
Term 3/4
We will:
We will:
Read and respond to Traction Man texts.
Explore the metropolis (city)
environment describing key
geographical features.
Use onomatopoeias and exclamations for effect.
Read and respond to a range of superhero poems.
Describe using comparative and superlative phrases.
Write similes.
Look at x-rays of our bones. Name our body parts.
Explore how we use our senses to interact with our environment.
Create our own Traction man adventures using
everyday objects, writing a story with an introduction,
conflict/problem and climax.
Explore the key factors of keeping healthy and strong.
Compare life in the city to that in
the rural location of Stonegate.
Explore the basic principles
behind how different weather
Discover some of the properties of light and sound
Take part in a super senses science work shop TBC.
Investigate the best materials for keeping Iceman cool.
Create a zip wire for Cat Woman. Experiment with gradients and
observe/measure speed.
Investigate how Electra can use static electricity to attract/repel
things (including water).
Investigate air resistance when designing a parachute to help
Batman land safely.
Create our own superhero characters and write
character descriptions.
Write a non-chronological report about a superhero.
Create superhero lolly sticks/pegs.
Design wanted posters for villains.
Produce big art background for a
superhero photo shoot.
Find out about the following historical heroes using a range of
evidence and understand the changes that they made:
Explore and recreate pop art.
Florence Nightingale
Create Andy Warhol self-portraits.
Martin Luther King
Create art out of images of
everyday objects.
Neil Armstrong
Create Litchenstein collages.
Research our own historical hero at home.
Write newspaper reports.
Write descriptive phrases using all of our senses.
Write senses poems.
Find out what makes a ‘goodie’ and ‘baddie’. Write a
recipe for a superhero.
Meet real life heroes.
Visit the fire station and invite ambulance drivers and
police officers to talk about their jobs.
Tom Burnett
Discover how superheroes work well as a team.
Think about the changes we would like to make if we
were superheroes.
Create lightning, fog, clouds and rain like Storm.
Design and Technology
Design and make a superhero
costume and gadget.
Design and make a vehicle for a
super hero.
Create a text box.
Research historical heroes on the web and bookmark sites that we
wish to return to.
Create animated stories.
Create, follow and debug an algorithm.
Sort and represent data using bar charts, tables and Venn diagrams.
Term 2
We will:
Focusing on the monkey, tiger and elephant, we will identify the
special features of a mammal.
Compare mammals to reptiles, birds and mini beasts.
Read, Listen and respond to a range of traditional
Indian stories:
Learn about the life of Gandhi and
why he is so important to the
Indian nation.
The Tiger Child
Identify the different sources of food for a range of animals.
Learn what a carnivore, omnivore and herbivore are.
Describe how the jungle habitat provides for these animals.
Understand that a balanced meal contains food from all 5 food
The Monkey and the Crocodile
The Tiger and the Wise Man
Write character descriptions.
Explore Diwalli through art:
Identify sources of light and understand darkness as the absence of
light. Know that light cannot bend but can be reflected.
Retell stories using powerful verbs and adjectives.
Make clay Diva lamps and
decorate them.
Create Rangoli patterns
Compare rural and urban life in India. Identify the pros and cons of
living in each setting.
Elephant Dance
Understand the moral/message of a story.
Write a play script for the story of Rama and Sita or
Ganesh. Recognise the different types of written
Follow. evaluate and write instructions for making
Indian food. Use imperative verbs.
Draw hand mehndi
Create and decorate a sacred
Use collage to create an
interpretation of the Indian flag.
Create a pattern by block printing.
Create an image for Holi
Learn about the Hindu faith, how the Hindu god is
represented by many different ‘personal gods’.
Describe the physical and human geographical features of India.
Identify what is special about India: its people, religion, flag,
produce etc...
Understand how certain symbols, animals and plants are used to
represent India.
Locate India, Asia and the Indian Ocean on the world map.
Investigate ways of travelling to India.
Compare Hindu celebrations to Christian ones.
Design and Technology
Search for, copy and paste an image.
Learn about and take part in the celebration of Diwalli.
Design and make a healthy curry.
Use a search engine to translate phrases into Hindi.
Learn to understand and speak simple Hindi phrases
Design and make a pop-up Diwalli
Learn about Indian etiquette and manners.
Make a sari/dhoti to wear for a
Diwalli feast.
Research India on the web and bookmark sites that we wish to
return to.
Create, follow and debug an algorithm for creating Diwalli sweets.
Sort and represent data using bar charts, tables and Venn diagrams.
Quentin Blake
Term 1
We will:
Read, Listen and respond to a range of text written by
Quentin Blake.
Choose a favourite story and explain our preferences.
Angelina Sprocket’s Pockets
Identify rhyming words and explore the effects of
using rhyming language.
Create our own rhyming phrases.
Explore the different feelings that we
have and the events that might trigger
Talk about the different stages of
growing up.
Mrs Armitage on Wheels
Identify the range of materials used to construct a bike and
suggest reasons why those materials have been chosen for their
specific jobs (Mrs Armitage on wheels).
Design and Technology
Mrs Armitage on Wheels
Design a bike which is modified to suit the requirements/ needs
of the rider.
Send text/images via email.
Explore the effects that cogs and levers have on force and
motion on a bike.
Write narrative to accompany the illustrations.
Write a blog about our favourite
Quentin Blake book.
Make and design props for the Mrs Armitage on wheels play.
Create speech for the characters, identifying
questions, commands or statements and punctuating
them accordingly.
Understand the difference between an
email and a blog.
Learn to sew two pieces of textile together to create a pocket.
Mime parts of the story.
Green Ship
Write an adventure story based on a voyage in the
Green Ship.
Choose and create a story setting using descriptive
Search for information about Quentin
Blake on the web and bookmark sites
that we wish to return to.
Create, follow and debug an algorithm
for riding a bike.
Geography/History Green Ship
Write character descriptions using adjective,
explaining word choices in relation to the story.
Look at an atlas to locate the
continents and oceans. Plan a journey
for a Green Ship adventure on a
pictorial map.
Write an alternative ending for a story.
Mrs Armitage on wheels
Create a play for Mrs. Armitage on wheels.
Write a narrative for an alternative mode of transport.
Tell me a picture
Write creatively in response to a picture.
Think about the special physical and
human geographical features that
might be seen on the journey.
Look at sea voyages made by famous
historical explorers.
Angelina Sprocket’s pockets
Create artwork in response to Quentin Blake’s illustrations.
Use ink and wash as a technique.
Mrs Armitage on wheels
Create a collage of Mrs Armitage’s bike.
Green Ship: Turn our library corner into the Green Ship.
Create silhouettes and atmospheric backgrounds.
Patrick: Create vivid images using complementary colours.
Draw using music pieces as stimuli.
Clown: Create comic strips to create a story.
Tell me a picture: Look for stories in famous paintings.