2014-15 ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT & PLANNING RECORD Bachelor of Science in Applied Science (BSAS) Information Technology I. Mission College of Hospitality and Technology Leadership Mission Statement: The College of Hospitality and Technology Leadership at the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee provides an intellectual, collaborative, ethical, inclusive learning environment for students pursuing leadership positions in hospitality and technology and graduating leaders for these industries to serve citizens of Florida, the U.S., and the world. Bachelor of Science in Applied Science (BSAS) Information Technology Mission Statement: The mission of the BSAS program is to further develop the occupational competencies of an AS degree to the level of a Bachelor of Science degree. II. Program Educational Objectives and Student Outcomes I. Content: Student will be able to demonstrate the knowledge of the significant facts, principles, concepts, and/or theories comprising their selected field of concentration. II. Critical Thinking: In work appropriate to the following areas of concentration, students will be able to demonstrate the following functions of critical thinking: focus on the main idea, draw inferences, evaluate, analyze, and continue the progression of an idea. III. Communication: In work appropriate to the following areas of concentration, student will be able to demonstrate the following functions of good writing: focused unity, coherent organization, relevant support, appropriate diction and syntax, correct grammar and mechanics for the discipline. III. Means of Assessing the Student Outcomes Capstone Project (CIS 4935, Senior Project / Approved Internship Capstone Assessment): In the senior project / approved internship capstone course, CIS 4935, students are required to complete a real-world project for a business or industry sponsor. The project requires each student to demonstrate technical knowledge, as well as computational and analytic skills. Consisting of four stages, students are required to complete the following: - - Present an overview of the project or internship, focusing on why the project was needed, and how the problem was resolved. Challenges encountered and how these were overcome are also included in the presentation. A demo of the final solution is also given (if applicable). Students document the entire experience in a 4-6 page report, and Capstone Examination (CIS 4935, Senior Project / Approved Internship Capstone Assessment): - Take a test to assess how well the objectives and five learning outcomes were met. (Note: this test is currently going through development). In addition to being graded by the professor, the project is externally evaluated for evidence of technical knowledge and skill sets by a team of faculty using an agreed-upon scoring rubric based on the educational objectives. Graduation Survey - Given to all students upon the completion of their degree. Graduates are asked to select the degree to which they agree or disagree with the following statements: “My critical thinking skills have improved,” “My writing skills improved,” and “My oral communication skills improved.” Scale: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree. IV. Previous Cycle Analysis of Results and Planned Changes 1. Content: Student will be able to demonstrate the knowledge of the significant facts, principles, concepts, and/or theories comprising their selected field of concentration. Faculty Comments: There has been a marked change in the projects being delivered by students in this cycle. The change is reflected in the nature and challenge of the projects as well as the number of internships is showing an upward trend. Curricula Changes: More internships are projected to be incorporated as IT Senior Projects . Changes to the Assessment Process: There have been discussions on hiring an Internship Coordinator to provide additional support. The coordinator will not only work on developing relationships with external entities but will also put the students thru the paces to ensure they are well prepared to handle interviews professionally with polished resumes. However, the earlier concern regarding the need for the Assessment Process to be reinforced with more faculty participation in real time remains. We need a more varied Q&A session for each student’s project/presentation to be assessed adequately. 