TDolan CV Sept 3 2015

Tara E. Dolan
115 Dana Hall  Stony Brook University  Stony Brook, NY  Phone: 631.275.3596  E-Mail:
Relevant Skills and Competencies
Leadership experience, database management, science communication, and project management
Proficiency in monitoring and experimental design, operation of small watercraft & various fishing gears
AAUS Research Diver (90 ft, Nitrox rated, 200+ logged working dives)
Competency in Geographic Information Systems, Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office
State University of New York, Stony Brook – School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Ph.D. Marine Sciences track. Advised by Michael G. Frisk, Ph.D.
in progress
University of Miami – Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
Master of Science in Marine Affairs and Policy, GPA 3.97
Thesis: “A Case Study of Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station:
Perception and Power in Environmental Assessment”.
Co-advised by Drs. Joseph E. Serafy and Liana Talaue-McManus
June 2012
Bachelor of Arts in Marine Affairs and Policy, Biology, cum laude, GPA 3.76
May 2010
Relevant Professional Appointments
Research Assistant – Stony Brook University
May 2015- August 2015
Michael G. Frisk Ph.D. – School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Stony Brook, NY
 Conducted field survey operations for long term ecological monitoring using beam & otter trawl gear.
Identified fish & benthic invertebrates in situ.
 Assisted acoustic tagging study and passive acoustic monitoring study on juvenile winter flounder
 Analyzed data on winter flounder management targets for symposia presentation.
Fisheries and Ecosystem Science Coordinator – National Marine Fisheries Service
Feb. 2013- Sept. 2014
Stephen K. Brown Ph.D. – NMFS Office of Science and Technology, Silver Spring, MD
Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship, Florida Sea Grant (February 2013-January 2014)
Environmental Policy Analyst, Contractor, ECS-Federal Inc. (January-August 2014)
 Served as a coordinating editor on strategic plan to advance $68M stock assessment enterprise: responsible
for coordinating team of 27 agency scientists.
 Assisted launch of a workshop on connecting ecosystem modeling and stock assessment science.
 Authored synoptic reports, organized and facilitated international scientific meetings & symposia, created
science communication pieces for public and congressional audiences.
Scientific Diver/Project Assistant– Reef Visual Census Fish Population Assessment
May-Oct. 2012
Jim Bohnsack Ph.D. & Ben Ruttenberg Ph.D. - NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center. Miami, FL
 Led logistical coordination effort for field team of scientists, coordinated dive operation logistics.
 Conducted SCUBA-supported visual census of reef fish populations and benthic habitat composition, using
point count methods. Identified, sized and enumerated reef fish and coral species in situ.
 Facilitated data quality assurance, data processing and timely delivery of data products.
 Operated small research vessels and assisted maintenance of team’s equipment and vessels.
Graduate Research Assistant – Mangrove Fish Ecology Lab
Jan. 2011 - Jun. 2012
Tara E. Dolan
115 Dana Hall  Stony Brook University  Stony Brook, NY  Phone: 631.275.3596  E-Mail:
Joseph Serafy Ph.D. – NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center. Miami, FL
 Conducted visual surveys of mangrove fish assemblages in situ using transect methods.
 Entered, analyzed and interpreted data, prepared manuscripts for publication
 Conducted independent stakeholder risk perception study of nuclear power expansion project
 Assisted in experimental trials of fish behavior in response to physicochemical gradients.
Science Communication Specialist- Coral Reef Conservation Program
Oct. 2011- Apr. 2012
Jennifer Schull – NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center. Miami, FL
Contractor, Terra Dolan LLC.
 Authored synoptic accomplishments report of science activities, representing 37 individual projects, and
totaling over $8M in research funding, distilling three years of science for a public audience.
 Designed, constructed published report using Adobe InDesign. Managed large photo-database.
 Collaborated with principal investigators to develop web content for their research
Media Relations Intern- Long Island Pine Barren Society
Jun.-Aug. 2008
Richard Amper - Long Island Pine Barren Society. Riverhead, NY
 Assisted media strategy development for grassroots conservation campaign: organized press conferences
and composed press releases.
 Advocated on behalf of organization at government meetings represented the Society on local news
 Screenwriter and production assistant for episode of children’s educational TV program
Genomics Lab Technician- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DNA Learning Center
May-Aug. 2007
Bruce Nash Ph.D. – Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
 Assisted research in genomics, using techniques such as PCR & gel electrophoresis, bioinformatic
procedures such as primer selection, sequencing.
