Table S1. Shifts in the range margin of nothern (N) butterfly species (n = 41) and southern (S) butterfly species (n = 22) in South Korea. A sub-sampled data in 1996-2011 was used to equalize recording efforts (Fig. S2c). The five most marginal records of non-migratory species were used for analysis. Positive margin shift values indicate a northward shift, whereas negative values indicate a southward shift. Details for occurrence and change in occurrence is shown in the text. Family (Subfamily) Species Distribution type Habitat type t-test t Occurrence P 1938-1950 1996-2011 Occurrence change Latitudinal Margin Range Shift 1938-1950 1996-2011 Latitude (o) km Papilionidae Parnassius stubbendorfii N O -0.426 0.681 21 19 -0.043 35.08 35.2 0.11 12 Papilionidae Luehdorfia puziloi N F 0.193 0.852 12 10 -0.079 35.68 35.6 -0.09 -10 Pieridae Leptidea amurensis N O -3.431 0.009 27 9 -0.477 35.24 35.8 0.61 68 Pieridae Leptidea morsei N O -3.98 0.004 10 5 -0.301 37.1 37.8 0.7 79 Pieridae Gonepteryx maxima N O -6.506 0 18 4 -0.653 35.84 37.8 1.94 217 Lycaenidae Artopoetes pryeri N O -0.274 0.791 5 4 -0.097 37.3 37.5 0.15 17 Lycaenidae Thecla betulae N O -0.286 0.782 8 7 -0.058 36.48 36.6 0.14 15 Lycaenidae Satyrium herzi N O 1.061 0.32 7 5 -0.146 37.52 37.3 -0.22 -25 Lycaenidae Satyrium eximius N O -4.096 0.003 13 5 -0.415 35.9 37.5 1.57 175 Lycaenidae Scolitantides orion N O -1.946 0.088 20 13 -0.187 35.58 36.3 0.69 77 Satyrinae Coenonympha oedippus N O -1.061 0.32 11 4 -0.439 35.8 36.6 0.76 84 Satyrinae Kirinia epimenides N O -4.389 0.002 15 6 -0.398 35.16 37.3 2.14 238 Satyrinae Ninguta schrenckii N O -0.969 0.361 7 5 -0.146 36.54 37.2 0.61 68 Satyrinae Oeneis mongolica N O -3.576 0.007 17 8 -0.327 35.42 36.7 1.27 142 Satyrinae Minois dryas N O 0.971 0.36 59 37 -0.203 33.54 33.4 -0.15 -17 Satyrinae Erebia wanga N O 1.431 0.19 7 15 0.331 36.26 35.7 -0.55 -62 Nymphalidae Argynnis anadyomene N O -1.48 0.177 18 12 -0.176 35.28 35.8 0.51 57 Nymphalidae Brenthis ino N O -0.866 0.412 4 3 -0.125 37.44 37.6 0.18 20 Nymphalidae Boloria oscarus N O -1.618 0.144 8 6 -0.125 36.12 37.1 0.99 111 Nymphalidae Boloria perryi N O -10.974 0 25 4 -0.796 35.26 37.1 1.84 206 Nymphalidae Limenitis doerriesi N O 1.895 0.095 26 28 0.032 35.2 34.9 -0.29 -33 Nymphalidae Limenitis helmanni N O 1.79 0.111 38 35 -0.036 34.22 33.6 -0.59 -66 Nymphalidae Limenitis sydyi N O 0.314 0.762 22 15 -0.166 35.54 35.4 -0.1 -11 Nymphalidae Limenitis moltrechti N F -0.273 0.792 5 3 -0.222 37.78 37.8 0.04 4 Nymphalidae Neptis philyra N F 0.164 0.874 11 12 0.038 35.84 35.8 -0.06 -7 Nymphalidae Neptis philyroides N F 2.815 0.023 6 13 0.336 36.84 35.2 -1.65 -184 Nymphalidae Neptis rivularis N O -1.837 0.104 18 12 -0.176 35.5 36 0.5 56 Nymphalidae Neptis thisbe N F 1.873 0.098 12 16 0.125 36.42 35.6 -0.84 -94 Nymphalidae Apatura metis N F -2.173 0.062 36 19 -0.278 34.98 35.5 0.51 57 Nymphalidae Apatura iris N F 0.142 0.891 11 6 -0.263 36.4 36.3 -0.09 -10 Nymphalidae Mimathyma schrenckii N F 3.658 0.006 11 13 0.073 36.52 35.3 -1.17 -131 Nymphalidae Araschnia levana N O -2.132 0.066 12 6 -0.301 36.72 37.4 0.7 79 Nymphalidae Araschnia burejana N O 2.942 0.019 15 26 0.239 35.78 35 -0.76 -85 Nymphalidae Polygonia c-album N F -2.087 0.07 12 7 -0.234 37 37.4 0.38 42 Nymphalidae Nymphalis xanthomelas N O -3.509 0.008 17 7 -0.385 35.5 37.4 1.94 217 Nymphalidae Melitaea protomedia N O -1.979 0.083 12 4 -0.477 35.04 36.8 1.75 195 Hesperiidae Satarupa nymphalis N F 1.403 0.198 6 7 0.067 37.66 36.9 -0.78 -88 Hesperiidae Heteropterus morpheus N O -0.679 0.516 21 12 -0.243 35.4 35.7 0.25 28 Hesperiidae Ochlodes ochraceus N O 0.789 0.453 12 10 -0.079 35.52 34.8 -0.71 -79 Hesperiidae Hesperia florinda N O 0.881 0.404 12 5 -0.38 35.78 34.8 -0.96 -107 Hesperiidae Polytremis zina N O 0.544 0.601 9 5 -0.255 35.7 35.5 -0.18 -20 Papilionidae