Mansfield Library - Proposed Database and Journal Cancellations FY 2015 Databases and Ejournal Packages Proposed for Cancellation: ACLS Humanities Ebook Collection American Institute of Physics (Journal Package) Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) BIOSIS Cabell's Directories: Business and Education Sets Electronic Enlightenment Foundation Grants to Individuals Online GIDEON Hispanic-American Periodicals Index (HAPI) "ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) membership" INA Databases International Medieval Bibliography Issues & Controversies LitFinder Oxford Art Online Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ProQuest Statistical Insight - Statistical Abstract US STATAB RefWorks Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Testing & Education Reference Center: TERC The Bible in English (990-1970) Underground and Independent Comics Zoological Record EJournals Proposed for Cancellation: Behaviour Bulletins of American paleontology Canadian Journal of Plant Science Canadian Journal of Soil Science Canadian-American Slavic Studies Cognitive Linguistics (cogl) Commentarii mathematici Helvetici Comparative Politics Comparative Sociology Economic And Political Weekly Environment and Society: Advances in Research Exceptional Children Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture Financial Analysts Journal Geoscience Canada Heritage & Society Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences Industrial and Labor Relations Review International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism Journal of agriculture, food systems, and community development Journal of Anthropological Research Journal of applied biomechanics Journal Of Dietary Supplements Journal of Geoscience Education Journal of Health and Human Services Administration Journal Of Marketing Journal of Post Keynesian Economics Journal of rehabilitation medicine Journal of sport & exercise psychology Journal of Sports Medicine & Physical Fitness Journal of the American Mathematical Society Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences Linguistics (ling) Michigan mathematical journal Novum Testamentum Pacific Affairs Perspectives of New Music Physiotherapy Canada Public Administration Quarterly Reproduction Resurgence & ecologist Revista iberoamericana Science & Society Sociolinguistic Studies Studies in Conservation Sustainability: The Journal of Record Systematic Botany Teaching Exceptional Children The Forestry Chronicle The International Journal of Aging and Human Development The Physics Teacher The Sport psychologist Vetus Testamentum Vigiliae Christianae Microfilm Subscriptions Proposed for Cancellation: Christian Science monitor Sunday times Times (London) Variety Print Journals - use of print journals has generally declined and we will need to make some cuts to this area. Please examine the current print journal subscriptions (listed in a separate attached file) and identify all the titles that are important for you and your students that you wish to continue having access to. @Law : the NALS magazine for legal information specialists 2 year colleges 5:AM Å’uvres completes de Claude Debussy AAPG memoir ABA banking journal ABA journal Abstracts of papers presented at the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology Academe : bulletin of the AAUP Accountancy Accounting standards ACRL publications in librarianship ACTFL foreign language education series ACTS facts Advances in the physics of particles and nuclei Advertising age AERO sun-times African-American almanac Afterimage Agni AICPA professional standards AICPA technical practice aids AIM report Akzente Alaska Alberta history All music guide to jazz : the definitive guide to jazz music Almanac of American education Almanac of American politics Almanac of business and industrial financial ratios Almanac of the 50 states AMA educators' proceedings AMA educators' proceedings America America votes : a handbook of contemporary American election statistics American antiquity American banker magazine American book trade directory American city & county American drug index American economic review American forests American history American iron magazine presents American journal of psychotherapy American journalism review : AJR American landmarks series American law yearbook American library directory; a classified list of libraries in the United States and Canada, with personnel and statistical data American Mathematical Society translations American music teacher American organist American photo American poetry review American scholar American school & university American school board journal American snowmobiler American string teacher American theatre American universities and colleges American writers classics America's corporate families and international affiliates Anatomy of wonder critical guide to science fiction Anchor Bible Annals of Iowa Annals of mathematics studies Annals of Wyoming : the Wyoming history journal Annee balzacienne Annee philologique; bibliographie critique et analytique de antiquite greco-latine Annee sociologique Annotations to the Montana code annotated Annual register Annual review of jazz studies Anthropologica Anthropological papers Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History Anthropological papers of the University of Arizona