First page from scratch

First page from scratch
Create a page according to these guidelines.
1. Declare your DOCTYPE and create html, head, title, and body tags. Be sure to use
the lang attribute of the html tag to declare the language as English. Also use the
charset attribute of the meta tag to create UTF-8 character encoding. Step-by-step
directions are on p. 44-45. Your page should look like Fig. A on p. 44 when you’re
done with this step.
2. Use the title tag and call the page “Favorite classes.” (p. 48)
3. Create an article just inside the body tag you created in Step 1. (p. 60)
4. Create an H1 heading that says “Favorite classes.” (p. 50)
5. Add an H2 heading with the name of one class. (p. 51)
6. Add two paragraphs of text. (p. 88)
7. Add another H2 heading with the name of another class. (p. 51)
8. Add one paragraph of text. (p. 88)
9. Either as a second paragraph or part of the previous paragraph, create a short list of
2-4 items separated using LINE BREAKS. (p. 118)
10. Add another H2 heading with the name of another class, another paragraph, and
create a short list of 2-4 items. Turn that list into an unordered list, using the <ul>
tag (“unordered list”) and <li> tag (“list item”) on p. 390. This is jumping ahead, but
now you’re able to see the three basic ways to break lines of text.
11. Add a comment before each H2 heading you created that tells me the year you took
that particular class. (p. 85-86)
12. Go back and add two section tags — one should begin before each of your H2
headings (p. 63-64).
Now go back and apply some formatting tags for emphasis in the first paragraph.
13. Place one word or phrase in bold using the <strong> tag. (p. 90)
14. Place one word or phrase in italics using the <em> tag. (p. 90)
15. Add an inline quotation using the <q> tag. (p. 95)
Save the page as “favorite.html.”
Post it on your server space and email me the specific link. Remember that your
address will be slightly different since we are putting the file in a folder now (e.g., Don’t forget to add the
Your link is due in my inbox ( by the end of class today (Feb. 4,
2016). Print a hard copy of your code with your name on it and leave it with me, as
Your finished page should look similar to this:
Favorite classes
Selected Research Methods - Experimental Method
I took this class late in my doctoral “career” at Texas Tech. I should have taken it much earlier as it was
the preferred method of choice for my dissertation.
Dr. Callison did a great job with this class and really turned me on to the experimental method.
Sex and Violence in the Media
I took this class because it parallels some of my research interests - media effects. We studied much of what Dr.
Dolf Zillmann and Dr. Jennings Bryant learned about sex and violence in the media through their research, and we
also learned about Dr. Sparks' time at the Kinsey Institute. Interesting stuff, but definitely not for the faint of heart!
If you happen to be interested in media effects, here are a couple of good books to refer to:
Media Effects Research: A Basic Overview, 4th Edition by Glenn G. Sparks
Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research - 2nd Edition by Jennings Bryant and Dolf Zillmann
Selected Research Methods - Content Analysis
I took this class early on in my doctoral program at Tech. I was fortunate to have Dr. Cummins as it got me to
thinking of him as my dissertation chair. We used a couple of books that I still refer to:
The Content Analysis Guidebook by Kimberly Neuendorf
Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology by Klaus H. Krippendorff