Grade Six Common Writing Assessment Rubric 2014-2015 - Procedure Inaccurately, Inadequately, Vaguely, Ineffectively: Simplistically, Basically, Partially, Predictably, Generally Appropriately, Clearly, Competently, Consistently, Accurately: Skillfully, Thoroughly, Insightfully, Precisely, Convincingly, Critically: Beginning Approaching Proficient Mastery Message Structure I write for an unclear purpose. I write for a general purpose. I write for a clear audience and purpose. I write in a way that engages my audience and clarifies my purpose. My essay has incomplete directions with limited details. My essay has simple directions with few details. My directions are clear and include details that explain my topic. My essay has thorough directions explained with precise details. My directions are partially organized or confusing. I have a partial or missing introduction, body, and conclusion. My directions have a basic organized pattern. I have paragraphs that include: A basic introduction that tells what is to be explained A body with basic paragraph structures A basic conclusion My directions are logically organized. My directions are precisely organized. I have multiple paragraphs that include: • An introduction that tells what is to be explained and sparks interest in the topic A body with skillfully constructed paragraphs • A concluding paragraph that sums up the text and reinforces the topic My word choice is precise Author Craft Conventions My word choice is limited My word choice is simplistic I have multiple paragraphs that include: An interesting introduction that tells what is to be explained A body with competently structured paragraphs A concluding paragraph that sums up the whole text My word choice is appropriate I have confused use of transition My transitions are basic My transitions are effective My transitions enhance the writing I have limited use of varied sentence structures I inconsistently uses a variety of sentence structures I competently uses a variety of sentence structures I innovatively uses a variety of sentence structures Author voice is flat or stiff Author voice hints at emotion and commitment to topic, but it is not clear I inconsistently spell grade appropriate words correctly. Author voice shows emotion and commitment to the topic I consistently spell grade appropriate words correctly. Author voice engages the reader fully and reflects the writer’s unique personality Words, grade appropriate and beyond, are consistently spelled correctly. My experimental spelling shows a partial understanding of the principles of word structure. My experimental spelling shows an understanding of the principles of word structure. My experimental spelling shows a deep understanding of the principles of word structure. My punctuation and capitalization use is limited. My punctuation and capitalization are inconsistently correct. My punctuation and capitalization are usually correct. My punctuation and capitalization are purposeful and consistently correct. I use of basic grammar construction is limited. I use basic grammar constructions. I use correct *grammar constructions. I use correct grammar that contributes to clarity and style. My directions are partially organized or confusing. My spelling of grade appropriate words is limited. *grammar constructions include: noun/pronoun agreement, verb tenses, word usage, complete sentences, etc.