Antitrust bulletin Aperture Apollo Applied radiology Appraisal journal Aquinas lecture Archaeology Architectural record Archiv des Völkerrechts Archive for reformation history Argumentation and advocacy : the journal of the American Forensic Association Arizona highways ARSC journal Art directors annual Arthurian literature Artist's & graphic designer's market : where & how to sell your illustration, fine art, graphic design & cartoons ARTnews Asian American literary review Asia-Pacific development journal Astronomy Atlantic monthly Audubon Australian dictionary of biography AV market place Aviation week & space technology AWIS magazine Ballet review Bank auditing and accounting report Barron's Barron's best buys in college education Barron's LSAT Behavioral disorders : journal of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fu¨r romanische Philologie Bellevue literary review Beloit poetry journal Berkeley poetry review Best American science writing Best American short plays Best American short stories Best men's stage monologues and scenes Best plays theater yearbook Best's insurance reports Better homes and gardens Better! cities & towns Biblica Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft Bibliographie der franzo¨sischen Literaturwissenschaft Bibliothèque de 'Ecole des chartes Big book Bilingual review Black warrior review Bloomsbury review Boise State University western writers series Bon appetit Book of the States Booklist Boston review Bottom line year book Brill's New Pauly : encyclopaedia of the ancient world : Britannica book of the year Broadcasting & cable Bulletin - Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin hispanique Bungaku Business credit : publication of National Association of Credit Management Business education forum Business week Cahiers de civilisation me´die´vale California CPA California history Calyx Cambridge ancient history Cambridge tracts in mathematics Canada's history Canadian almanac & directory Canadian forest industries Canadian geographic Canadian key business directory Le repertoire des principales entreprises canadiennes Canadian literature Canadian Museum of Civilization Mercury Series Ethnology Paper Canadian Slavonic papers Capitol ideas Caribbean-Central America profile Case studies in contemporary criticism Catholic Biblical quarterly Cato journal CBMS-NSF regional conference series in applied mathematics Chamber music Charioteer Chariton review Chaucer studies Chemical immunology and allergy Chicago review Child welfare Choral journal Chorwerk Christian century Christian Science monitor Christian Science monitor index Christianity today CIM magazine Cineaste Civilization of the American Indian Series Clarinet Classical outlook Clavier companion Clio CMA today Coding clinic for ICD-9-CM Cold mountain review Collected Works College and university : the journal of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars College student journal Colorado heritage : the journal of the Colorado Historical Society Columbia journal of transnational law Columbia journalism review Commentary Communication yearbook Community college journal Comparative guide to American elementary & secondary schools Comprehensive biochemistry Comprehensive chemical kinetics Computer talk for the pharmacist Computers in libraries Computing reviews Conjunctions Connaissance des arts CONSER cataloging manual Consumer reports Contact quarterly Contemporary composers Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility Cook's country Cook's illustrated Cornell studies in classical philology Corporate responsibility magazine Corrections today Correspondence of James K Polk Country CPA journal CRB commodity yearbook Creative nonfiction Cricket Critical survey of long fiction Critical survey of poetry Cuadernos americanos Current bibliography on African affairs Current biography Current biography yearbook Current history Current musicology Current research in the Pleistocene Cycle world D H Lawrence review D & B business rankings Dance magazine Dancing with the wind : the Artsreach literary magazine Demographic yearbook Denkmaler der Tonkunst in Osterreich Denver quarterly Design annual Design methods : theories, research, education and practice Deskbook encyclopedia of American school law Deskbook encyclopedia of employment law Deutsch als Fremdsprache Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte Deutsches Archiv fur Erforschung des Mittelalters Deutschunterricht; Beitrage zu seiner Praxis und wissenschaftlichen Grundlegung Diabetes Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders Dickensian Dictionary of Canadian biography Dictionary of international biography Dictionary of marketing terms Dictionary of medieval Latin from British sources Diderot studies Digital machinist Dimension 2 : Contemporary German-language literature Direct marketing market place Directory of American medical education Dirt wheels Dostoevsky studies : journal of the International Dostoevsky Society Down beat Down to earth Downside review Dramatics Drug information handbook Drug interaction facts Drugs in litigation : damage awards involving prescription and nonprescription drugs Early English Text Society Earth first! : the radical environmental journal Ebony Ecology law quarterly Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific Economic