Briefing: Coasting Schools Definition


Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) Briefing on

‘Coasting Schools’ Definition proposed in Draft


ALLFIE wants all mainstream schools to help all pupils to make academic progress, regardless of ability. However, we do not believe labelling schools as ‘coasting’ and therefore requiring intervention from regional school commissioners and or a threat of academy conversion will incentivise schools to support ALL their pupils to achieve at a higher level.

Whilst the Government’s targets are an appropriate challenge for some individual disabled pupils to achieve, in terms of their SATs levels and GCSE Grades, this will not be the case for all. There is no recognition of those disabled pupils

’ achievements that do not contribute towards the Government’s floor targets or make the level of progress prescribed in the ‘coasting schools’ regulations.

Reports this year from the NUT ( “Statement Of Intent: Inclusion” report) and NASEN

( “The placement of secondary school students with statements of SEN in the more diversified system of English secondary schooling ” report) highlight that maintained schools are more likely than their academy counterparts to admit disabled pupils, including those with SEN. It may not be possible for schools, despite every effort, to improve their students’ academic achievements for three consecutive years, given that disabled pupil intake varies between academic years.

If the Education & Adoption Bill passes without amendment, ALLFIE is concerned that the achievement of many disabled pupils will not only count for nothing, but worse, could contribute towards the school becoming a

‘coasting school’ requiring intervention – ALLFIE believes that such a situation is unacceptable and discriminatory.

Maintained mainstream schools that have a good reputation for including Disabled pupils with specific or complex needs will be disadvantaged because they will suddenly fall into the category of a ‘coasting school’. This is a similar situation to the

GCSE Grade C / D boundary debacle, which forces schools to focus on those pupils who are able to make the progress, and ignoring or excluding others.

One of the unintended consequences of this policy will be that children (many of whom will have SEN) may not receive the dedicated support / tuition to make progress appropriate for them as individuals.

ALLFIE believes that such disincentives must be removed if the Government wants to avoid disability-related discrimination and disablism.

Registered Office: 336 Brixton Road, London, SW9 7AA Tel: 020 7737 6030 Email:

Website: Company No: 5988026 Charity number: 1124424 Registered in England

ALLFIE believes that Performance and Progress Standards must:

Be more personalised to taken into account disabled pupil’s barriers in reading, writing and maths.

The three “Rs” may not be appropriate if the disabled child has no concept of language or maths

Include a broader range of academic indicators across a range of subjects to be used to acknowledge specific and all around achievements of pupils, including developing pupils ’ non-academic abilities

Reflect the achievement of all pupils so to avoid some pupils being singled out for more favourable treatment i.e. receiving additional support to meet

Government targets.

Focus on the development of inclusive education practice

ALLFIE does not see the need to include a new classification of schools requiring intervention by the Secretary of State for Education. We believe that disabled pupils, including those pupils with SEN, will be particularly disadvantaged by the performance and progress standards as there is insufficient flexibility within the

‘coasting schools’ definition. Instead we would welcome performance and progress measures that would support schools to develop children as whole human beings rather than only academic vessels.

For more information contact Simone Aspis (ALLFIE Policy and Campaigns

Coordinator) email address simone.aspis@allfie,org,uk tel no 0207 737 6030


Registered Office: 336 Brixton Road, London, SW9 7AA Tel: 020 7737 6030 Email:

Website: Company No: 5988026 Charity number: 1124424 Registered in England
