St George’s Anglican Church, New Hamburg Minutes of Parish Council Meeting – August 20, 2013 In Attendance: Reverend Margaret Walker, Kathy Richmond-Cox (chair), Gail Cuthbert-Brandt, Bob Kostash, Gail Kostash, Carol Massel, Calvin Williston, Paul Ditner, Margaret Cassel, Margaret Bennett, Don Stewart, Sharon Meade (recording secretary) Regrets: David Korell, Marion Korell, Pat Davies 1. Opening Prayer Rev'd Margaret led council in prayer 2. Approval of Minutes Moved by Bob Kostash, seconded by Carol Massel that the minutes of the June meeting be approved with the correction of the spelling of Canon David Bowyer’s name. Carried. 3. Financial Report Gail Kostash reviewed the year to date Financial Report. It was noted that there is currently a defecit in the General Operating Fund: all of the funds from the Roth Estate have been used. Day to day bill payments are becoming difficult to manage. Sunday donations are down, and with the estimated incoming donations and outgoing bills to be paid in September it is expected that there may be a shortage of several hundred dollars. Gail also noted that all of the grocery cards have been sold and there is no money to buy more cards to continue this fundraising initiative. It is imperative that the plans to apply for a loan or line of credit secured by the parish house be persued as soon as possible. In addition to moving forward with the financing options, Gail Cuthbert Brandt broached the idea of approaching the board of St. James to request a loan or grant to assist with St. George’s current financial situation. On behalf of St. James Carol Massel asked that a formal proposal be prepared which can be presented at the next meeting of the St. James board (expected to be in early September). It was agreed that by Sept 10th the wardens should draft a proposal together with the finance committee to be submitted to the board of St. James. Gail Kostash advised that all banking has now been moved over to the Mennonite Savings & Credit Union, and the welcome to MSCU has been very warm. In a call to thank St. George’s for joining the MSCU they advised that while Gail is their primary contact, if anyone else has any questions they would be happy to answer them. Gail has arranged for the use of the night depository and will be training the Sunday counters in how to do it as per the recommendation of the auditor. Gail Kostash moved that the financial report be accepted as presented. Margaret Bennett seconded. Carried. 4. ReNew Committee Gail Cuthbert Brandt reported that the ReNew Committee had an initial meeting and the group was excited about the project, the process, and the potential grants available for funding. There was concern about the funds needed to be raised for the St. George’s space in the project. Gail reviewed several potential funding sources for this aspect of the project including the Trillium Foundation, McLean Foundation, and the Anglican Foundation. Gail will continue to explore these & further findings to report back to the committee at their next meeting in late Sept/early Oct. 5. Building & Property a. Roof The roof replacement work has been completed and paid for, donations of $7000.00 are still required to cover the cost of the project. b. Fan for Parish Hall Carol Massel expressed thanks from the Tai Chi group for the new ceiling fan – it has greatly improved the comfort in their classes. c. Kitchen in Parish House Only 2 people showed up for the initial work party, the majority of the wall paper was removed at that time. Another work party has been scheduled for Saturday, Sept 14thfrom 9am to noon. The work to be completed is: removal of remaining wallpaper, painting, possible repair of walkway, repair of bathroom door to solve the sticking issue (plane the top?) d. Repair/Replacement of walkway Kathy Richmond-Cox suggested doing an inexpensive stop-gap repair job for now in light of the current financial situation of the parish. Paul will take a look and determine what can be done with plans to complete the work at the Sept 14th work party. e. Garden Group Thank you to Carol Massel for her hard work weeding the gardens f. Cleaning & Waxing hall floors Gail Cuthbert Brandt advised that she has had trouble getting a firm time commitment from the floor cleaner, if she is unable to confirm the job with him she will approach another company to ensure the floor is done before daycare resumes in September. g. Fire Drill/Fire Safety Plan Don advised that