survey of Latin America and the Caribbean Editor & publisher Editor & publisher international year book Editor & publisher market guide Education Education about Asia Education at a glance : OECD indicators Education digest Educational leadership : journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, Educational technology Educators guide to free films, filmstrips, and slides Educators guide to free guidance materials Educators' guide to free health, physical education and recreation materials Educators guide to free science materials Educators guide to free social studies materials Educators guide to free videos Educators guide to free videotapes Eighteenth-century current bibliography : ECCB Electronic musician Elgar complete edition Energy statistics yearbook Engineering and mining journal English language notes Entrepreneur Environmental microbiology Episodes Epoch ESPN Essays and studies : being volume of the new series of essays and studies collected for the English Association Ethnology Etudes anglaises : Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis Etudes germaniques Etudes litteraires Euphorion European yearbook Exercise standards and malpractice reporter Extrapolation Fabricator Facts & findings Far East and Australasia Fast company Fathers of the church Fathers of the church : a new translation Federal civil judicial procedure and rules Feminist studies : FS Fence Field Field & stream Film criticism Fine madness Fitness Flora of Ecuador Flora of North America : north of Mexico Flora of Southern Africa; which deals with the territories of the Republic of South Africa, Basutoland, Swaziland and South West Africa Flutist quarterly : the official magazine of the National Flute Association Food arts Forbes Foreign affairs Foreign policy Foreign service journal Forest landowner Forest products journal Fortune Foundation Franc¸ais moderne Fraud magazine Free inquiry in creative sociology French review Front range Fundamental and applied limnology Futurist Gargoyle magazine Gateway : the quarterly magazine of the Missouri Historical Society Geo Katalog Georgia historical quarterly Georgia review Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift Gesammelte Werke Hrsg im Auftrag der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft Glamour Glas : new Russian writing Good housekeeping Governing Graduate study in psychology Great plains quarterly Green Mountains review Greenwood guides to Shakespeare Guide to private special education : a descriptive survey of special-needs schools and programs Guide to summer camps and summer schools Guide to the most competitive colleges Guidebook Guinness world records Gulf coast Hampden-Sydney poetry review Hanging loose Harper's Harper's bazaar Harvard business review Harvey lectures Hawk migration studies Henry's clinical diagnosis and management by laboratory methods High country news Highlights for children Historia mexicana Historical archaeology History news History of Russia History of the study of landforms; or, The development of geomorphology, History today Hollins critic Home power Home shop machinist Hoofprints from the Yellowstone Corral of the Westerners Horn book magazine Hortus musicus Hotel management House of Commons library HRMagazine Hubbub Hudson review Human development report Human Rights Watch world report Humanist Husserliana : gesammelte Werke I nsula IAWA journal IIEPassport, academic year abroad : the most complete guide to planning academic year study abroad IIEpassport, short-term study abroad : the most complete guide to summer and short-term study abroad Inc Independent banker India today international India, a reference annual Indian affairs Industrial commodity statistics yearbook Industry norms and key business ratios, one year Information bulletin Injury facts Institutional investor Instructor Intermountain flora : vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U S A Intermountain journal of sciences : IJS Internal auditor : journal of the Institute of Internal Auditors International bibliography of anthropology International dictionary of theatre International financial statistics International journal of instructional media International journal of physical education International journal of sociology of the family International journal of wilderness International law reports International literary market place International philosophical quarterly : IPQ International review of modern sociology International trade statistics yearbook International who's who Interpretation of diagnostic tests Iowa heritage illustrated Iowa journal of cultural studies Iowa review Irish historical studies : joint journal of the Irish Historical Society and the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies Islamic studies Jahrbucher fur Geschichte Osteuropas Journal of accountancy Journal of accounting literature Journal of American Indian education Journal of aquatic plant management Journal of athletic training Journal of band research Journal of basic writing Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology Journal of comparative family studies Journal of computers in mathematics and science teaching Journal of criminal law & criminology Journal of current research in global business Journal of ecumenical studies Journal of education Journal of education for library