CAST’s Universal Design for Learning Guidelines – Educator Checklist
HCPSS Office of Secondary Mathematics
Unit/Lesson: Deal or No Deal (7.SP.5)
UDL Guidelines
I. Provide multiple means of representation– Knowledge Networks
1. Provide options for perception
 Customize the display of information
 Provide alternatives for auditory information
 Provide alternatives for visual information
2. Provide options for language and symbols
 Define vocabulary and symbols
 Clarify syntax and structure
 Decode text and mathematical notation
 Promote cross-linguistic understanding
 Illustrate key concepts non-linguistically
3. Provide options for comprehension
 Provide or activate background knowledge
 Highlight critical features, big ideas, and relationships
 Guide information processing
 Support memory and transfer
Your Ideas
KWL chart, recording chart, reflection journal; index card
briefcase simulations; web
Teacher direction; class discussion; partner conversations
KWL chart; recording chart; computer game; EXCEL
program; written copy of game directions; index card
briefcase simulations; probability patterns on board; web
Your Ideas
Lesson launch KWL chart; class discussion before and after
exploration; web; closure exit ticket on vocabulary
KWL chart; recording chart; reflection journal
Pre-discussion; probability patterns; web
Reflection journal writing; decision making; risk analysis
KWL chart; online game; EXCEL program
Your Ideas
KWL chart; pre-discussion
KWL chart; pre-discussion of probability patterns; postdiscussion; reflection journal; web; closure exit ticket on
KWL chart; think, pair, share of probability patterns; class
discussion before and after exploration; recording chart;
reflection journal; web; exit ticket
Class discussion before and after exploration; recording
chart; web; reflection journal; exit ticket; homework
II. Provide multiple means for action and expression - Strategic Networks
4. Provide options for physical actions
 Provide varied ways to respond
 Provide varied ways to interact with materials
 Integrate assistive technologies
5. Provide options for expressive skills and fluency
 Allow choices of media for communication
 Provide appropriate tools for composition and problem
 Provide ways to scaffold practice and performance
6. Provide options for executive functions
 Guide effective goal setting
 Support planning and strategy development
 Facilitate managing information and resources
 Enhance capacity for monitoring progress
Your Ideas
KWL post-its; think, pair, share; recording chart; index card
exit ticket; student-driven web
Calculator; computer; Internet; EXCEL; recording chart
Calculator; computer; Internet (; EXCEL
Your Ideas
Computer; Internet; EXCEL
Calculator; EXCEL program; recording chart
Teacher-directed introduction; partner work; class
discussion; independent reflection; homework
Your Ideas
KWL chart; online game goal
Prediction of probability meanings; game directions;
recording chart; teacher model
Teacher model; partner work; class discussions; web
Partner work; class discussion; exit ticket; reflection journal;
III. Provide multiple means for engagement - Affective Networks
7. Provide options for recruiting interest
Your Ideas
© 2008 by CAST. All rights reserved.
APA Citation: CAST (2008). Universal design for learning guidelines version 1.0. Wakefield, MA: Author
CAST’s Universal Design for Learning Guidelines – Educator Checklist
HCPSS Office of Secondary Mathematics
 Increase individual choice and autonomy
 Enhance relevance, value, and authenticity
 Reduce threats and distractions
8. Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence
 Heighten salience of goals and objectives
 Vary levels of challenge and support
Foster collaboration and communication
 Increase mastery-oriented feedback
9. Provide options for self-regulation
 Guide personal goal-setting and expectations
 Scaffold coping skills and strategies
 Develop self-assessment and reflection
Online game choices in choosing briefcases and taking the
deal; KWL chart; exit ticket; homework questions
Simulation of actual game show; decision making and risk
Partner work; independent reflection
Your Ideas
Partner work; class discussion; reflection journal; exit ticket
Think, pair, share; partner work; class discussion
Partner work; class discussion; exit ticket; homework
Your Ideas
Online game goals and calculated probabilities
Reflection journal; exit ticket
© 2008 by CAST. All rights reserved.
APA Citation: CAST (2008). Universal design for learning guidelines version 1.0. Wakefield, MA: Author