
Secure Data Transmission By Using Digital Signature Method In IBS And
IBOOS Protocols For Cluster Based Wireless Sensor Network
M.Tech Student
Department of CSE - R&D Centre
Prof &Head
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Abstract: Clustering is a key technique to improve the
network lifetime, reduce the energy consumption and
increase the scalability of the sensor network. Secure data
transmission is a critical issue for wireless sensor networks
(WSNs). Clustering is an effective and practical way to
enhance the system performance of WSNs. A new type of
signature scheme is proposed. It consists of two phases .The
first phase is performed off-line, before the message to be
signed is even known .The second phase is performed online, once the message to be signed is known, and is
supposed to be very fast. Two secure and efficient data
transmission (SET) protocols for CWSNs, called SET-IBS
and SET-IBOOS, by using the identity-based digital
signature (IBS) scheme and the identity-based online/offline
digital signature (IBOOS) scheme, respectively. SET-IBOOS
reduces the computational overhead for protocol security
and also We show the feasibility of the SET-IBS and SETIBOOS protocols with respect to the security requirements
and security analysis against various attacks. The results
show that the new type of signature method and the
proposed protocols have better performance than the
existing secure protocols for cluster based wireless sensor
network, in terms of security overhead and energy
Index Terms: Cluster – based WSNs, ID based digital
signature,ID based online / offline digital signature, CH,CH
selection ,RSA,DES.
Efficient data transmission is one of the most important
issues for WSNs. A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a
network system comprised of spatially distributed devices
using wireless sensor nodes to monitor physical or
environmental conditions, such as sound and temperature.
The individual nodes are sending data to one or more
collection points in a WSNs. The individual nodes are
capable of sensing their environments and processing the
information data locally. In a digital signature scheme, each
user U publishes a public key while keeping secret a secret
key. U’s signature of a message m is a value σ, depending on
m and his secret key, such that U(using his secret key) can
quickly generate σ and anyone can quickly verify the
validity of σ, using U’s public key. However, it is hard to
forge U’s signatures without knowledge of his secret key.
Cluster based data transmission in WSNs have been
investigated by researchers are order to achieve the network
scalability and management. In a cluster based WSNs every
cluster has a leader sensor node regarded as cluster
head(CH). CH aggregates the data collected by the leaf
nodes and sends the aggregation to the base station. In order
to prevent quick energy consumption of the set of CHs
LEACH(Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy)
randomly rotates CH among all sensor nodes and achieves
improvements in terms of network lifetime.
A.Cluster head capabilities:
Mobility:CH can be stationary or mobile. But
movements are limited within the region for better network
performance. Node types:Deployed sensor nodes equipped
with more computation and communication resources are
selected as CHs. Role :CHs relay the traffic, fuse or
aggregate the sense data.
B. Selection criteria for CH:
Initial energy :When any algorithm starts it considers
the initial energy of the CH and the initial energy must be
high. Residual energy: After few rounds of selection, the
CH election should be based on remaining energy of the
node. Energy consumption rate : This rate is defined as Vi(t)
= [Initial– Ei(t)] / r Where Initialis the initial energy, Ei(t) is
the residual energy and r is the current round of CH
Average energy of the network : It is the
reference energy (ideal energy) of each node in current
round to keep the network alive.
In this paper we propose two Secure and Efficient
data Transmission (SET) protocols for CWSNs, called SETIBS and SETIBOOS, by using the IBS scheme and the
IBOOSscheme, respectively. The key idea of both SET-IBS
and SET-IBOOS is to authenticate the encrypted sensed
data, by applying digital signatures to message packets,
which are efficient in communication and applying the key
management for security. In the proposed protocols, secret
keys and pairing parameters are distributed and preloaded in
all sensor nodes by the BS initially, which overcomes the
key escrow problem described in ID-based crypto-systems.
SET-IBOOS is proposed in order to further reduce the
computational overhead for security using the IBOOS
scheme, in which security relies on the hardness of the
discrete logarithmic problem. Both SET-IBS and
SETIBOOS solve the orphan node problem in the secure
data transmission with a symmetric key management.We
extends the above to add secure node mobility for allowing
nodes to move from one cluster to another by obtaining the
secure token to the existing cluster and the new cluster head
receives the token and validates the joining node, this allows
mobility of nodes between cluster and prevents
unauthenticated node to enter network.To achieve this we
will use the hash based token generation approach.
A. Protocol initialization :In order to reduce the
computation and storage costs of signature signing
processing in the IBS scheme, we improve SET-IBS by
introducing IBOOS for security in SET-IBOOS. The
operation of the protocol initialization in SET-IBOOS is
similar to that of SET-IBS, however, the operations of key
predistribution are revised for IBOOS. The BS does the
following operations of key pre-distribution in the network:
. Generate an encryption key k for the homomorphic
encryption scheme to encrypt data messages, where k ¡ô [m .