and information science Journal of energy and development Journal of financial planning Journal of general and applied microbiology Journal of hydrology, New Zealand Journal of international affairs Journal of light construction Journal of managerial issues : JMI Journal of Northwest anthropology Journal of philosophical research : JPR Journal of philosophy Journal of property management Journal of singing : the official journal of the National Association of Teachers of Singing Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern studies Journal of southern history Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society Journal of the West Journalism history Jubilat Kenyon review Keyboard Kiplinger letter : forecasts for management decision making Kiplinger tax letter Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine Kiplinger's retirement report KLG : kritisches Lexikon zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur Kritische Friedrich-Schlegel-Ausgabe Ladies' home journal Landscape architecture Laurel review Lawyers' deskbook & directory Leadership Learning and leading with technology : the ISTE journal of educational technology practice and policy Lea's Communication Series Library and book trade almanac Library hotline Library journal Library media connection : LMC Library of America Literary market place : LMP Literary review Literature film quarterly Live design Living bird Living without LOEX clearinghouse for library instruction London review of books Louisville review Machinist's workshop Magill's cinema annual Make : technology on your time Make-up artist magazine Malahat review Manhattan review Map and chart series Marketing health services Marketing insights Mathematical surveys and monographs Mathematics enthusiast Mathematics teaching Memoir Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Mennonite quarterly review Men's health Merck index Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy Merkur Meyler's side effects of drugs Michigan quarterly review Midcontinental journal of archaeology, MCJA Middle East and North Africa Middle East review Middle East, abstracts and index Middle school journal Mining magazine Minnesota history Mississippi review Missouri historical review Mitteilungen des Instituts fur Osterreichische Geschichtsforschung Modern drummer : MD Money management executive Monist Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society Monthly bulletin of statistics Mother Earth living Mother earth news Motor trend Moyen age; revue d'histoire et de philologie Ms MSDN magazine Municipal year book Music business handbook and career guide Musica Britannica; a national collection of music Musicological studies (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen) Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart : allgemeine Enzyklopa die der Musik Nation National accounts statistics National culinary review : official magazine of the American Culinary Federation National electrical code National geographic National geographic traveler National geographical journal of India National paralegal reporter : official publication of National Federation of Paralegal Associations National parks National Tax Association - Tax Institute of America Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Taxation National Underwriter Life and Health Financial Services National wildlife Natural history Natural resources journal NEA today Nestroyana : Blatter der Internationalen Nestroy-Gesellschaft Neue Ausgabe samtlicher Werke Neue Gesellschaft, Frankfurter Hefte Neue Rundschau New edition of the complete works New letters New Mexico historical review New scientist New Testament abstracts New York New York State conservationist New York times index New York times upfront New Yorker New Zealand journal of forestry North American bird bander North American birds North American review North Carolina historical review North Dakota horizons North Dakota quarterly Northwest science : official publication of the Northwest Scientific Association Norton critical edition Nouvelle revue francaise Novel & short story writer's market Novyi mir Nursing drug handbook Nutrition action health letter Nuts & volts OG Observatory Occupational outlook handbook OfficePro Old Testament abstracts Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture Contributor Onearth : environment, politics, people Online searcher Opera news Opera omnia Opere complete Organic gardening Organic reactions Organic syntheses Orion Ornis fennica Osterreich in Geschichte und Literatur mit Geographie Outdoor life Outside Oxford studies in ancient philosophy Pacific Northwest quarterly Pacific northwesterner PAIS international in print Palacio Palaeontographica Paper - National Museum of Man, Canadian Ethnology Service Dossier - Musee national de l'homme, Service canadien d'ethnologie Papers of Andrew Jackson Papers of Benjamin Franklin Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University Papers of Thomas Jefferson Retirement series Papers Thomas Jefferson Paralegal today Parents Paris match Paris review Parks & recreation Parliamentary debates; official report[s] Patterson's American education PDR for nonprescription drugs PDR for nutritional supplements Pediatrics Penguin state of the world atlas Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights People management People weekly Percussive notes Personal name index to 'The New York Times Index', 1975-2006 supplement Pharmacist's letter Pharmacy times Phi Delta Kappan Philosophische Rundschau Philosophisches Jahrbuch Philosophy today Photo district news Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing Photographer's market Physicians' desk reference : PDR Pinch Plains anthropologist Plains talk Planning Pleadings, oral arguments, documents Plunkett's advertising & branding industry almanac Plunkett's airline, hotel & travel industry almanac Plunkett's apparel & textiles industry almanac PM, public management Poetry Poetry northwest Poets & writers Poet's market Political handbook of the world Polk's Missoula (Missoula County, Mont ) city directory including Missoula county Popular mechanics Popular photography Popular science Population bulletin of the United Nations Population studies Post script Postsecondary education opportunity : the Mortenson report on public policy analysis of opportunity for postsecondary education Prairie naturalist Presence africaine Prevention Principal Print Prize stories Proceedings for the International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, the Symposium of the Canadian Remote Sensing Society Proceedings of symposia in applied mathematics Proceedings of the annual meeting, National Academy of Arbitrators Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 4th series Proceedings of the International Mathematical Congress held Proceedings of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the Western Division, American Fisheries Society Proceedings, annual meeting of the American Wood-Preservers' Association Progressive Prologue : the journal of the National Archives Psychiatric clinics of North America Psychoanalytic study of the child Psychological record Psychotherapy Public Health-World Health Organization Publication manual of the American Psychological Association Publications Publications of mediaeval musical manuscripts Publications of the Nuttall Ornithological Club Publications of the Surtees Society Pulp & paper Canada Pulp & paper international Pushcart prize; best of the small presses Quarterly journal of finance and accounting Quarterly journal of forestry Queen's quarterly Quill & scroll Race, gender & class Radiation therapist : the journal of the radiation oncology sciences Radiologic technology Rain taxi Random lengths Raritan Reading improvement Real estate review Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde Recent researches in American music Recent researches in the music of the Baroque Era Recent researches in the music of the classical era Recent researches in the music of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance Recent researches in the music of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries Recent researches in the music of the Renaissance Redbook Regnum vegetabile Renewable resources journal Reports of international arbitral awards Requirements for certification of teachers, counselors, librarians, administrators for elementary and secondary schools Research communications in molecular pathology and pharmacology Resources for feminist research : RFR Respiratory care : the official journal of the American Association for Respiratory Therapy Review of existential psychology and psychiatry Review of metaphysics Revista canadiense de estudios hispanicos Revista de critica literaria latinoamericana Revista de historia de America Revue biblique Revue de geographie alpine Revue de linguistique romane Revue de litterature comparee Revue de metaphysique et de morale Revue des deux mondes Revue des muse es de France : revue du Louvre Revue d'etudes augustiniennes et patristiques Revue d'histoire diplomatique Revue d'histoire litteraire de la France Revue francaise de science politique Revue historique RMA annual statement studies RMA journal Road atlas: United States, Canada, and Mexico Rolling stone Romania Romanic review Romanische Forschungen Russia & Eurasia facts & figures annual Russian language journal Russkii iï¸ a︡zyk E’tudes de russe Russian life Sacred music Saeculum Salmagundi : a quarterly of the humanities & social sciences Samtliche Werke Samtliche Werke und Briefe Sather classical lectures Saturday evening post School and community School library journal : SLJ School library monthly School psychology review Schriften der Theodor-Storm-Gesellschaft Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Religions- und Kulturgeschichte Science and children Science and civilisation in China, Science news Scientific American Scientific style and format : the CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers Sculpture review SEB experimental biology series SEC accounting report Secondary teachers guide to free curriculum materials Seneca review SERVO magazine Shakespeare criticism Shakespeare studies Shakespeare survey SHR Sight and sound Silva Fennica Sinn und form Sixteenth century journal Ski Sky and telescope Small business tax strategies Small farm today Smart libraries : newsletter Smithsonian Social education Social justice : a journal of crime, conflict & world order Social policy Social studies and the young learner Social theory and practice Sociocultural, Political and Historical Studies in Education Southeastern geology Southern economic journal