 Provided technical and teaching support for educational programs in molecular and genomic biology
 Maintained experimental equipment and subject biota
Additional Research Experience
Field Research Intern – South African Marine Predator Lab, Oceans Research
Jun.-Aug. 2010
Simon Elwen Ph.D. & Ryan Johnson Ph.D. – Walvis Bay, Namibia & Mossel Bay, South Africa
 Supported field research on physiology, genetics, habitat use and foraging ecology of white sharks and
cetaceans using active & passive acoustic telemetry, tissue collection, and photo mark-recapture techniques
 Operated small research vessels, assisted cetacean stranding response, necropsy, and aquaria maintenance
 Assisted in database management and photo matching of individuals
 Designed and implemented protocol for experiments on physiology of small sharks
Research Volunteer– National Center for Coral Reef Research, University of Miami
Jan.- May 2010
John McManus Ph.D. - Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Miami, FL
 Collaborated with visiting international student researchers to develop and implement protocol to monitor
seagrass epifaunal communities in Biscayne Bay, FL using visual transects and quadrat sampling.
Shark Research Intern- R.J. Dunlap Marine Conservation Program, University of Miami
Neil Hammershlag Ph.D. – Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Miami, FL
Jan.-May 2008
Tara E. Dolan
115 Dana Hall  Stony Brook University  Stony Brook, NY  Phone: 631.275.3596  E-Mail:
Utilized block nets, gill nets, seining & drum lines to sample sharks and prey base in situ
Identified, processed and catalogued seine net sample collections
Supervised high school volunteers in field and lab setting in support of research in trophic ecology
Benthic Invertebrate Research Intern – Coral Reef Ecology Lab
Jan.-May 2007
Ian Enochs Ph.D. & Peter Glynn Ph.D.– Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Miami, FL
 Managed, curated and updated database of reef cryptofaunal invertebrates of the eastern tropical Pacific
 Identified invertebrate specimens using taxonomic literature
 Measured and processed invertebrate specimens for long-term storage and museum collections
 Created reference photo-database of invertebrate taxa
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant- “MAR340: Environmental Problems & Solutions”
Aug. 2015 - Present
Anne McElroy Ph.D. – Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
 Managed course content, materials and grading through online interactive interface.
 Graded assignments, exams and original papers. Facilitated in class role-play exercises.
Marine Science Youth Mentor- NOAA Enrichment in Marine Science and Oceanography
Mar.-Dec. 2013
Laura Oremland, NMFS Office of Science & Technology, Silver Spring, MD
 Worked with middle school educators to implement after school science program.
 Conducted hands-on classroom activities, helped prepare students for national science competition
Teaching Assistant- “MSC232: Introduction to Marine Biology Laboratory”
Aug.-Dec. 2010
Daniel DiResta Ph.D. – University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
 Supervised students and conducted outdoor lessons during field excursions, instructed students in sampling
design and protocol for surveying coastal habitats, (i.e. quadrats, zooplankton identification, soil cores)
 Presented original lectures using PowerPoint. Facilitated and graded laboratory exercises and exams
 Mentored undergraduates in the development of independent research term projects.
Honors & Awards
2015 Australia International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (3 years full tuition) Declined.
2013 Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship (~$51,000)
2010 F. G. Walton Smith Outstanding Student Award, Rho Rho Rho Marine Science Honor Society,
University of Miami (highest departmental award to a graduating senior in Marine Science)
2008-2010 Deans List, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (> 3.5 GPA)
2009 Provost’s Honor Roll, University of Miami (> 3.75 GPA)
2008-2010 Inducted member of Rho Rho Rho Marine Science Honor Society, University of Miami
2006-2010 Henry King Stanford Scholarship, University of Miami (4 years half tuition)
2006 Excellence in Science Award, American Association of University Women
Synergistic Activities
2015 – Marketing Consultant, Wild Flours Bake Shop, Huntington, NY (October 2014– May 2015)
2014 - Executive Secretary, NOAA Fisheries Executive Science Board, an internal leadership group.
Tara E. Dolan
115 Dana Hall  Stony Brook University  Stony Brook, NY  Phone: 631.275.3596  E-Mail:
2013 - Executive Secretary, NOAA Ecosystem Science and Management Working Group.