Graphium sarpedon S F -0.466 0.653 10 9 -0.046 35.3 35.6 0.34 38 Papilionidae Papilio protenor S O -1.603 0.148 9 10 0.046 35.94 37 1.09 122 Papilionidae Papilio macilentus S O -3.055 0.016 37 39 0.023 37.8 38 0.2 23 Pieridae Eurema mandarina S O 0.558 0.592 25 25 0 37.56 37.5 -0.06 -7 Pieridae Eurema laeta S O -1.317 0.224 34 19 -0.253 36.5 36.8 0.25 28 Lycaenidae Taraka hamada S F -6.951 0 7 9 0.109 35.28 37.1 1.78 199 Lycaenidae Callophrys ferreus S O -2.337 0.048 12 16 0.125 37.54 37.8 0.26 29 Lycaenidae Lampides boeticus S O 0.163 0.874 10 9 -0.046 36.96 36.9 -0.07 -8 Lycaenidae Zizeeria maha S O 0.438 0.673 56 38 -0.168 37.78 37.7 -0.05 -6 Lycaenidae Zizina otis S O -1.73 0.122 9 5 -0.255 35.82 36.5 0.71 80 Nymphalidae Libythea lepita S F -2.004 0.08 7 31 0.646 37.16 38.1 0.98 109 Satyrinae Parantica sita S O 1.775 0.114 9 11 0.087 37.5 36.6 -0.86 -96 Satyrinae Mycalesis francisca S O -3.746 0.006 22 33 0.176 37.64 38.1 0.44 49 Satyrinae Mycalesis gotama S O -2.401 0.043 36 36 0 37.84 38 0.2 22 Nymphalidae Argynnis hyperbius S O -1.114 0.298 13 17 0.117 36.9 37.4 0.51 57 Nymphalidae Dichorragia nesimachus S F -2.913 0.019 6 9 0.176 34.84 36.6 1.77 198 Nymphalidae Hestina persimilis S F 1.012 0.341 15 16 0.028 37.66 37.5 -0.15 -17 Nymphalidae Hestina assimilis S F -2.453 0.04 37 26 -0.153 37.68 37.9 0.26 29 Hesperiidae Choaspes benjaminii S O -2.645 0.029 8 11 0.138 35.14 36.5 1.38 154 Hesperiidae Pelopidas jansonis S O 0.174 0.866 27 16 -0.227 37.72 37.7 -0.03 -3 Hesperiidae Pelopidas mathias S O -1.175 0.274 5 4 -0.097 33.56 34 0.42 47 Hesperiidae Parnara guttata S O -1.766 0.115 36 40 0.046 37.86 38.1 0.24 27 Fig. S1a. Recording localities of butterflies during 1938-1950. Dark areas indicate seven metropolitan areas in South Korea.. Fig. S1b. Recording localities of butterflies during 1996-2011. Dark areas indicate six metropolitan areas in South Korea.. Fig. S1c. Sub-sampled recording localities of butterflies in 1996–2011. A total of 244 localities were randomly selected from 402 localities to equalize recording efforts, in Fig. S1b. Dark areas indicate seven metropolitan areas in South Korea. Table S2. Number of recording localities according to city proximity or latitudinal location during the two atlas periods. Metropolitan proximity grids mean grids (0.5o, latitude and longitude, Fig. S1) containing the metropolitan area (dark area in Fig. S3). Sub-sampled data in 1996–2011 (Fig. S1c) were used. Category City Proximity Latitudinal Location Group Metropolitan proximity grids Other grids further north than N 37o Number of localities 1938-1950 1996-2011 71 87 173 157 86 78 from N 35o to N 37o 96 92 further south than N 35o 62 74 x2-test x2 = 2.4, df = 1, p = 0.12 x2 = 1.52, df = 2, p = 0.47 Fig. S2a. Northern margin shifts (km) and latitude (N) of five northernmost localities during 1938–1950 in southern species. As butterfly recordings could not be conducted further north than the northern military boundary during 1996–2011, the variation in margin shifts decreased (hatched line area) due to an underestimation of margin shifts (boundary effect). Fig. S2b. Northern margin shifts (km) and latitude (N) of five northernmost localities during 1938–1950 in southern species. More southerly recorded species of which the average latitude of five northernmost localities are further south than N 37o were selected to control the boundary effect (Fig. S2a). The linear relationship between margin shift and latitude was not significant in these selected species (p > 0.05). Hence, these selected southern species were used to evaluate margin shifts after controlling for the boundary effect. Fig. S2c. Southern margin shifts (km) and latitude (N) of five southernmost localities during 1938–1950 in northern species. Margin shifts are not significantly related with latitude.