Graduate Certification - ASU Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College

Instructions: All faculty are required to use the following course syllabus template for their
syllabi, following the indicated format and order. Every area highlighted in RED indicates an
area to insert your course specific information.
Note – if you are teaching a certification course (MAC, INMAC or principal certification), you
should have been provided with the course syllabus containing the required elements regarding
course objectives, materials, and assignments. If you did not receive this, please contact the
division office.
Course Prefix, Number and Title
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Arizona State University
Insert semester and year
Course line #
Dates of classes:
Insert your information here
Instructor Information:
Insert your information here
Insert your information here
Work Phone:
Insert your information here
Office Hours:
Insert your information here (required at least two times per week)
Office Location:
Insert your information here
Catalog Description
Insert Catalog Description here. See Click on”Advanced Search”
and under “search type” choose Course Catalog.
Course Format
Indicate lecture/discussion, hybrid, online. Note – the format must remain as listed in the class
schedule. Instructors cannot change from lecture to hybrid or other formats.
Required Course Texts, Materials and Resources
1. Required text(s) and other materials.
2. ASU Blackboard Course Management Website at (All ASU
students have FREE access to this web resource)
3. Required for ALL certification courses (teacher or principal certifiction): The Mary Lou
Fulton Teachers College Internet resource – TK20 at (requires a
subscription fee).
Tentative Course Calendar
Insert a calendar that provides students with the outline of the topics and readings for each class
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Student Learning Outcomes
Insert student learning outcomes
If this is a course in a teacher or administrator preparation program, the course syllabus
provided to you should have this information already included and formatted. This includes
 Learning outcomes at the indicator level aligned with the InTASC Model Core
Teaching Standards (InTASC) for teaching certification courses or Interstate School
Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) for administrator certification courses.
 Appropriate national standards at the indicator level specific to the content area -- e.g.,
the International Society for Technology in Education/National Educational Technology
Standards (ISTE/NETS.T), Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), etc.
Course Assignments
Insert a list (table) of assignments and points available for each.
If a certification course, assignments keyed to InTASC and national standards must be
note. Describe each assignment below the table. Again, this should be part of the syllabus
you receive for the course from the course coordinator or Division office.
Score/Points InTASC/ISLLC
Standard Assessed
Name/Description of
Assignment #1
Name/Description of
Assignment #2 – Signature
Standard Assessed
IRA, etc.)
CEC, Standard 8,
CC8S10 (Common
Core, Standard 8,
Skill 10)
Instructor Note: If this is a course required for teacher certification, the syllabus must
use the approved signature assignment and rubric, and describe how the assignment(s) are to be
implemented during field experience. You may add assignments or readings, but if you wish to
change the signature assignment you must have permission from the division director. Signature
assignments are approved by ADE for purposes of our program approval and student
Rubric for Signature Assignment
Insert the rubric for the signature assignment for the course. Ensure that each element/
component of the rubric indicates the InTASC or ISLLC standard(s) and the specific
professional standard(s) at the indicator level assessed by the signature assignment.
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Grading Scale
Insert your grading scale here. (e.g., 90-100=A, etc.)
Attendance and Participation
Insert your policies on attendance and participation here.
Late and Missing Assignments
Insert your policy here.
Grade Appeals
The professional responsibility for assigning grades is vested in the instructor of the course and
requires the careful application of professional judgment. A student wishing to appeal a grade
must first meet with the instructor who assigned the grade to try to resolve the dispute. The
process for grade appeals is set forth in the undergraduate and graduate catalogs, which are
available at
Course/Instructor Evaluation
The course/instructor evaluation for this course will be conducted online 7-10 days before the
last official day of classes of each semester or summer session. Watch for an e-mail with “ASU
Course/Instructor Evaluation” in the subject heading. The e-mail will be sent to your official
ASU e-mail address, so make sure this mail forwards to an account you check regularly. You
can check this online by going to My ASU, choose Self Support and then E-mail Update (UPO).
Response(s) to the course/instructor are anonymous and will not be returned to your instructor
until after grades have been submitted.
Completion of the evaluation is not required for you to pass this class and will not affect your
grade, but your cooperation and participation in this process is important and appreciated. The
evaluations are used to (1) help faculty improve their instruction, (2) help administrators evaluate
instructional quality.
University/Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Policies
Student Conduct
 Professional Behavior
It is expected that students exhibit professional behavior inside the classroom, during intern
placements, working with other students outside of the class on assignments related to this class,
in addition to behavior in the classroom on ASU’s campus. If at any time a student’s behavior
does not meet the standards of the program as delineated in the Professionalism Rubric, the
instructor may refer the student for a Professional Improvement Plan (undergraduate) or
academic probation (graduate).
Academic Integrity/Plagiarism
ASU policy states “The highest standards of academic integrity are expected of all students. The
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failure of any student to meet these standards may result in suspension or expulsion from the
university and/or other sanctions as specified in the academic integrity policies of the individual
academic unit. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating,
fabrication, tampering, plagiarism, or facilitating such activities.” For more information see
 Harassment
ASU policy prohibits harassment on the basis of race, sex, gender identity, age, religion, national
origin, disability, sexual orientation, Vietnam era veteran status and other protected veteran
status. If you feel you are being harassed for these reasons, contact Student Life:
Downtown campus: 522 N. Central Avenue, Post Office Room 247, 480-496-4111
Polytechnic campus: Administration Building suite 102, 480-727-1060
Tempe campus: Student Services Building room 263, 480-965-6547
West campus: UCB 301, 602-543-8152)
 Electronic Communication
Acceptable use of university computers, internet and electronic communications can be found in
the Student Code of Conduct ( ) and in the
University’s Computer, Internet, and Electronic Communications Policy
 Disability Accommodations for Students
Students who feel they may need disability accommodation(s) in class should obtain the
necessary information from the Disability Resource Center on campus
It is the student’s responsibility to make the first contact with the DRC. Instructors may provide
accommodations only as specified by the DRC documentation.
 Religious Accommodations for Students
Students who need to be absent from class due to the observance of a religious holiday or
participate in required religious functions must notify the faculty member in writing as far in
advance of the holiday/obligation as possible. Students will need to identify the specific holiday
or obligatory function to the faculty member. Students will not be penalized for missing class
due to religious obligations/holiday observance, but must make arrangements for making up
tests/assignments within a reasonable time as determined by the instructor.
 Military Personnel Statement
A student who is a member of the National Guard, Reserve, or other U.S. Armed Forces branch
and is unable to complete classes because of military activation may request complete or partial
administrative unrestricted withdrawals or incompletes depending on the timing of the activation.
For information, please see
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