Draft 1
Draft 2
Draft 3
Document Record
Date Description
31/01/11 For internal review
For internal review
For external review
Prepared by
Green Group
Green Group
Green Group
Approved by
Draft 3
Worcester College is committed to the principles of sustainability, mitigation of climate change, and environmental preservation. Respect for these principles should be integrated into all areas of College activity. This policy statement applies to the day-today and long term management of the College, focusing initially on five substantive issues, namely energy, water, food, waste and purchasing. The College will strive to engage all staff and students in these activities, with the aim of improving the environment of the College for the benefit of all its members and the wider community.
This policy statement is prepared in support of the Oxford University Environmental
Sustainability Policy (2008).
This policy is the result of collaboration between undergraduates, postgraduates, and staff, both academic and non-academic. This policy will be implemented with the broad participation of members of the College. There will be consultation at all stages in the implementation and review of this policy.
The Collegiate University
The College will develop and implement this policy taking into account the policies and targets of the University of Oxford and other Colleges, as appropriate
Community Partnership
The College will develop and implement this policy with an awareness of other stakeholders and community actors within Oxford University, the City of Oxford, and beyond.
Monitoring and Auditing
The College will continuously seek the feedback of community members to identify possible improvements to this policy, for incorporation in its Annual Review. The
College will develop, review and update the specific targets set in its Environmental
Action Plan in order to implement this policy. The Environmental Action Plan will identify specific targets and actions to be taken within specified time-frames, as well as arrangements for monitoring their implementation.
Draft 3
A Compliance Committee (the Green Group), made up of students, and staff, will be responsible through the Domus Committee to the Governing Body for the promotion, development, implementation, monitoring, prioritisation and review of this policy.
The Domus Committee is responsible for securing compliance with the general and specific duties and for overseeing implementation of the Environmental Action Plan.
All College Committees are responsible for complying with this policy in their duties and functions.
All those with managerial responsibilities have a duty to take specific actions under this policy as identified in the Environmental Action Plan.
All members of the College community should be aware of this policy and share responsibility for its implementation.
Contractors and Service Providers
Contractors and service providers to the college should abide by this policy. The College will ensure its procurement policies address the goals of this policy.
The College will publish on its website the Environmental Policy and Environmental
Action Plan and will update these policies in the light of the annual review. It will also publish the results of monitoring and assessments, including information on consultation undertaken as part of the assessment process.
The College will include information on this policy during a specific Green Briefing orientation for all new members of the College, students, staff and Fellows. This policy will be reflected in a Green Page in the Student Handbook, which will highlight specific student responsibilities’ under this Policy.
The College will set specific targets to reduce energy consumption, in order to reduce energy use and costs for building heating and lighting.
Actions to reduce energy consumption will include o Ensuring that any renovations to buildings include improved insulation to reduce heat loss and energy efficient water heaters. o Improving heating systems to minimize unnecessary heating.
Draft 3 o Retrofitting buildings to have compact fluorescent and intelligent (timed or motion sensing) lighting systems. o Setting pricing policies for electricity with the goal of minimizing use. o Prioritising energy efficiency and sustainability in the purchase of appliances. o Promoting teleconferencing as an alternative to long-distance travel, and supporting the purchase of carbon off-sets for necessary travel.
The College will set a specific target for an increasingly significant proportion of its energy to be derived from renewable sources.
The College will set a specific target for the reduction of Greenhouse Gases, in particular but not limited to carbon emissions, in light of University commitments, based on its regular audits of carbon emissions.
The College will identify opportunities for reducing the quantity of mains water used in College buildings and facilities. Over time, water consumption should be monitored by metering, and measures will be implemented to progressively reduce total water usage per capita. Building upgrades and general maintenance will incorporate water reducing measures.
Dual-flush cisterns, water-saving shower heads, and water-efficient taps will be introduced as toilets and sinks are replaced. Baths will be removed and replaced by showers as possible. Water (and energy) efficient washing machines and other water using appliances will be progressively installed.
Watering of the College gardens and sports fields is to be minimised as far as possible, and intelligent reticulation systems should be used. Where practical and sustainable, water should be taken from sources other than mains water - for example from the College Lake.
The College will endeavour to minimise pollution entering watercourses via surface water drains, storm water sewers and through water discharged by the
College into the adjacent Oxford Canal.
The College is committed to purchasing responsibly sourced food and beverages, in keeping with the University’s Sustainable Purchasing Policy.
The College will encourage and support vegetarian and vegan dietary choices as a sustainable alternative to meat-based diets. College events will accommodate
Draft 3 vegetarian and vegan food. A vegetarian or vegan option will be published as part of the standard Hall menu.
The College will continue to provide space and resources for the Worcester
Edible Garden. Food from the garden will be used for periodic ‘Sustainable
Halls’, which will showcase responsibly sourced ingredients. For Sustainable
Hall, the vegetarian option will be the default menu choice. Herbs and produce from the Worcester Edible Garden will be integrated into the regular hall menu.
A list of all College food and beverage suppliers and their accreditations will be made publically available, as is feasible.
Hall menus published by the College will include information on the sourcing of key ingredients, where this is practical, including those from the Worcester Edible Garden.
The College will ensure that all College workspaces, offices, and residences have recycling facilities. The College will take steps to require, promote and encourage recycling among members of the college community, as appropriate.
The College will work to reduce the use of paper and printing. The College will promote the use of electronic communication and correspondence over the use of hard copies. The College will set prices for printing in accordance with this objective.
The College is committed to minimising the volume of food waste. The College will conduct periodic audits on the quantity of food waste produced by Hall and will alter food purchasing and portioning to reduce waste. Those eating in Hall should be encouraged to take smaller portions rather than leave food on their plates.
The College will develop a sustainable system, such as biogeneration, for the use of food waste, in order to avoid food waste going into landfill, a significant source of methane emissions.
The College will, whenever possible, use reusable dining ware for college functions, in lieu of disposable cups and plates.
The College is committed to purchasing materials from socially and environmentally responsible sources, in accordance with the University’s
Sustainable Purchasing Policy. Where possible, products purchased by the
College will come from ISO 14000 and/or FSC accredited suppliers.
Draft 3
Where practicable, the College will set a target for the proportion of environmentally sustainable products it purchases, which will be subject to regular review. This target, along with an inventory of purchased materials and their sources, will be made available on its website.
The College will monitor the use of materials across its offices and divisions, to ensure minimum wastage.
The Environmental Policy will be reviewed annually by the Compliance Committee to assess its effectiveness. The Domus Committee will monitor the Environmental Action
Plans and outcome of discussions by the Compliance Committee.