Capstone Group Charter

Capstone Group Charter
Names of Group Members
Ann, Joan and Tom
Community Partner: Mary Smith
Define Your Final Project
(What are you researching? What are you producing? What will you turn in at the end of the
term as your final product?)
1) Two brochures (Summer/Spring and Fall/Winter) geared towards patients who are seen at
two chosen clinics. The brochures will provide information about harvest share program in
general and will also list produce that is offered at that time through harvest share and what
medical/health/nutritional benefits the produce contributes. It will also list the closest
harvest share site to the clinic which the brochure is distributed from.
2) An informative Email or website/link (Depending on what further communication with Mary
Smith brings) that also introduces the clinicians to the program and makes them familiar
with our goals. Suggestions on how to best prescribe this program to patients and
information on where the sites are located and why they may want to visit the sites
themselves. The brochures will also be made available to the clinicians either via email or
website, so they can view what they will be “prescribing”
Division of Tasks
Ann: (Main contact with Mary Smith). 1. Research of “cold season” produce/ benefits of
specified produce. Pencil and paper rough draft of brochure including pictures to be included
and written material/information. 2. Designing an informational flier (unsure if it will be
paper/email or website form at this point) for clinicians to use as a guide to prescribing this
program to patients.
Joan: 1. Research of “warm season” produce/ benefits of specified produce. Pencil and paper
rough draft of brochure including pictures to be included and written material/information.
2. Designing an informational flier (unsure if it will be paper/email or website form at this point)
for clinicians to use as a guide to prescribing this program to patients.
Tom: 1. Graphic designer/Social Media. Taking what is drafter on pencil and paper and creating
it on the computer for printing/distribution. 2. Designing an informational flier (unsure if it will
be paper/email or website form at this point) for clinicians to use as a guide to prescribing this
program to patients. 3. Web design if necessary.
Weekly Timeline
(What you intend to do and accomplish each week.)
Week 4-
Contact Mary Smith :
o Clarification of expectations for final product.
o Request information regarding what has already been done in terms of mapping
out sites vs. clinics within close proximity.
o Request for our group to volunteer at or experience a Harvest Share site first
o Discuss possible electronic approach for clinicians (and patients who have
internet access) to access brochures, information etc.
Week 5-
Research warm season and cold season produce that harvest share offers and research the
benefits they provide.
Begin writing the informational pieces that will be included on the brochures.
Take pictures to include on the brochures.
Go visit the harvest share sites with Mary Smith
Look up/Call clinics to determine demographics of patients seen
Week 6-
Contact/Visit clinicians to get their idea on how to best promote this program to the patients
and how we could best get the information to the clinicians themselves (via paper flier,
email, website…?)
Confirm with Mary Smith what site will be associated with what clinics.
Relay what we have learned from clinicians to Mary Smith to finalize the decision of paper
fliers vs something internet best for the clinicians.
Design paper and pencil rough draft of brochures including rough draft of written materials
to present and go over with Mary Smith on May 10th (Thursday).
Week 7-
Edit/Finalize the written information as well as the suggested layout to be put on brochures
and submit to Tom.
Create maps and directions to submit to Tom to include on brochure.
Submit pictures to Tom to put on brochures.
Create/Brainstorm rough draft of clinician informative piece.
Week 8-
Meet with Mary Smith to go over what we have for clinicians and final approval of
Finalize graphic design of the brochures (Tom).
Edit and finalize written information to be provided to clinicians.
Begin to transfer rough draft to final form (final paper or email format or website based). If
website based- upload brochures to website)
Week 9-
Complete the clinician portion of the final project.
Check with Mary Smith for final approval of the clinician aspect.
Make any last minute tweaks on both portions.
Triple check all spelling, formats etc
Week 10-
Present final projects