ESHO School

ESHO School
Hyperthermia & Thermal
Ablation in Cancer Therapy
Feb 3rd -6th 2014
Huntsham Court, Huntsham, Devon, UK
This multi-disciplinary ESHO school is suitable for those who are new to
the fields of hyperthermia and thermal ablation, and for those who feel the
need for an update or refresher course. Lectures from well known experts
on biology, physiology, physics & clinical applications will provide
participants with a better understanding of the field, especially outside the
areas of their immediate expertise.
This ESHO School will take place in beautiful Huntsham Court in South
West England. Participants can register for the 3-day program including full
board at the special price of € 500. The number of places is restricted so
act fast and register today with Gail ter Haar (
Directors: Gerard van Rhoon (NL)
Gail ter Haar (UK)
Hans Crezee (NL)
Mike Horsman (DK)
European Society for
Hyperthermic Oncology