History/Geog Where do they live? What is there home like/Who lives in it? See questions below Label castle pictures Why have building materials changed? Famous castles – people who live in castles today? Similarities and differences between castles and castles and our homes. Castle detectives – How to get to the princess Skills and Knowledge Ask questions such as: What was it like for people? What happened? How long ago? Use artefacts, pictures, stories, online sources and databases to find out about the past. Recognise that there are reasons why people in the past acted as they did. Qs: How can we protect ourselves from a dragon? What is a castle? Who lives in a castle? What are the features of a castle? Are there still knights today? Art and Design Homework – make a castle Design and make shields, flags, dragon collage, marbling eggs, painting castles, tapestry and sewing Skills and Knowledge Use a range of materials Use a range of mediums (paint, draw, sculpt) Use a range of techniques (colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form). Know about range of artists- describe similarities and differences (Van Gough) ICT- Text and Multimedia Science- Materials (The three little pigs) Use websites internet for research into castles, Insert castle pictures into a document and label, Take photographs on trip, create a powerpoint slide Identify materials in the home and what homes are made of, label materials and their properties, rope walk, sort materials, feely box to describe properties Skills and Knowledge Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. Use technology safely and respectfully. . Homes and Castles: Autumn 1 Values: Friendship and respect English (see teaching sequences and weekly plans) Fiction: The three little pigs, Tell me a dragon, The dragon machine Non-fiction: Instructions for rescuing a princess/ storming a castle Skills and Knowledge Distinguish between an object and the material that it is made from. Identify and name everyday materials Describe physical properties of everyday materials Compare and group together materials Find out how the shapes of solid objects can be changed Working Scientifically Ask questions, find answers, make observations, perform simple tests, identify and classify, gather and record data Qs: Which material is the most waterproof for little pigs home? PSHE SEAL – New beginnings Maths (see weekly plans for main content) RE - Myself, Christianity and judaism Measure the height of castle walls, repeating patterns on crowns, shields and flags, comparing sizes of dragons, weigh dragon eggs, draw castle pictures using 2d shapes, castle and dragon egg word problems PE – Gymnastics and Invasion games