1], m is a large integer.
. Let G be a multiplicative finite cyclic group with
order q. The PKG selects a random generator g for group G
generation, and chooses x ¡ô Z. q at random as the master
secret key.
. Randomly select r ¡ô Z. q for each node private key
generation, and let H be a hash function.
. Preload each sensor node with the public parameters,
given by param2=(k,m,G, q, g, x, r, H).
2)Key management for security :Assume that a sensor
node j transmits a message M, and we denote the cipher-text
of the encrypted message as C, which is encrypted by the
same encryption scheme in SETIBS. Inspired from the
concept of an IBOOS scheme, we construct an IBOOS
scheme based on the DLP in the multiplicative group, and
propose a novel secure data transmission protocol with
IBOOS specifically for CWSNs (SET-IBOOS).
The corresponding private pairing parameters are
preloaded in the sensor nodes during the protocol
initialization. The IBOOS scheme in the proposed SET-
IBOOS consists of following four operations, extraction,
offline signing, online signing and verification.
Extraction: Before the signature process, it first
extracts private keys from the master secret key x and its
identity ID, as sek=(R, si), where
R = gr ,
Si = r + H(R,IDi)x modq.
Offline signing: It generates the offline signature σ i
with the time-stamp of its time slot for transmission, and
store the knowledge for signing online signature when it
sends the message. Notice that, this offline signature can be
done by the sensor node itself or by the trustful third party,
e.g., the BS or the CH sensor node. Let X =gx, then,
gsi = grgH(R,IDi)x modq = RXH(R,IDi)modq.
σi = g-ti
Online signing: At this stage, node Ai computes the
online signature _σi, zi_ based on the encrypted data C and
the offline signature σi.
hi = H(C\\σi).
Zi = σi + hisimodq,
σi = gσi.
Then node Ai sends the encrypted message to its
destination with the signature ID,C.
Verification: Upon receiving the message, each sensor
node verifies the authenticity in the following way. It checks
the current time-stamp for freshness. Then, if the timestamp is correct, the sensor node further computes the value
of RhiXhiH(R,IDi)modqusing the online signature then check if
gzi = σiRhiXhiH(R,IDi)modq.
If it is equal to the equation above in the received message,
the sensor node considers the received message authentic,
accepts it, and propagates the message to the next hop or
user. If the verification above fails, the sensor node
considers the message as either bogus or a replaced one,
even a mistaken one, then rejects or ignores it.
In large scale CWSNs, multi-hop data transmission is
used for transmission between the CHs to the BS, where the
direct communication is not possible due to the distance or
obstacles between them. The version of the proposed SETIBS and SET-IBOOSprotocols for CWSNs can be extended
using multi-hop routing algorithms, to form secure data
transmission protocols for hierarchical clusters. The
solutions to this extension could be achieved by applying the
following two routing models.
1) The multi-hop planar model: A CH node transmits data
to the BS by forwarding its data to its neighbor nodes, in
turn the data is sent to the BS. We have proposedan energy
efficient routing algorithm for hierarchically clustered
WSNs in [30], and it is suitable for the proposed secure data
transmission protocols.
2) The cluster-based hierarchical method: The network
is broken into clustered layers, and the data packages travel
from a lower cluster head to a higher one, in turn to the BS.
Time based system parameter initialization
Cluster head selector module
Data upload manager.
Data Flow Diagram:A data flow diagram (DFD) is a
graphical representation of the "flow" of data through
an information system, modeling its process aspects. Often
they are a preliminary step used to create an overview of the
system which can later be elaborated. DFDs can also be used
for the visualization of data processing (structured design).
A DFD shows what kind of information will be input
to and output from the system, where the data will come
from and go to, and where the data will be stored. It does not
show information about the timing of processes, or
information about whether processes will operate in
sequence or in parallel.
A data-flow
diagram (DFD) is
a graphical
representation of the "flow" of data through an information
system. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data
processing (structured design).
On a DFD, data items flow from an external data
source or an internal data store to an internal data store or an
external data sink, via an internal process.
A DFD provides no information about the timing or
ordering of processes, or about whether processes will
operate in sequence or in parallel. It is therefore quite
different from a flowchart, which shows the flow of
control through an algorithm, allowing a reader to determine
what operations will be performed, in what order, and under
what circumstances, but not what kinds of data will be input
to and output from the system, nor where the data will come
from and go to, norwhere the data will be stored (all of
which are shown on a DFD). When it comes to conveying
how information data flows through systems (and how that
data is transformed in the process), data flow diagrams
(DFDs) are the method of choice over technical descriptions
for three principal reasons.
(1) DFDs are easier to understand by technical and
nontechnical audiences.
(2) DFDs can provide a high level system overview,
complete with boundaries and connections to other systems.
