Carrasco’s News Ms. Carrasco 480-883-4458 A peek at the week Reading: The Royal Mystery (target focus is theme) Math: Place Value and Place Value Patterns 5.NBT.A1 Writing: Short Story and Narratives 5.W3a-e Social Studies: Regions of the Night: U.S Aug. 5th-Curriculum Science: Physical session 1 6:00-6:40 and Session 2 6:50-7:30p.m. Science_Matter Aug.5th-PTO general meeting Aug. 7th-Picture Day (more info to come) Aug. 13th PTO Restaurant Night-Garcias Aug.27th and 28th EARY Release, conferences (more info to come) Mark your calendar Last week was a busy one! We got into our new reading books (anthology) that the district has adopted as a part o f our reading program. I hope the flow of going back to school is becoming smoother at home, we are feeling a better grove for sure in class. Curriculum night is tomorrow and I will be going over 5th grade standards that will be covered this year. If you would like to talk privately about your child please let me know by email, phone or set up a time with me tomorrow for another day. I will not be able to talk with you privately tomorrow during curriculum night. Homework and the reading log was a little rough coming in last week. I let the students know that last week was their last week to get any sort of “free pass”. Starting this week there will be no exceptions. I told them unless I hear from their parents PTO is having a general meeting tomorrow at 5pm. if you are interested in going. Picture day is Thursday, the company advises to avoid wearing the color green. I do hope to see you all tomorrow night at one of the two sessions offered.