August 1 - 2 - St Ann Melkite Catholic Church

41 Cross Rd, Waterford, CT 06385
Archimandrite Edward Kakaty
August 1-2, 2015
Pentecost 10
Intentions This weekend: Pray for peace Iraq, Syria, Leb, Libya, Ukraine, Nigeria, Yemen, 11K Ebola, 8K Nepal
Sat: +Gloria Betro by Ken & Gerry Kakaty
Sun: +Gloria Betro by Jan & David George
Saturday: John Jalonski
Saturday: Joumana Hajj
Sunday: Denise Brooks
Sunday: Rose LaFleur
July 25
July 26
Clothing shed $50
Bottles for babies:
Thanks to all who always
make up their missed
envelope, including fuel
building fund
200 Club Winners $50 Louise Massad,$25 Christopher Massad, $10: Mark Facas, Bob Conley, Bolivar Gonzalez
FYI: The clothing shed has netted &1459 for our church since June 2013! Bring your stuff-clean your closets!
Sanctuary Lamp is lit in August for the soul of +David Facas, by his godmother/aunt, Gloria & John Jeffords
Fuel Donors:1200 Frank Kozmon 2000 Carol Shasha 300 Abroze Gharios100 Louise Massad 300 Charles Facas
850 anon, 100 Ed Najim, 100 Helen Villani, 200 Sue Bridge ,100 Catherine Yost,100 Takla Hage, 100 Gerry Egan,200
Gaby Hajj, 150 Patrick Moukawsher, 200 Michael Flaherty, 200 John Jeffords,100 Mary Dib,100 Hendrick Facas, 100
Ed Walker,100 Marie Antipoff,200 Alex Antipoff.
A Prayer for Peace in Syria/Iraq and Assistance for its Refugees –Melkite Patriarch Gregory III
Almighty and merciful God, grant that just as you made yourself known to Saul on the road to Damascus, you may soon
convert hearts to peace in Syria/Iraq, and that its people who have fled may soon return to their homeland.
We ask your blessing on those who, like your Son, have become refugees and have no place to call their own; look with
mercy on those who are fleeing from danger, homeless and hungry. Pray & Fast for those Suffering
Bless those who work to bring them relief; inspire generosity and compassion in all our hearts; through Jesus Christ.
Aug 2: Mahrajan/picnic St Basil, Lincoln, RI noon-7 Mitchell Kaltsunas call Georgeana Deckey 401-723-3997
Aug 8: Mahrajan at St Basil Seminary , Methuen, MA- Saturday 3-midnight George Maalouf
Aug 14: Feastday Hafla Annunciation Cathedral Boston, after 7pm Liturgy. Said Abiakl 617- 323-5242.
Aug 14: Annual pilgrimage to Ender’s Island Dormition/Assumption Liturgy 5:30, dinner 6:30
Aug 23 Mahrajan/Festival after 11am liturgy Nader Hawa, food, games, fun for all!
St Anne, North Hollywood, CA has been named Co-cathedral of the Melkites in the US! Cardinal Sandri and Bishop
Nicholas Samra will preside at the ceremonies on Aug 1.St Anne is the mother church of 10 Melkite parishes: Placentia,
San Bernardino, San Jose, Sacramento, Covina, Temecula, San Diego, El Segundo, CA, Seattle, WA and Phoenix, AZ.
St Anne was founded in1909, later built a beautiful round church in 1964 in N Hollywood. There are 45 parishes, 60
priests active & retired, 62 deacons in the Diocese of Newton. The cathedral of Our Lady of the Annunciation was built in
1966 in West Roxbury (Boston). Fr Philip Raczka is rector-(Fr Ed Kakaty was rector from 1994-2002, before coming
Condolences to Carol Shasha, mother Elizabeth Housey passed to the Lord. Memorial Aug 12 here11am
Congratulations to Nadia Lucy Piccione, dtr of Dan & Pauline (Homsey), Baptized, Confirmed, Eucharist 7/26
Congratulations to Ariana Grace Hage, Baptized, Chrismated, Eucharist (dtr of Mark & Lexie ) 7/18 Mabrouk!
Fr Ed met with Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Aprem Karim in Worcester July 23 @St Mary’s. Patriarch John X of the
Antiochian Orthodox Church is presiding at their convention in Cambridge. God Bless them!!!!!