2012 - Rappateur for Endangered Species Act Coral Science Workshop in Dania, FL.
2012 - Field assistant on NMFS population assessment of bottlenose dolphins in Biscayne Bay, FL
2010 - Chairperson, Ocean Awareness Week, University of Miami Marine Science Honor Society
2009 - Marine Mammal Stranding Team volunteer, MARS, University of Miami chapter
2008 - Official beta-tester for Atlantic & Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment protocol version 5.0, Institute for
Tropical Marine Ecology, Dominica, West Indies
2006 - Volunteer at Holiday House For Girls in Huntington, NY (50+ hrs)
Publications & Technical Memoranda
Dolan, T.E., W. S. Patrick, and J.S. Link (in review) “Delineating the Continuum of Marine EcosystemBased Management: A U.S. Fisheries Reference Point Perspective”. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Submitted: July 21, 2015.
Dolan, T.E. P. Lynch, J.L. Karazsia, and J.E. Serafy (in review) “Power of a multi-year monitoring program
to detect potential change in mangrove fish communities adjacent to a nuclear power plant.” Environmental
Monitoring and Assessment. Submitted: August 16, 2015.
McManus, L.C., S. Yurek, P.B. Teare, T.E. Dolan, and J.E. Serafy (2014) Killifish habitat suitability as a
measure of coastal restoration performance: integrating field data, behavioral trials and simulation.
Ecological Indicators Special Issue: Coastal Florida EBM Tools. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.03.006
Dolan, T. and J. Schull, (2012) SEFSC Coral Reef Program: FY 2007-2010 Project Accomplishments
Report. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-635, 61 p.
Dolan, Tara E., “A Case Study of Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station: Perception and Power in
Environmental Assessment” (2012) University of Miami Open Access Theses. Paper 354.
Lynch, P.D., and T.E. Dolan (conveners) “The Next Generation of Fish Stock Assessments” Symposium at
the 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Quebec City, CA. 19-21 August 2014.
Szleper-Wynter, K., Dolan, T.E., Methot, R.D., and P.D. Lynch (2014) “NOAA Fisheries Approach to
Next Generation Stock Assessments: Prioritizing Assessments and Tracking Performance”. Presented at the
144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Quebec City, Canada.
Dolan, T., Serafy, J., Lynch, P., Stabenau, E., and J. Karazsia (2014) “Power in environmental monitoring
for impact detection.” NMFS Office of Science and Technology. Invited speaker in the symposium
“Protecting Fish At Cooling Water Intakes: Advancing Science to Support Clean Water Act Section
§316(b)”. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Quebec City, Canada.
Dolan, T., Serafy, J., and P. Lynch (2014) “Power in environmental monitoring for impact detection.”
NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center. Invited speaker in the symposium “Emerging Interactions of
Energy Production and Fisheries”. American Fisheries Society Western Division meeting in Mazatlan, MX.
April 2014
Dolan, T., Serafy, J., and P.B. Teare (2013) “Power of a multi-year monitoring program to detect potential
change in mangrove fish communities adjacent to a nuclear power plant.” NMFS Southeast Fisheries
Science Center. Presented at the 66th Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. Corpus Christi, TX.
November 2013
Dolan, T., Blackhart, K., Methot, R., Link, J., and P. Lynch (2013) “Improving NOAA Fisheries Stock
Assessments.” NMFS Office of Science and Technology. Presented at the World Conference on Stock
Assessment Methods, Boston, MA. July 2013
Tara E. Dolan
115 Dana Hall  Stony Brook University  Stony Brook, NY  Phone: 631.275.3596  E-Mail:
International Experience
2010 Research internships in Walvis Bay Namibia & Mossel Bay, South Africa
2010 Spring field research course in political ecology of the Kuna Yala in San Blas, Panama
2010 Winter field research course in tropical marine ecology, Bimini, Bahamas
2009 Summer cultural anthropology study abroad in Uygur Autonomous Region, Xinjiang, China
2009 Spring field course in reef monitoring methods (AGRRA 5.0) Dominica, West Indies
2009 Winter term political ecology field course in Galapagos, Ecuador
Professional Affiliations
American Fisheries Society (Marine Fisheries Section, New York Chapter)
Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation
The Coastal Society
Society for Conservation Biology
Marine Science Graduate Student Organization