Year 6 Monitoring map — Literacy v. Grammar knowledge vi. Word knowledge vii. Compose and contribute in different groups and settings by choosing and responding to spoken language features and non-verbal cues, including selecting vocabulary to create detailed and accurate descriptions Use interaction and communication skills to contribute to informal debates and discussions by: interrogating and analysing ideas evaluating information and comparing solutions repairing breakdowns in discussion offering explanations and describing processes Use words and word groups in complex sentences, including nominalisations (a process for forming nouns from verbs or adjectives) to identify or refer to ideas, concepts, people, places and objects and use verb tenses that locate events in time Use learning area vocabulary to specify content and present opinions In Year 6, students: Writing and Creating (WC 6) View, read, navigate and adjust selection of texts for multiple purposes i. Identify the purpose, content, context, text structure and writer–reader relationships when writing and creating learning area texts ii. View and read written, visual and multimodal learning area texts that: use contents, home pages and subpages, glossaries, full indexes, and supporting details to enhance readability contain new information that requires reading and research to build background knowledge connect relationships between ideas and concepts ii. Write and create learning area texts, choosing strategies to organise content and information iii. Plan, draft and publish texts using strategies including: sourcing reliable information and recording detailed notes using features such as full indexes and paragraphs that aid navigation editing for content, language, visual choices and to enhance meaning iv. Write paragraphs that maintain the pace or sense of texts, including using headings, subheadings and logical structures that support the purpose v. Maintain meaning across paragraphs and short texts by: selecting sentence structures to link relationships within and between paragraphs using word groups and phrases omitting and replacing words using subjective, objective or evaluative language selecting connectives to link forward or back to ideas in the text vi. Use words and word groups including: noun groups, phrases and adjectives to create effective, detailed and accurate descriptions adverbs and phrases to show time, place and cause verbs and adverbs to intensify meanings, expand and sharpen ideas vii. Write using sentence structures that include sentence fragments and single words to emphasise, extend and explain ideas and information iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Text knowledge i. Use text-processing strategies when viewing and reading, including: connecting to prior knowledge about the author and specific learning area content questioning, crosschecking and reviewing texts to identify point of view using literal and inferred information to draw conclusions about significant concepts, arguments or descriptions Independently view and read and demonstrate understanding of learning area texts by: synthesising and comparing information and ideas within and between texts comparing texts that represent ideas and events in different ways to determine similarities and differences analysing information and supplying evidence from interrelated parts of texts evaluating and summarising point of view Identify and describe words and word groups that: represent ideas and relationships in sentences, including extended noun groups and phrases extend ideas and show relationships Grammar knowledge iv. Communicate to: interpret and evaluate information relevant to opinions clarify, question and extend ideas develop arguments, interrogate ideas and information interpret and analyse learning area language identify subjective (exemplifying speakers’ thinking), objective (information and ideas based on fact), evaluative language and bias T1 T2 T3 T4 viii. Communicate intended meaning in complex sentences using punctuation conventions, including: commas after an introductory word or phrase and to separate clauses brackets [ ] and parentheses ( ) colons and bullets in a list Independently read with fluency: learning area specific vocabulary words of significance used to define concepts or ideas Predict and confirm the meaning of unfamiliar words and decode them using and combining cues including knowledge about word origins, base words, prefixes and suffixes viii. Analyse how analytical images, e.g. symbols, tables, flowcharts, contribute to understanding and interpretation of texts Visual Word knowledge knowledge Comprehension iii. Text knowledge Plan, research, rehearse and deliver spoken presentations specific to learning areas by: selecting and sequencing researched content refining ideas and language choices selecting multimodal resources to influence audiences to accept a point of view Comprehension ii. Grammar knowledge Identify different purposes for listening and speaking, select and modify text structures and language features for the chosen content and context In Year 6, students: Viewing and Reading (VR 6) Word knowledge i. T1 T2 T3 T4 Visual knowledge Text knowledge In Year 6, students: Listening and Speaking (LS 6) ix. Review and edit own and others’ writing, using knowledge of editing techniques x. Select learning area vocabulary that: adds precision enhances meaning xi. Confirm spellings, word meanings or word choice, including using knowledge gained from technical texts, e.g. scientific reports xii. Use visual features for impact, including using placement on the page, choice of colours and analytical images, e.g. figures, tables, diagrams, maps and graphs T1 T2 T3 T4