Southern poetry review Southern quarterly Southwest art Southwest review Southwestern lore Sow's ear SPEC kit Spectator Sports illustrated Sports in North America : a documentary history State education journal index State legislative sourcebook State of the world : a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society State rankings : a statistical view of the 50 United States Statesman's year-book Statistical yearbook Statistical yearbook for Asia and the Pacific Statistical yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean Statistical yearbook of the western lumber industry Stereo Review's Sound and Vision Strings Student companions to classic writers Studia mathematica Studies in American humor Studies in art education Studies in avian biology Studies in income and wealth Studies in romanticism Studies in the literary imagination Style Suggested state legislation Sunday times Sunset Supplement to The modern encyclopedia of Russian, Soviet and Eurasian history Surgical technologist Symphony Systematic botany monographs : monographic series of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists Tanz : Zeitschrift fur Ballett, Tanz und Performance Tar River poetry Taunton's fine homebuilding Tax adviser TD & T Teaching history Teaching philosophy Techniques Technology & learning Technology review MIT's magazine of innovation Temps modernes Tests : a comprehensive reference for assessments in psychology, education, and business Texas review Theatre world Theilheimer's synthetic methods of organic chemistry Theological studies Thesaurus linguae Latinae This Magazine - Education, Culture, Politics This old house Threepenny review Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis Time Time almanac Times Times educational supplement Tin house TLS, the Times literary supplement Tohoku mathematical journal Tolstoy studies journal Transactions of Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc Transactions of the American Philosophical Society Translations of mathematical monographs Treatise on invertebrate paleontology Trout Twentieth century literature U S GAAP financial statements U S pharmacist UMAP journal UNCTAD handbook of statistics United Nations chronicle United Nations disarmament yearbook United Nations handbook United Nations juridical yearbook United States government Internet directory United States government manual Universidad de Mexico : revista de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico University of British Columbia working papers in linguistics : UBCWPL University of California publications in entomology University of California publications in linguistics University of California publications in zoology University of Chicago geography research paper University of Kansas publications in anthropology University press books selected for public and secondary school libraries Up here : life in Canada's north Use of English USTA yearbook Utne reader Variety Versal Verse Victorians : a journal of culture and literature Virginia quarterly review Vital signs : the trends that are shaping our future Vital statistics on American politics Vogue Voice of Chorus America Volt Ward's motor vehicle facts & figures Washington monthly Washington post index We proceeded on Weimarer Beitrage Welding journal Welt des Orients Werke Werke Kritische Gesamtausgabe West branch Western birds Western farmer-stockman Western folklore Western humanities review West's analysis of American law Whitaker's almanack Whitefish review : art, literature, photography Whole terrain Wilderness Wilderness Society's member newsletter Wildfire : a quarterly bulletin of the International Association of Wildland Fire Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial and Educational Foundation newsletter and review Willow springs Winds of change : a magazine for American Indians in science and technology Wire Wirkendes Wort Wisconsin magazine of history Women studies abstracts Wood & wood products Word : journal of the Linguistic Circle of New York Workforce management Works of George Santayana Works of Henry Purcell World almanac and book of facts World development indicators World development report World economic and social survey World economic outlook : a survey by the staff of the International Monetary Fund World of music World statistics pocketbook Worldwatch report Writer Writer's digest Writers directory Writer's market Writings of Henry D Thoreau Wyoming archaeologist Wyoming wild life XVIIe siecle Yale edition of the works of Samuel Johnson Yale French studies YC young children Yearbook of education law Yearbook of the International Law Commission Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education Yearbook of the United Nations Z magazine Zapiski Russkoi akademicheskoi gruppy Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte Zeitschrift fur auslandisches offentliches Recht und Volkerrecht Zeitschrift fur deutsche Philologie Zeitschrift fur Dialektologie und Linguistik : ZDL Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte des Oberrheins Zeitschrift fur interkulturelle Germanistik Zeitschrift fur katholische theologie Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte Zeitschrift fur Kunstgeschichte Zeitschrift fur philosophische Forschung Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie Zielsprache Deutsch Zone 4