Syllabus - King William County Public Schools

World Studies and Geography I
Course Syllabus 2014-2015
Mr. Leid
Room 510
(804)769-2708 ext. 267
Course Description
In this course students will study the history of the world beginning with prehistory and
continuing up until the Renaissance period. Studies will focus on key world events, cultures,
important figures, global interaction, exploration, and geography during these time periods. Extra
emphasis will be placed on ancient and classical civilizations and their contributions to modern
The course will be appropriately challenging. Instruction in this course will include; teacher-led
discussions, and student-driven activities. Students will be required to read, take notes, and
complete homework.
SOL Standards
World History to 1500
WHI-1: The student will improve skills in historical research and geographical analysis by
interpreting primary and secondary sources, using maps, globes, artifacts, and pictures,
identifying major geographic features, identifying the locations of civilizations, analyzing trends
in human migration and cultural interaction, and analyzing the impact of economics.
WHI- 2: The student will demonstrate knowledge of early development of humankind from the
Paleolithic Era to the agricultural revolution
WHI- 3: The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient river valley civilizations, including
those of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus River Valley, and China and the civilizations of the
Hebrews, Phoenicians, and Nubians
WHI- 4: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the civilizations of Persia, India, and China
WHI- 5: The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Greece in terms of its impact on
Western civilization
WHI- 6: The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome in terms of its impact on
Western civilization
WHI- 7: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the Byzantine Empire and Russia
WHI- 8: The student will demonstrate knowledge of Islamic civilization
WHI- 9: The student will demonstrate knowledge of Western Europe during the Middle Ages in
terms of its impact on Western civilization
WHI- 10: The student will demonstrate knowledge of civilizations and empires of the Eastern
Hemisphere and their interactions through regional trade patterns
WHI- 11: The student will demonstrate knowledge of major civilizations of the Western
Hemisphere, including the Mayan, Aztec, and Incan
WHI- 12: The student will demonstrate knowledge of social, economic, and political changes
and cultural achievements in the late medieval period
WHI- 13: The student will demonstrate knowledge of developments leading to the Renaissance
in Europe in terms of its impact on Western civilization
World History: Volume 1, by Ellis & Esler.
Students will be required to bring their textbooks to class EVERY day.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
1. All rules and regulations outlined in the King William Student Code of Conduct for
2014-2015 will be enforced in this classroom.
2. No food or drink is allowed in the classroom. Except water is allowed and encouraged
3. It is the responsibility of the student to see the teacher about missing or late work due to
an absence. Make-up work must be completed in the time frame outlined in the King
William Student Code of Conduct and may not exceed 3 consecutive days. The student’s
first day back in class after an absence counts as the first day.
4. Long term essays and projects must be turned in on the due date. If a student is absent on
the due date, their project will be due on the next day they are present in class.
5. Students are expected to be on time to class ready to participate and learn as much as they
can everyday.
6. There will be a project and take-home writing assignment given for each of the four nine
weeks. Details and rubrics about each assignment will be given to the students well in
advance of the project due date.
7. Inappropriate behavior, comments, and attitudes toward anyone in this classroom will not
be tolerated. The utmost respect and classroom conduct is expected from each student.
8. Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to copying
homework, cheating on quizzes and tests, or plagiarizing essays or reports. Students
found cheating or plagiarizing will be dealt with according to the Honor Code for King
William High School.
9. The student agenda will be the only pass allowed in this class. Please use the bathroom
and get a drink prior to class, if possible.
10. Please refer to the student handbook in regards to the cell phone policy.
11. If a student is assigned MIP, the student must take their textbook and binder to complete
ALL assignments given that day. If these assignments are not completed the student’s
grade will suffer.
12. This class requires a high degree of student participation. Come to class ready to discuss
and interact with your peers everyday.
Teacher Grading Policy
Tests (4 Tests/9 weeks):
Class work/In-class assignments:
Course outline per grading period
1st Nine Weeks
Prehistory (Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras)
Ancient River Civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus River Valley, and China)
Classical Civilizations (China, India, and Persia)
2nd Nine Weeks
3rd Nine Weeks
Byzantine and Russia
Islamic Empire
Eastern Empires (Asia)
Western Empires (Maya, Aztec, and Inca)
4th Nine Weeks
Middle Ages [Early and Late] (SOLs 9 and 12)
Materials Needed
2 inch three ring binder (just for this course)
Two packs of loose leaf
Pens (blue or black) and Pencils (#2)
Dry Erase Markers
15 Dividers
Please read, sign, and return to Mr. Leid
Student Name: ___________________________________________________
After reading this syllabus, I understand and will comply with its contents.
______________________________________ (Student’s Signature)
______________ (Date)
I have read this syllabus and will expect my son/daughter to comply with its contents.
______________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature)
_______________ (Date)