the fire safety plan is predominantly complete & awaiting approval by another party, once that is received and any changes made, the plan will be submitted to the fire department for approval. Going forward a fire drill will have to be completed one Sunday per year & fire exits must be kept clear. As Don will be away in September, he expects to have the fire safety plan completed by the October council meeting. h. Memorial Plaque The memorial plaque has been hung in the church foyer & looks very nice 6. Congregational Development . a. Summer Ministry Kathy Richmond-Cox reported that two initiatives were undertaken this year: she held a pool party at her home and invited all parishioners with young children to attend. One family attended, but told Kathy that they will soon be moving away. A weekly community drop-in for children and their caregivers was also held for 4 weeks this summer to augment the WFRC drop in program. Unfortunately there were zero attendees each week. b. Sunday School Sunday school resumes on Sunday Sept 15th. The new curriculum has arrived and Kathy Richmond-Cox reported that it looks like a good program. She noted that only the autumn portion of the program was received to date. Gail Cuthbert Brandt suggested sending out invitation cards to all families with children in the 2-12 age bracket inviting them to join the program. 7. Worship Committee a. Summer Services Reverend Margaret reviewed the services held over the summer and expressed thanks to Gail Kostash and Paul Ditner for leading services and assisting Canon David Bowyer in her absence. b. Service Times Discussion was held regarding service times. Rev. Margaret noted that when new families/individuals have come to the 8:30am service they generally do not stay because there are no other people at the service. It was felt that the 8:30 service with such low attendance is not a welcoming environment for potential parishioners. Gail Kostash moved that the parish return to a single Sunday service to be held at 10:30am effective Sept 8th.. Margaret Bennett seconded. Carried. c. All Saints/All Souls Service Nov 3rd, a service of hymns and readings to be held, with the opportunity for parishioners to make a donation to have a hymn sung in a loved ones memory. d. Evening Prayer in Advent with Trinity Lutheran Rev Margaret advised this is in the planning stages & more information will be given as available. e. Pastoral Care Nithview services continue on the 3rd Sunday of each month throughout the remainder of the year. All are welcome to attend these services. 8. Social Committee Margaret Cassel reported that the plans for the Gala Dinner event are well underway. Tickets should be available in mid September Gail Cuthbert Brandt noted that there will be opportunities for male volunteers. In addition to dinner & entertainment, the event will include a silent auction. Gail Cuthbert Brandt moved that the ticket prices be set at the following: ages 0-10 Free, regular ticket $25.00, Family Ticket (parents & all their children under 18) $60.00. She further moved that complimentary tickets be offered to the Bishop and guest, Arch Bishop and guest, Lieutenant Governor and guest, while invitations to other politicians and dignitaries list the regular ticket price. Seconded by Don Stewart. Carried. 9. Communications Committee Gail Cuthbert Brandt reported that a newsletter – the Mini Rainbow – is being prepared. She will forward draft materials to Sharon to be set up in a newsletter format to be distributed to all parishioners (electronically where possible, in hard copy where necessary). Bob Kostash will submit a blurb about the Roof project and the Food Bank donations to be included in the newsletter. 10. Environment Committee No report. 11. St. James a. Oct 6th Harvest Service Carol Massel reported that the service is to be held at 3pm, they do not expect to have a guest speaker at this service. b. Sep 21st Doors Open Rodney Jantzi has agreed to play the organ at some point during the day, volunteers will be arranged for the day. It was also noted that St. George’s is also participating in Doors Open on this date & will have a musical recital as well. Gail Cuthbert Brandt suggested that the Sunday greeters be asked if they would like to be involved in Doors Open. 12. Outreach a. Jamaican Farm Workers the evening of music, pizza & fellowship was a success. 