2. Critical Thinking: In work appropriate to the following areas of concentration, students will be able to demonstrate the following functions of critical thinking: focus on the main idea, draw inferences, evaluate, analyze, and continue the progression of an idea. Faculty Comments: There is an increase in the research students have to do for some of the projects. This can also be viewed as a measure of challenge. Students are expected to implement solutions. Curricula Changes: Changes to the Assessment Process: 3. Communication: In work appropriate to the following areas of concentration, student will be able to demonstrate the following functions of good writing: focused unity, coherent organization, relevant support, appropriate diction and syntax, correct grammar and mechanics for the discipline. Faculty Comments: Curricula Changes: Changes to the Assessment Process: Most of the students present and deliver their projects in a well-structured coordinated manner, along with a live demo of the end deliverable. Need to have a formal approval process for projects undertaken by students. Also need a longer lead time for students to start thinking about this course. Advisors need to emphasize the need for the Senior Project as soon as students enter their senior year. Summary of Program Improvement Initiatives to be Pursued in the Coming Academic Year Faculty will work with Advisors to emphasize the longer lead time required for Senior Projects. Dean’s Response (Dr. Cihan Cobanoglu) Dean agrees with initiatives. V. Assessment Results ACADEMIC PROGRAM: BS in Applied Science: Information Technology Student Outcomes Objective Content: Student will be able to demonstrate the knowledge of the significant facts, principles, concepts, and/or theories comprising their selected field of concentration. I Critical Thinking: In work appropriate to the following areas of concentration, students will be able to demonstrate the following functions of critical thinking: focus on the main idea, draw inferences, evaluate, analyze, and continue the progression of an idea. I II II II Means of Assessing Capstone Examination CIS 4935 Capstone Project CIS 4935 Target Summary Assessment Results Students will average at least 75% correct. Average score of all student performances is at least (3.0) “Satisfactory.” Capstone Examination CIS 4935 Students will average at least 75% correct. Capstone Project CIS 4935 Average score of all student performances is at least (3.0) “Satisfactory.” Graduation Survey Critical Thinking Skills CIP Code: 24.0102 Graduation Survey: Using a scale of 1 (None) to 5 (A Great Deal), 75% of respondents will select either a 4 or a 5 in response to the following statement: “To what extent do you feel your experiences at USF contributed Data from examination not collected. Content Knowledge Min Max Mean Year N 2013-14 6 2 2 2014-15 7 3 4 Median SD 2.00 2.0 0.00 3.75 4.0 .46 Data from examination not collected. Critical Thinking Max Mean Year N Min 2013-14 6 3 4 2014-15 7 3 4 2014-15 Median SD 3.83 4.0 .39 3.78 4.0 .43 Critical Thinking N % 12 83% Student Outcomes Communication: In work appropriate to the following areas of concentration, student will be able to demonstrate the following functions of good writing: focused unity, coherent organization, relevant support, appropriate diction and syntax, correct grammar and mechanics for the discipline. Objective III III Means of Assessing Capstone Project CIS4935 Graduation Survey Communication Skills Target to your growth and development in your ability to critically analyze ideas and information.” Average score of all student performances is at least (3.0) “Satisfactory.” Graduation Survey: Using a scale of 1 (None) to 5 (A Great Deal), 75% of respondents will select either a 4 or a 5 in response to the following statement: “To what extent do you feel your experiences at USF contributed to your growth and development in your ability to communicate effectively (verbally, in writing, etc.) Summary Assessment Results Communication Max Mean Year N Min 2013-14 6 4 4 2014-15 7 4 4 2014-15 Median SD 4.0 4.0 .00 4.0 4.0 .00 Communication Skills N % 12 83% VI. Current Cycle Analysis of Results and Planned Changes 1. Content: Student will be able to demonstrate the knowledge of the significant facts, principles, concepts, and/or theories comprising their selected field of concentration. Faculty Comments: Curricula Changes: Changes to the Assessment Process: 2. Critical Thinking: In work appropriate to the following areas of concentration, students will be able to demonstrate the following functions of critical thinking: focus on the main idea, draw inferences, evaluate, analyze, and continue the progression of an idea. Faculty Comments: Curricula Changes: Changes to the Assessment Process: 3. Communication: In work appropriate to the following areas of concentration, student will be able to demonstrate the following functions of good writing: focused unity, coherent organization, relevant support, appropriate diction and syntax, correct grammar and mechanics for the discipline. Faculty Comments: Curricula Changes: Changes to the Assessment Process: VII. Analysis of Results and Planned Changes VIII. Dean’s Response (Dr. James Curran)