Online Course Orientation Quiz

Special Note: You need to ensure that your course site and syllabus include the appropriate
information and, of course, the answers to the questions below.
Online Orientation Quiz: ONLINE VERSION
Directions: Please answer the following orientation quiz questions that reflect your understanding of
the course site and syllabus. Completion of this quiz is required by its deadline to be considered and
remain officially enrolled in this course.
Multiple Choice:
Who is your instructor for [insert course prefix, number, and section here]?
a. Insert Instructor Name Here
b. Jeanette Rankin
c. George McGovern
d. Edith Wharton
Multiple Choice:
2. In the event of technical issues with Blackboard, what email address should you contact for
assistance (in addition to notifying your instructor if appropriate)?
Multiple Choice:
3. After consulting your course outline in the syllabus, which of the following topics will not be
studied in this course?
a. Insert a Topic from your Course Outline Here
b. Insert a Topic from your Course Outline Here
c. Insert a Topic Not from your Course Outline Here
d. Insert a Topic from your Course Outline Here
Multiple Answer:
Special Note: Each course site is designed differently, so key this question to align with your course.
Answer “A,” a college-wide requirement, is always correct.
4. Which of the following technical resources are required for this course? Check all that apply.
a. Mozilla Firefox or other supported Internet Browser
b. Microsoft Word
c. Insert Any Other Required Technical Resources Here (ex: Publisher websites or plugins like Adobe Reader or Flash)
d. Insert Any Other Required Technical Resources Here (ex: Publisher websites or plugins like Adobe Reader or Flash)
5. This is an online course, which means that all course work can be completed via the Internet
without coming to a CCCC campus. [If this course requires proctored exams, please edit and
make this distinction here].
a. True
b. False
6. To be considered active and participating in this course, you must [Insert Course Attendance
Policy Specifics Here].
a. True
b. False
Multiple Choice:
7. What is this course’s policy on late work?
a. All course assignments can be turned in any time throughout the semester.
b. Absolutely no late work is accepted.
c. Insert the Late Policy for Course Here
d. Quizzes, discussion board posts, and exams are not accepted late, but weekly writing
assignments are with a ten point penalty per day.
Multiple Choice:
Special Note: Each course site is organized differently, so key this question to align with your course.
8. Under which course navigation button or link do you find the syllabus?
a. Syllabus
b. Orientation
c. Course Documents
d. Assignments
Multiple Answer:
9. Your syllabus includes the CCCC policy on academic dishonesty. Which of the following
statements are examples of cheating or plagiarism? Check all that apply.
a. Copying tests, assignments, projects, presentations, and similar work
b. Receiving and giving assistance with tests or other assignments without instructor
c. Representing others’ work (papers, tests, assignment, projects, etc.) in any form,
print, electronic, web, etc. as your own
d. Submitting work that was previously submitted in another course or at another
institution without instructor approval
10. Tutors are provided free to students and are available through the Academic Assistance Center.
a. True
b. False