7 farm workers attended and a great time was had by all. b. Saint Monica House Rev. Margaret reported that Saint Monica House will be holding an open house at the Waterloo location on Sept 25th, and the Cambridge location on Sept 26th. All are welcome. The Grape Escape event will be held on Thurs Oct 3rd, tickets are $70. Please see Rev. Margaret for tickets if you are interested in this food & wine station fundraising event. Saint Monica House will be changing their name, with an announcement and unveiling of the new name and logo at the open house. The reason for the change is marketing and modernization. Our relationship with the home will not change. c. Habitat for Humanity this project will continue throughout the fall. d. Terry Fox Run Sep 15th, Registration 1pm Run begins 1:30. Gail Cuthbert Brandt invited everyone to attend a reception following her grandson’s baptism at the 10:30 service, before heading over for the Terry Fox Run – lunch will be provided. 13. New Business a. Calvin Williston asked that it be noted that the windows at the back of the church are in need of maintenance and/or repair. b. Carol Massel asked that the September agenda include a discussion on the portion of the raffle proceeds to be used for community outreach c. Kathy Richmond-Cox passed around a photo book example from IPC and Lifetouch who have both contacted St. George’s to offer photo book services for the 175th Anniversary year. Discussion was held and it was decided that there is too much going on at this time. The idea of a photo book be revisited in 2014 (after we have recruited our additional 5 families!) 14. Adjournment Don Stewart moved to adjourn the meeting. Carried. Upcoming Events Sun. Aug 25 – Nithview Service, 1:30pm. Sun. Sept 8 – Regular Sunday Services resume at 10:30am weekly. Sun. Sept 8 – Healing Service, 10:30am. Tues. Sept 10 – Parish Council Meeting, 7:30pm. Sat. Sept 14 – Faith, Food & Fun @5, 5pm. Trinity Lutheran Church, 23 Church St New Hambur. Sun. Sept 15 – ACW Meeting 8:30am. Sun. Sept 15 – Sunday School begins, 10:30am. Sun. Sept 15 - Service at Nithview, 1:30pm. Sept 18-20 – Rev. Margaret at Clergy Conference Sat. Sept 21 – Anglican Fellowship of Prayer at St. George’s, 9:30-noon. Sat. Sept 21 – Doors Open Waterloo Region. St. George’s: noon-5pm, St. James: 10am – 5pm. Sun. Sept 22 – Invite a Friend to Church Sunday & BBQ. Sat. Sept 28 – Blessing of the Animals Service. Action Items # 1 Responsible Party Kathy Richmond-Cox 2 3 Rev. Margaret Sharon Meade 4 5 Wardens/Finance Comm Paul Ditner 6 Gail Cuthbert Brandt 7 8 Don Stewart Bob Kostash 9 Carol Massel 10 Sharon Meade 11 Sharon Meade 12 Carol Massel 13 Bob Kostash 14 15 16 17 Gail Cuthbert Brandt Sharon Meade Gail Kostash Sharon Meade 18 Rev. Margaret 17 Kathy Richmond-Cox 18 Sharon Meade Due Date Sept 10 Details To review title on the parish house property for loan purposes Sept 10 Initiate Diocesan approvals for loan Aug 22 Bulletin announcement plea for donations to help with cash flow issues brought on by the roof project ($7000 collected, additional $7000 needed) – positive message. Sept 10 Prepare loan/grant request for the St. James board Sept 14th Determine how to inexpensively and temporarily repair the walkway to ensure it is safe Aug 26 Confirm floor cleaning to be completed before daycare resumes Oct 8 Complete Fire Safety Plan ASAP Prepare drawing of property with fire exits and fire extinguishers marked, post in hall & advise Carol Massel when complete When item Formally advise the daycare of the fire safety drawing #8 posting Completed Aug 22 Bulletin announcement for Parish House work party Sept 14th 9am - noon Aug 22 Service time change to be noted in bulletin, website Aug 31 Change service time in the paper Aug 25 Submit blurb about roof & food bank donations to Gail Cuthbert Brandt for inclusion in newsletter Aug 25 Forward draft materials for newsletter to Sharon Meade Aug 29 Complete newsletter for approval and distribution Aug 26 Forward a current copy of the greeters list to Sharon Aug 27 Contact greeters to inquire if they would be interested in being involved in Doors Open 2013 as greeters/guides at St. Georges Sep 10 Include agenda item for Sep meeting: discuss portion of raffle proceeds to be used for community outreach Aug 27 Work with Janice Holst on a list of families to invite to join Sunday school, prepare a rough draft letter/invitation and give to Sharon Meade to be prepare and send out When # 17 Prepare letters, mailing envelopes etc & leave in Janice Completed Holst’s mail box for signing