Battle of the Books Visual Interpretation Activity This activity provides you with the opportunity to receive extra credit in Language Arts OR Visual Arts (if you are currently enrolled) for a quality visual interpretation of one of the Battle of the Books. You will visually demonstrate a key part of a Battle of the Books book using whatever medium you prefer as long as it is no larger than this paper. The finished piece will be turned into the Library and Ms. Kuhn, Ms. Sexton and your Language Arts teacher will determine how much extra credit you will receive. Your art piece will ultimately be posted in the library for the remainder of the school year. The goal of displaying the pieces is to promote other students to read the book and/or to serve as a visual review of the book for sixth grade Battle of the Books competitors. Requirements to receive extra credit: 1. You must have passed the AR test for the book you are representing in the artwork and the book must be one of the 21 Bondurant Battle of the Book titles. 2. The art piece must be an accurate interpretation (based on facts) from the book and should not replicate the book cover. 3. The artwork must be of good quality and the images must be large enough to be seen on the Library display. 4. The artwork must not be any larger than 9” x 12”, the orientation can be portrait or landscape and it must be on the back of or attached to this paper. 2D and 3D artwork is acceptable. 5. The artwork must be your own original work. Computer graphics/artwork will not be accepted. 6. Quality of the piece and accuracy of the interpretation/information will factor into how much credit you will receive. 7. You must agree to have your artwork displayed in the library (your name will not be displayed). 8. One extra credit opportunity per trimester is allowed each trimester you have Ms. Sexton and two extra credit opportunities per trimester are allowed in your Language Arts class, but each submission must be for a different book on which you have read and passed an AR test. 9. Complete the information below (must be legible) and turn in with your art piece to Mrs. Kuhn. Book title represented: ___________________________________________________________ Student Full Name: ___________________________________________ Grade: ________ Language Arts teacher’s name: _________________________________ Class Period you have Language Arts: _________ Which class do you want to receive extra credit in for this art piece (choose one)? _____ Visual Arts _____ Language Arts