A Unit 3 Population Ecology Learning Targets 11

Biology A Learning Targets
Unit 3: Population Ecology
1. I can define and give an example of each:
Age Structure
Carrying Capacity
Clumped dispersion
Demographic transition
Density-dependent factors
Density-independent factors
Exponential (J-shape) growth
Limiting factor
Logisitic (S-shape) growth
Population density
Population distribution
Population growth rate
Random dispersion
Uniform dispersion
Zero population growth
2. I can analyze graphical data in a J or S shaped curve
3. I can explain the reasons for the human population growth in Fig. 4.11 (pg. 100)
4. I can explain why the predicted human population growth rate is dropping Fig. 4.12 (pg. 101)
5. I can interpret age structure diagrams and correlate different diagrams with different types
of countries
Ex. Rapid growth in a developing or third world country
Ex. Negative or no growth with an older developed country such as the US
6. I can interpret Fig 4.15 and explain the correlation between resource use and type of