September 13 - 14 - St Ann Melkite Catholic Church

41 Cross Rd, Waterford, CT 06385
Archimandrite Edw. Kakaty
Intentions Next weekend
Pray for peace in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Ukraine, Nigeria
Sat 5pm: + Matilda Haddad (1 yr mem) by her family
Sun 10am: +Emilie Gorra (40 day mem) by her family
This Weekend
Next Weekend
Sept 6
Sept 7
Sept 13-14, 2014
Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
Saturday: John Jalonski
Saturday: Rose LaFleur
Carry crosses in processions today.
Sunday: Denise Brooks
Sunday: Gerard Massad
Clothing Shed $121
Thanks to all who always
make up their missed
envelope, including fuel
and building fund
200 Club Winners: $50 Charles Lickwola,$25 MaryJane Facas, $10 each:Gerry Egan, Andrea Hall, Nidia Somers.
Please give $50 renewal dues to Anna Sobanski/Mary Dib for the new year beginning Oct 1. We made $1400-thanks!
Congrats to the Coptic Orthodox parish of St. Moses of Waterford which prays in St Ann’s with Fr Augustinous Metry.
Condolences to the family of +Emilie S. Gorra, passed to the Lord 8/17:sons Fred and Brad, daughter, Suzanne, etc.
Joseph Gorra & Corinne Nakhoul siblings. Her 40 day memorial is Sun, Sept 21 @10am. May her memory be eternal.
The sanctuary lamp is lit in September for the health and well-being of Albert & Jamal Doro and their family.
Catholic fraternal organization (Knights of Columbus) has made an initial donation of $500,000 and will match another $500,000 in
donations from the public to ease the suffering of Christians (Iraq & Syria). Please mark check for Iraq/Syria.
St Ann is collecting used clothing & shoes in the shed on our parking lot. Receipts available for tax deductions.
Must be in bags- NO household items,hangers, pillows, rags, metal, just clothing,shoes, belts, handbags, drapes, sheets, towels.
MAHRAJAN (Middle Eastern Festival) REPORT
After the expenses, I come to the net profit of 2173.! The weather was perfect, food great, music wonderful, set-up on the grass better,
donations better ($1105) raffle ($330) THANKS AGAIN TO OUR HARD-WORKING COMMITTEE! Let’s lock-in to the last Sunday of
August, but not Labor Day! OK? Hopefully those who couldn’t attend will give a donation soon.
The face-painting and Moon Walk were entertaining the children all day and was appreciated by parents and all! Thanks to the
Dorunda Family, Mary Dib, George Hajj. Thanks to Joumana Hajj, food chair, & her hard-working committee and to Gerry Egan and his
team of tent crew, grill chefs, tables and chairs set-uppers, clean-up; Laura Massad, Mindy Hajj,Catherine Yost and Gail Facas for
selling food tickets, Raffle donors: Kalamian’s, Flander’s Fish, Filomena’s, Crown Pizza, Beshara El Khoury,Corinne, David & Rose
LaFleur, Fr Ed, Marie Antipoff, Mary Dib, Lina Hajj. Thanks to Coca Cola for 10 cases of soda, (John Shabarekh, manager, is Melkite).
Donations for food expenses: $500 In Memory+ Alice Jackson, $100 Jack & Alia Hage, $100 Abroze Gharios,$100 anonymous,$100 St
Maron’s Torrington, $55 Tony Karam,$50 Catherine Yost,$50 Ray & Anna Sobanski, $50 Albert & Jamal Doro, Diane & Sandra Kakaty
$74, Ron Abraham $20; Hummus,(made by Charley Lickwola) , Yolla ELKhoury (Fatayer, Ka’ak, Zaatar)Mahummara,( Fr Ed).
Guests : Fr Constantine Simones, Fr Victor Chaker, Protodeacon Saleem Naber, Deacon Dennis McCarthy.
Sept 27: 7pm Hafla @St Basil. Lincoln, RI Andre Ibrahim singer. Georgeanna Deckey 401-723-3997 by Sept 21.