific Currents: The Responses of U.S. Allies and Security
Partners in East Asia to China’s Rise
David Shambaugh (ed.), Power Shift: China and Asia’s New Dynamics
Robert Kaplan, “The Geography of Chinese Power,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2010)
Jonathan Pollack (ed.), Strategic Surprise
Ramon Myers, Michel Oksenberg, David Shambaugh (eds.), Making China Policy,
chapters 7-9.
Robert Sutter, The Rise of China in Asia
Robert Sutter, China’s Rise: Implications for U.S. Leadership in Asia
David Shambaugh (ed.), “China Engages Asia: Reshaping the Regional Order,”
International Security (Winter 2004-2005)
Evan Medeiros, “Strategic hedging and the Future of the Asia-Pacific,” The Washington
Quarterly (Winter 2006)
Joseph Nye, “China’s Reemergence and the Future of the Asia-Pacific,” Survival (Winter
Richard Sokolsky et al, The Role of Southeast Asia in U.S. Strategy Towards China
Alastair I. Johnston and Robert Ross (eds.), Engaging China
Ming Zhang and Ronald Monteperto, A Triad of Another Kind
Ezra Vogel (ed.), Living with China, chapter 3 (Lampton)
Ted Carpenter, “Roiling Asia: U.S. Coziness with China Upsets Neighbors,” Foreign
Affairs (November-December 1998)
David Kang, “Getting Asia Wrong,” International Security (Spring 2003)
Session 12: China’s Domestic Politics & Human Rights
James Mann, The China Fantasy
Robert Sutter, U.S.-Chinese Relations, chapter 11.
Michael Swaine, America’s Challenge, chapter 8.
Highly Recommended:
Reports from Human Rights Watch (; Amnesty
International (; U.S. Department of State
David Shambaugh, China’s Communist Party: Atrophy & Adaptation
Richard McGregor, The Party: The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers
Bruce Dickson and Jie Chen, Allies of the State
Cheng Li (ed.), China’s Changing Political Landscape
Minxin Pei, China’s Trapped Transition: The Limits of Developmental Autocracy
Ann Kent, China, the United Nations, and Human Rights: The Limits of Compliance
Ming Wan, Human Rights in Chinese Foreign Relations: Defining and Defending
National Interests
Marina Svensson, Debating Human Rights in China
Rosemary Foot, Rights Beyond Borders: The Global Community and Struggle over
Human Rights in China
Session 13: The Commercial Arena
Zachary Karabell, Superfusion
Robert Sutter, U.S.-Chinese Relations, chapter 9.
Michael Swaine, America’s Challenge, chapter 5.
Highly Recommended:
Daniel H. Rosen and Thilo Hanemann, An American Open Door? (Special Report of the
Center on U.S.-China Relations of the Asia Society and Kissinger Institute of the
Woodrow Wilson Center, 2011)
Edward Steinfeld, Playing Our Game
Nicholas Lardy, Integrating China into the World Economy
Randall Stross, Bulls in a China Shop
Joe Studwell, The China Dream
James Mann, Beijing Jeep
Peter Nolan, China and the Global Economy
Ezra Vogel (ed.), Living with China, chapters 4,6,7 (Perkins, Bloch, McElroy/Nielsen)
Council on Foreign Relations, China and the WTO (available at:
Lucian W. Pye, Chinese Commercial Negotiating Style
Richard H. Solomon, Negotiating with China
IV. Prospects for the Future
Session 14: Managing a Complex Relationship
Michael Swaine, America’s Challenge, chapters 1, 9, 10.
Robert Sutter, U.S.-Chinese Relations, chapter 12.
David Shambaugh, “A New China Requires a New U.S. Strategy,” Current History
(September 2010).
David Shambaugh (ed.), Charting China’s Future
Robert Ross and Zhu Feng (eds.), China’s Ascent
C. Fred Bergsten et al (eds.), China’s Rise: Challenges and Opportunities
Kenneth Lieberthal, Meeting the China Challenge
Yufan Hao (ed.), Sino-American Relations: Challenges Ahead
David M. Lampton, The Three Faces of Chinese Power
Peter Navaro and Greg Autry, Death by China
Stefan Halper, The Beijing Consensus
John J. Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Powers, chapter 10.
James Kynge, China Shakes the World: The Rise of a Hungry Nation
Gordon Chang, The Coming Collapse of China