Fifth Card Marking – Language Arts – Folk Tale Pop-Up Book Instructions 10 pts 10 Points 8 Points 6 Points 4 Points 2 Points Student followed directions in constructing pop-up. The artwork is planned carefully; understanding of all instructions is clearly demonstrated. The artwork is planned carefully; understanding of most instructions is demonstrated. The art work is planned adequately; understanding of some instructions demonstrated. The artwork shows little evidence of understanding the instructions. The artwork shows no understanding of the instructions. Neatness/Effort 10 pts 10 Points 8 Points 6 Points 4 Points 2 Points Student's work is easily read and interesting to read. Their effort or lack of effort is apparent. The artwork shows outstanding craftsmanship, with clear attention to control, adaptation, selection and experimentation of medium/media. The artwork shows good craftsmanship, with some attention to control, adaptation, selection and experimentation of medium/media. The artwork shows average craftsmanship and average attention to control, adaptation, selection and experimentation of medium/media. The artwork shows minimal craftsmanship and little attention to control, adaptation, selection and experimentation of medium/media. The artwork shows no craftsmanship and no attention to control, adaptation, selection and experimentation of medium/media. Creativity/Originality 10 pts 10 Points 8 Points 6 Points 4 Points 2 Points The artwork demonstrates original personal expression and outstanding problem solving skills. The artwork demonstrates some personal expression and logical problem solving skills. The artwork demonstrates an average amount of personal expression. The artwork demonstrates little personal expression and problem solving skills. The artwork lacks evidence of personal expression. 10 Points 8 Points 6 Points 4 Points 2 Points The writing demonstrates original personal expression and outstanding problem solving skills. The writing demonstrates some personal expression and logical problem solving skills. The writing demonstrates an average amount of personal expression. The writing demonstrates little personal expression and problem solving skills. The writing lacks evidence of personal expression. Grammar, Spelling, Mechanics 10 pts 10 Points 8 Points 6 Points 4 Points 2 Points There are no spelling and grammar mistakes. Inclusion of correct punctuation. Sentences make sense. There are no grammar, spelling, or mechanical mistakes. There may be 1-2 grammar, spelling, or mechanical mistakes. There may be 3-4 grammar, spelling, or mechanical mistakes. There may be 5 grammar, spelling, or mechanical mistakes. There are more than 5 grammar, spelling, or mechanical mistakes. Plot 10 pts 10 Points 8 Points 6 Points 8 Points 8 Points Story has coherent plot with beginning, middle, and end. Characters included can be easily identified. Plot is easy to follow and there is a distinct beginning, middle, and end. Plot is fairly easy to follow and there is a beginning, middle, and end. Plot is somewhat easy to follow but lacks a distinct beginning, middle, and end. Plot is barely able to be followed and there is no clear beginning, middle, or end. There seems to be no plot and there is no beginning, middle, and end. Inventiveness, expression of ideas and imagination portrayed in the construction of the project. Creativity/Originality 10 Pts Inventiveness, expression of ideas and imagination portrayed in the writing of the Folk Tale. The writing comes from personal experience. First and Last Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Due Date: April 27, 2015 Final Score = /60