Can beauty products be harmful

Rochelle Anzer
Chemistry 1010
Terry Roylance
January 23, 2010
Are the Chemicals in Beauty Products Harmful?
During the past centuries women have been open to the wonders of beauty products.
As time goes on new products have been invented and women are eager to try more cosmetics
such as eye liner, age fighting moisturizers, and lip plumping lipstick, but are the products
women are using to become beautiful truly safe? Over time it has been proven that make-up
does have chemicals in their products that have been linked to cancer, hormone imbalances,
and skin irritation.
While we are all able to see the outcome of beauty products to be positive, many have
not come to realize that in our cosmetics we are consuming about 200 chemicals a day while
putting on our blush, foundation, lotion, etc. These chemicals that are put into our products are
shown to help preserve, dye and emulsify the products. According to the Environmental
Working Group (EWP) less than one percent of beauty products chemical have been evaluated
for safety. Out of the 200 chemicals put into women’s beauty products it has been proven that
some of these chemicals are the same chemicals that are used to soften plastics, clean, and
stabilize pesticides.
As they have researchers have studied the chemicals in cosmetics they have seen that
the most widely used synthetic chemical is parabens. Parabens are used in more than 13,000
cosmetic products as an antimicrobial preservative. The Environmental Protection Agency’s
studies have shown that parabens like methyl, propyl, and butyl have been linked in the
interference of the function of the endocrine system, along with the parabens being stored into
the woman’s fatty tissues. These endocrine disruptors have also been linked to causing
reproductive and developmental disorders, learning problems, and immune system dysfunction
in children. As it shows having parabens in our products are causing women and teenagers
many endocrine and immune system problems, along with many other health problems.
As cosmetics are becoming more widely used in young teenage girls starting as young as
14, our society is becoming more worried about our products out there. Many are beginning to
switch over to the organic beauty products, but we still need to be aware of products that
contain parabens and many other harmful chemicals. Along with parabens other harmful
products we must worry about are chemicals such as Propylene Glycol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
(SLS), Fragrance, and Mineral Oil, which have also been linked to health problems because it
has been added into our lotions, and make-up.
Propylene Glycol is obtained from petrochemicals and has been used in many skin care
products such as creams and lotions which act as an emulsifying agent. Though it makes a
woman’s skin look smooth it has actually been doing the opposite affect and is causing our skin
to age faster. It can also cause skin irritation and dermatitis. SLS acts as a degreaser, emulsifier,
and surfactant and is used in soaps, shampoos, shaving cream, etc. The will affect one’s eyes
and slow the healing process. It is also absorbed in our skin and accumulated in our body’s
organs. Another chemical that has been linked to health problems is artificial fragrance, though
we all love the different smells, artificial fragrances have been linked to headaches, lung
problems, skin irritation, and
dizziness. Along with artificial
fragrances, mineral oil has been
linked to causing skin irritations
because it has been known to
block skin pores, which causes
the problem of blocking
movement of nutrients, and
waste matter from the cells.
As we can see naming off only a few chemicals in our make-up is very alarming
especially for women who are using up to 20 cosmetics a day. The problem with these
chemicals isn’t the worry of accidental swallowing, but the fact that these products that we
have put on our skin are being absorbed into our body and enter into our bloodstream almost
Though cosmetics for all ages of women can be harmful it seems to be more worrisome
for teenage girls. As teenage girls begin to grow they become more susceptible to higher risk
factors than women while putting on their make-up, washing their hair, and moisturizing their
skin. During a trial of testing for adolescent girls across America, the Environmental Working
Group detected 16 chemicals from four chemical families; as I have mentioned the first was
parabens; then phthalates, triclosan, and musk not only in the blood, but also their urine
samples of girls 14-19.
Chemical Class Levels of Chemical in Blood or
# with
And Sub Class
urine from 20 teens girls
Parabens (ppm creatinine in urine)
Average Minimum Max
2918 20 of 20
Not detected 138
17 of 20
20 of 20
Not detected 20.7
8 of 20
Isopropylparaben 0.525
Not detected 57.9
17 of 20
4 of 20
Number of parabens tested in teenage girls blood and urine from their cosmetics
These chemicals cause many problems that have been seen in other chemicals being put
in the cosmetics going from problems of reproduction, rapid bone growth, shifts in metabolism
and changes in brain structure and function. During these studies they are aware that the
government has failed to protect the public health. Companies of cosmetic products are not
required by the Federal health statutes to test product of ingredients for safety before they are
sold. As a result, women and girls are being exposed to products that have been proven to
harmfully cause cancer, and many other health problems.
Though our cosmetics are very alarming, our society today has brought out beauty
products that are organic. Organic products have been proven to be safe for your skin and the
environment because they contain plant-derived ingredients, natural oils, and natural
fragrances that will clean and soothe your skin without the negative side effects. Changing from
normal beauty products to organic has been proven to help your risk from cancer, and
hormonal imbalance, but you must be careful to know that the product you are buying is truly
While you are looking for an organic cosmetic it can be difficult to learn which product is
truly safe. While looking at label some companies will label their product as “organic” because a
few of their ingredients are organic, but other companies that are truly manmade product will
label their product as “natural” or “green”. Though we have the problem of not truly knowing
which tells the truth, the simple way to solve it is by looking at the label, and learn what each
ingredient is. While checking the label, be sure each ingredient is organic along with the
packaging. Companies who are truly organic will be eco-conscious by using recycled and
recyclable packaging, and making sure that all ingredients are posted on their labels. While we
are learning to take the time and get the facts we are beginning help our skin and body
tremendously from harmful chemicals.
As an ending result of damaging cosmetics, women can take action by looking into the
ingredients she puts on her face, hair, and body. The best way to get these harmful chemicals
out of our market and our body we must take action by purchasing products that are organic
and do not contain chemicals like Parabens, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS),
Fragrance, and Mineral Oil. Without these harmful chemicals women can become healthier
each day without the worry of risking their body of getting cancer, endocrine and immune
system diseases, dermatitis, and many other skin irritations.
EWG. "Teen Girls' Body Burden of Hormone-Altering Cosmetics Chemicals." EWG Home |
Environmental Working Group. Web. 23 Jan. 2011.
Greer, Beth. "Looking Good Could Be Hazardous / Makeup, Perfume and Moisturizer May Contain
Harmful Chemicals - Page 2 - SFGate." Featured Articles From The SFGate. 27 Sept. 2006.
Web. 23 Jan. 2011. <>.
Greer, Beth. "Looking Good Could Be Hazardous / Makeup, Perfume and Moisturizer May Contain
Harmful Chemicals - SFGate." Featured Articles From The SFGate. 27 Sept. 2006. Web. 23 Jan.
2011. <>.
"Harmful Chemicals in Personal Care Products." Welcome to Organic Facts. Web. 24 Jan. 2011.
"Makeup and Harmful Effects on Your Skin Care." Free Articles Directory | Submit Articles 1 Apr. 2009. Web. 23 Jan. 2011. <>.
"Organic Beauty Products | Are Organic Cosmetics Better for Your Skin?" The Renewable Planet |
Environmentally Friendly Living. Web. 23 Jan. 2011.