Lab 6 If statements and a Slide Show In this lab, you will create two web pages, lab6a.html, lab6b.html and lab6c.html. You will need to include a link to these pages on your assignments.html page. lab6a.html – If statements Include your name, section number and favorite sport or hobby at the top of the page using heading tags. Below that, include the name of your favorite actor or actress also in a heading tag. Include an image tag that starts out displaying a picture of your favorite sport or hobby, then when clicked on, switches to a picture of your favorite actor or actress. When you click on this image again, it should switch back to the original image of a sport or hobby. Include a paragraph about why you like your favorite sport or hobby and a paragraph about why you like your favorite actor or actress. Include a button that when clicked on, changes the background of the page from its original color to a color of your choice. When the button is clicked again, it changes the color back to the original color. lab6b.html ― Slide Show code Include your name, section number and email address using heading tags. Create a slide show using at least four images. The four images can be any animal you want, as long as each of the four animals is larger than the previous one. Look at the code on Orren Mckay’s Web site: and also the code on page 383. This code contains an error. Delete the line of code that reads: if (document.Images==true){ Also delete the line with the closing curly bracket; it has an identifying comment. You can do it like either one. Calculating your possible CSCE 102 Grade with JavaScript lab6c.html ― Grade Calculator Include your name, date and your email address using heading tags. Create six text boxes, each with a description of its purpose. Your six text boxes will be used to input the following values: Test 1 Grade, Test 2 Grade, Final Exam Grade, Quiz Grade, Project Grade and Lab Grade. Create a button and one more text box. This text box will be labeled Final Grade. When the button is clicked, it will use the values in the first six text boxes to calculate your potential final grade for this class, and display that value in the Final Grade text box. It will also display the letter grade in an alert box. You do not have to calculate B+, C+, etc., just A, B, C, D, F. Create an internal style sheet that will cause your text boxes and button to be displayed differently (define styles and classes for the input tag). Calculating the Final Grade – There are a number of different ways to implement this feature. For the final calculation use the following formula. Your actual grade may be weighted differently. (Test 1 * 0.15) + (Test 2 * 0.15) + (Final Exam * 0.20) + (Quizzes * 0.15) + (Lab Grade * 0.30) + (Project * 0.05) = Final Grade Determining the Final Letter Grade – The final letter grade is determined as follows: A 100-90 B 89-80 C 79-70 D 69-60 F Less than 60 Implementing the Final Grade Calculator – You will probably want to declare a variable to store the values for Test 1 , Test 2 , Final Exam , Quiz Grade, Project Grade and Lab Grade, and manipulate the values in these variables instead of directly calculating the grade using the values in the text boxes. Displaying the Final Letter Grade – You will need to use an if/else statement to accomplish this. Remember to make sure you specify a name and id attribute for your <form> tag containing the <input> tags which create the buttons. Also remember to specify a name attribute for each input tag, and make sure all your <input> tags have different names. Also, remember that you will need to use parseFloat( ) to convert the values in the text boxes (strings) into floating point numbers. Example textbox/button layout: