File - Mrs. Elizabeth S. Perrone

Name ______________________
Chemistry Trimester 1 Review Sheet
1. What is the Scientific Method? How would you design an experiment to test “Drinking coffee at
night keeps me awake.”
2. What is the difference between an element and a compound? Give an example of each.
3. What is the difference between a pure substance and a mixture? Give an example of each.
4. Compare and contrast homogenous and heterogeneous mixtures. Compare and contrast
mixtures and compounds.
5. What are some properties of metals, metalloids, and non metals? Give 3 examples of each.
Where can each be found on the Periodic Table of Elements?
6. What is the name of the element in Group 4 Period 4?
7. What is Dalton’s atomic theory? What are the three sub-particles of an atom, where are they
located, and what are their charges?
8. What is an amu? Give the amu for each sub-particle.
9. What were the contributions of the following scientists: Mendeleev, Rutherford, JJ Thompson,
and Dalton?
10. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons do the following elements contain: Neon, Barium,
Bromine, Fluorine?
11. What is the difference between atomic mass, mass number, and atomic number?
12. If an element has an atomic number of 53, the weight of 127, how many neutrons does it have?
13. What is a valence electron? What is its purpose in bonding?
14. What is an orbital? How many electrons can one orbital hold?
15. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be held by each of the following subshells:
s, p, d, f?
16. What is the ground state of an element?
17. What element has the electron configuration:1s2, 2s2, 2p2?
18. What is ionization energy? What is an atomic spectra?
19. What is the octet rule?
20. What charge do elements in group 1A form? Group 2A? Group17, Group 18?
21. What happens to the size of an atom as you move across the Periodic Table of Elements? What
happens when you move down?
22. Two isotopes of Rb occur naturally, 85-Rb at 72.17% (84.91amu) and 87-Rb at 27.83% (86.91
amu). What is the atomic mass of Rb?
23. What is the electromagnetic spectrum? List the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum in order
of increasing frequency and photon energy.
24. What is a photon? An atomic spectrum?
25. What happens when an electron moves to a higher energy level? To a lower one?
26. Consider these three elements:
X= [Ar}4s23d5 Y=[Ar}4s23d104p1 Z=[Ar}4s23d104p6
a. Identify each element and tell if it is a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid
b. Which element has the smallest atomic size?
Name ______________________
c. Which element has the highest ionization energy?
d. Which element has a half-filled sublevel?
27. When Magnesium and Chlorine for a bond, what is the name and formula for the resulting
28. What is the difference between an anion and a cation?
29. How do you name an anion?
30. What is the formula for Manganese Sulfide?
31. What is a diatomic molecule? Which elements form diatomic molecules?
32. Compare and contrast and ionic and covalent bond.
33. Name the following compounds. Indicate whether it is an ionic or covalent bond.
a. CuSO4
b. BrF3
34. Write the formula for the following:
a. Carbon disulfide
b. Phosphorous trichloride
c. Barium hydroxide
d. Zinc phosphate
35. Show the electron dot formula for Na & O
36. What is the octet rule?
37. Draw two resonance structures for SO2
38. What is electronegativity?
39. What type of bond is formed between H & Br? Between H & Cl?
40. What is a dipole?
41. Name five metals that form more than one positive ion. What are they called and where are
they located on the Periodic Table of elements?
42. What is a hydrocarbon?
43. Compare and contrast alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes.
44. Compare and contrast the structural formula, skeletal formula, and condensed formula.
45. Draw the condensed and expanded formula for nonane.
46. Draw the condensed and expanded formula for:
a. 4-ethyl-4,5-methylheptane
b. 3- bromo-2,4-diethyloctene
47. What are the formulas for an alkane, alkene, and alkyne?
48. What is an isomer? Draw three isomers of decane.
49. What is a substituent? Draw the following groups:
a. Methyl
b. Ethyl
c. Propyl
50. Draw the following functional groups:
a. hydroxyl
b. benzene ring
c. carboxylic acid
d. aldehyde
e. ketone
f. ester
g. amine
h. amide
i. ether
j. phenol