(3) DFDs can provide a detailed representation of
system components.
DFDs help system designers and others during initial
analysis stages visualize a current system or one that may be
necessary to meet new requirements. Systems analysts prefer
working with DFDs, particularly when they require a clear
understanding of the boundary between existing systems and
postulated systems. DFDs represent the following:
1. External devices sending and receiving data
2. Processes that change that data
3. Data flows themselves
4. Data storage locations
It is common practice to draw the context-level data
flow diagram first, which shows the interaction between the
system and external agents which act as data sources and
data sinks. This helps to create an accurate drawing in the
context diagram. The system's interactions with the outside
world are modelled purely in terms of data flows across
the system boundary. The context diagram shows the entire
system as a single process, and gives no clues as to its
internal organization.
This context-level DFD is next "exploded", to produce
a Level 1 DFD that shows some of the detail of the system
being modeled. The Level 1 DFD shows how the system is
divided into sub-systems (processes), each of which deals
with one or more of the data flows to or from an external
agent, and which together provide all of the functionality of
the system as a whole. It also identifies internal data stores
that must be present in order for the system to do its job, and
shows the flow of data between the various parts of the
Data flow diagrams were proposed by Larry
Constantine, the original developer of structured
design, based on Martin and Estrin's "data flow graph"
model of computation.
Data flow diagrams are one of the three essential
perspectives of the structured-systems analysis and design
method SSADM. The sponsor of a project and the end users
will need to be briefed and consulted throughout all stages of
a system's evolution. With a data flow diagram, users are
able to visualize how the system will operate, what the
system will accomplish, and how the system will be
implemented. The old system's dataflow diagrams can be
drawn up and compared with the new system's data flow
diagrams to draw comparisons to implement a more efficient
system. Data flow diagramscan be used to provide the end
user with a physical idea of where the data they input
ultimately has an effect upon the structure of the whole
system from order to dispatch to report. How any system is
developed can be determined through a data flow diagram
In the course of developing a set of levelled data flow
diagrams the analyst/designers is forced to address how the
system may be decomposed into component sub-systems,
and to identify the transaction data in the data model.
Data flow diagrams can be used in both Analysis and
Design phase of the SDLC.
Time based system parameter initialization :
Data & secret
Cipher generation
IDs key generation
Node i
Online signature
Offline signature
& Ti
Key distribution
Node n
Cluster head selector module:
Data send process
Message receiver
Flow Charts:
Cluster election
If selected
as cluster
Join process
Offline signature
Signature receiver
A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents
an algorithm, workflow or process, showing the steps as
boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting them
with arrows. This diagrammatic representation illustrates a
solution to a given problem. Flowcharts are used in
analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or
program in various fields.
Flowcharts are used in designing and documenting
complex processes or programs. Like other types of
diagrams, they help visualize what is going on and thereby
help the people to understand a process, and perhaps also
find flaws, bottlenecks, and other less-obvious features
within it. There are many different types of flowcharts, and
each type has its own repertoire of boxes and notational
conventions. The two most common types of boxes in a
flowchart are:
 a processing step, usually called activity, and
denoted as a rectangular box
 a decision, usually denoted as a diamond.
Data upload Process (Nodes):
A flowchart is described as "cross-functional" when the
page is divided into different swim-lanes describing the
control of different organizational units. A symbol appearing
in a particular "lane" is within the control of that
organizational unit. This technique allows the author to
locate the responsibility for performing an action or making
a decision correctly, showing the responsibility of each
organizational unit for different parts of a single process.
Flowcharts depict certain aspects of processes and they
are usually complemented by other types of diagram. For
instance, Kaoru Ishikawa defined the flowchart as one of the
seven basic tools of quality control, next to
the histogram, Pareto chart, check sheet, control chart, cause-
and-effect diagram, and the scatter diagram. Similarly,
in UML, a standard concept-modeling notation used in
software development, the activity diagram, which is a type
of flowchart, is just one of many different diagram types.
Common alternative names include: flowchart, process
flowchart, functional flowchart, process map, process chart,
functional process chart, business process model, process
model, process flow diagram, work flow diagram, business
flow diagram. The terms "flowchart" and "flow chart" are
used interchangeably.
Time based system parameter initialization Flow Diagram:
Define time interval Ti
& Ts
Generate master key
ID generation
No of
Nodes &
Initialize node in s
Send ID key to nodes
If distribution
In this paper,we reviewed the security for cluster based
wireless sensor network in secure data transmission.
Clustering is a good technique to reduce energy consumption
and to provide stability in wireless sensor network. SET–IBS
& SET-IBOOS are efficient in communication & applying
the ID based cryptosystem. Which achieves security
requirement is CWSNs. The result show that the proposed
SET–IBS and the SET–IBOOS protocols have better
performance than existing secure protocols.
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