Name___________________ Ch 14 & 16 quiz (1 point each) 1. The

Ch 14 & 16 quiz (1 point each)
1. The Monterey pine and the Bishop's pine inhabit some of the same areas of central California. The
Monterey pine releases pollen in February, while the Bishop's pine does so in April. This is an example of
________ isolation.
A) behavioral
B) postzygotic
C) temporal
D) habitat
E) mechanical
2. Uplift and formation of a mountain range divides a freshwater snail species into two isolated
populations. Erosion eventually lowers the mountain range and brings the two populations together
again, but when they mate, the resulting hybrids all produce sterile young. This scenario is an example
A) sympatric speciation.
B) allopatric speciation.
C) incomplete speciation.
D) diversifying speciation.
E) punctuated equilibrium
3. _______________ barriers prevent the development of fertile adults
Presygotic / Postzygotic (Circle one)
4. Which type of speciation occurs when new species arise in the same geographic area as the parent
5. Name one way to distinguish between Bacteria and Archaea
Presence or absence of peptidoglycan
6. Bacteria shaped like rods are called
A. Cocci
B. Bacilli
C. Spirochetes
7. The differences in staining color in gram negative and gram positive bacteria are caused by what?
The amount of peptidoglycan present in the cell wall
8. What is a halophile?
An organism that lives in extremely salty environments
9. Poisonous proteins that are secreted by a bacteria are called what?
10. Chemoautotrophic bacteria obtain their carbon from ________ and their energy from ________ .
A) CO2 . . . sunlight
B) CO2 . . . reactions involving inorganic chemicals
C) methane . . . sunlight
D) organic molecules . . . enzymes
E) organic molecules . . . sunlight