They are collecting money to assist the thousands of displaced refugees, building orphanage, feeding, etc.
FAST OF THE VIRGIN: Aug 1-14 No meat on Wed and Fri, Pray the Paraclesis for healing, comfort.
New icons from Lebanon iconographer, Hariss Ghadban: SS Peter & Paul in memory of Peter & Samira Hajj
SS Constantine & Helena in memory of Eugene & Helen Popa.Thanks to Alia Hage for bringing them.
Suggested Donations for Church Services: House Blessing, $25, Churching baby: $25, Christening: $200, Wedding:
$300, Funeral: $200, Memorial: $30, Commemoration @ Liturgy: $15, Certificates: $20, Hall usage: $100 for those who
gave $1500 to building fund, $100 Mercy meal, $200 active parishioners, $300 all others, $25 kitchen use extra. Hall is to
be left clean, including restrooms, mopped, garbage taken away. Deposit of $100 non-refundable. Special insurance of
$100 check to be paid with deposit that goes to Diocese of Newton. Parents must attend preparation class with Fr Ed
before baptism of first baby only. Saint’s names are preferred for the baby to have a patron. Donations to the priest are
not included and are optional. Alcohol allowed only by $100 special insurance!
ST ANN HONOR ROLL (the active parishioners who gave a minimum of $500 in 2014)
Alex & Betty Antipoff, Sue Bridge, Tim & Denise Brooks, Sheila Burke, Bob & Ceil Conley, Mary Dib, Albert & Jamal Doro,
Joe & Cyndi Doro, Dr John & Jenine Dorunda,Gerry & Cathy Egan, Beshara & Yolla El Khoury,Barbara Facas, Charles &
Mary Jane Facas, Hendrick & Gail Facas, Michael & Alexsandra Flaherty, +Elias & Abroze Gharios, Bill & Christine Gorra,
George & Pam Haddad, Tony & Ferial Haddad, Afif Hage, Faouzi & Katia Hage, Jack & Alia Hage, Pierre & Saide Hage,
Gabriel & Joumana Hajj, John & Karen Jalonski, John & Gloria Jeffords, Alexis Kozmon, Frank Kozmon, Gerard & Laura
Massad, Louise Massad, Patrick & Joanne Moukawsher, Edmond Najim, Carol H Shasha, Ray & Anna Sobanski,Donald
& Kelly Urso, Helen Villani, Catherine Yost, Joe & Roberta Zizik, (That’s 38 out of 71 on our list-if you give $10 weekly,
you would reach $500 yearly).Of the people listed above, 1 gave over $10,000, 7 gave over $2000, 17 gave over
$1000.God loves a cheerful giver! When you miss church, our bills don’t!
We still owe the diocese over $74,000 and can’t fix our parking lot! We might be closed if we were Roman!
FUNERAL POLICIES OF OUR MELKITE DIOCESE will be published in the next Sophia magazine by Bishop Nicholas.
No eulogies in the church or cemetery are allowed-only at the Mercy Meal. Even the priest should emphasize the meaning
of death and the Resurrection, not to praise the achievements or good example of the deceased. We pray for the deadnot to be a celebration of his/her life. If the wake/viewing is in the church, there should be respect for the Blessed
Sacrament and not a loud social gathering. Mercy meal shouldn’t be extravagant!
No Divine Liturgy with the funeral-have that on the weekend. Commemorate the deceased every Sunday until the 40 day
memorial. The cremains are to be buried in a cemetery- not strewn over the water, or in a vase on the mantel, or to be
mixed with their pet’s or anyone else’s cremains.
The Melkite Synod met in Lebanon June 15-20 and added these Latin saints to our calendar: St Francis of Assisi, Rita,
Ignatios of Loyola, Terese of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, Vincent de Paul, John Bosco, John XXIII, and John Paul II.
Their Feastdays are observed according to the Latin Calendar.
Thanks to Mary Dib, who, for many years, posted photos of our parishioners in the Meeting Room, at her own cost. It
was a labor of love, and we appreciated it very much! Volunteer needed!
Congratulations to new Armenian Catholic Patriarch Krikor Bedros XX Gabroyan, from Aleppo, Syria