Rubric for Science Research Papers Introduction Body Mrs. Gauthier Ahead Prepared The introduction is engaging, focuses on the main topic and is to the point (this should be no longer than 1/5 of the paper’s length). This should entail the structure of the paper and reinforce the topic. The main idea is developed through supporting details. Results should be presented through evidence, either experimental or explained from information/data from articles or literature. Explain procedures, data and tables (if given) and how these results influence our understanding of Science and the world around us. Discuss any feedback or controversy from the scientific and other communities. The introduction focuses on the main topic and is to the point (this should be no longer than 1/5 of the paper’s length). This should entail the structure of of the paper. The main idea is developed through supporting details. Results should be presented. Explain basic procedures and how these results influence our understanding of Science and the world around us. Discuss any feedback or controversy from the scientific and other communities. Somewhat Prepared The introduction focuses on the main topic. This should entail the structure of the paper. Underprepared The main idea is roughly developed through supporting details. Results should be presented. Explain procedures briefly and how these results influence our understanding of Science and the world around us. Basic discussion of any feedback or controversy. The main idea is not developed as it should be. Not much data, evidence or summarization is presented. Little feedback from the community is discussed. The introduction does little to focus on the main topic but refers to the material given. Organization Structural Development of the Idea Paragraphs are well developed, and ideas have a logical sequence. Paragraphs are organized and created through transitions. Paragraphs are developed, and ideas have a logical sequence. Paragraphs are somewhat organized and created through transitions. Conclusion Major points are briefly summarized through focusing on major aspects of reference material. Discuss the impact of these findings on society and any questions that may occur because of this research or any findings. No errors with punctuation, capitalization, or spelling. Major points are summarized through focusing on reference material. Questions that may occur because of this research are somewhat discussed. Usage Bibliography Mechanics Paragraphs are somewhat developed, and ideas have a logical sequence. Paragraphs are not very organized. Transitions are rarely used. Major points are briefly summarized. Impacts on society and questions that may occur are slightly discussed. Paragraphs are not well developed, and ideas have little or no logical sequence. Paragraphs tend to be unorganized. Few errors with punctuation, capitalization, or spelling. Many errors with punctuation, capitalization, or spelling. No errors with sentence structure or word usage. Few errors with sentence structure or word usage. Completed in MLA format. Includes at least 3 higher level scientific references. Completed in MLA format. Includes at least 3 scientific references. More than a few errors with sentence structure or word usage. Completed in MLA format. Includes at least 2 references. Numerous errors with punctuation, capitalization, or spelling. This detracts from the papers content. Numerous errors with sentence structure or word usage. Completed in MLA format. Includes at least 1 reference. Major points are not summarized well. Impacts on society and questions are rarely discussed.