New KPI methodology and logic 310314

Version 2 headline KPIs- outline, logic and
methodology. April 2014.
There are more benefits to reuse than is first assumed, however avoiding the purchase of new items
is the main area that has been focussed on until now.
In the last 2.5 years of operation, we have also had feedback about many positive benefits such as
time savings, donations to charity and other social benefits. We have even had reports that staff and
organisations are collaborating and making connections that would not have happened without
WARPit. See audio from Ellie from the Institute of Making UCL:
Therefore during 2014 we are introducing additional KPIs and factors that reflect the true benefits of
reuse. In most cases the source conversion factors can be customised- This means the KPIs and
savings that are achieved are more accurate, transparent and meaningful to your organisation.
It also means that the benefit of internal (and external) reuse is fully illustrated to the rest of the
organisation and beyond. This has the effect of increasing reuse, as staff can relate to how useful the
activity is- and increasing the associated benefits.
The following explains the first phase of additional KPIs (version 2) which were introduced on
Original source data
The following original source data is still used as a basis of most calculations. There is a more
detailed account at the end of this document.
Financial saving (£)
The system assumes if a staff member claims an item, it replaces the act of buying a new item. Each
item is given a replacement purchasing value. This is the cost of purchasing a new item. This value is
an average across the board cost of that item at public sector/ bulk buying contract prices.
Each item is also given waste disposal financial value related to weight and volume. This aspect can
be customised.
Avoided waste (KG)
Each item that is transferred is given a weight value (KG) based on the ‘Measure Your Treasure’
guidelines, originally produced by the Community Recycling Network UK (, in
consultation with community waste sector groups.
Avoided supply chain Carbon Emissions (CO2e) (KG)
Carbon and other Greenhouse Gases (GHG) are given off in the manufacture of products. Every item
transferred using WARPit saves on carbon emissions because a new item does not have to be
manufactured, transported and purchased. The GHG can be measured by estimating the amount
emitted during manufacture, using activity data (such as the amount of fuel used) and applying
relevant conversion factors (e.g. calorific values, emission factors, oxidation factors).
These conversion factors allow organisations and individuals to calculate greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions from a range of activities and enable us to convert activity data (e.g. litres of fuel used,
number of miles driven, tonnes of waste sent to landfill) into kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent
(CO2e). Carbon dioxide equivalent is a universal unit of measurement used to indicate the global
warming potential of one unit of carbon dioxide.
Using conversion guidelines, we are able to apply conversion factors to various items that are
transferred on WARPit. Thereby producing the Carbon Equivalent saving on each transaction.
The conversion factors are calculated by Centre for Sustainability Accounting (CenSA), York, based
on previous calculations by Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), University of York- these factors
are used by DEFRA and HEFCE.
New Performance data
When you log in as an admin you will see there are a number of new links in the dashboard: If you
click on “Performance data” you will see some of the new data.
The above is only a screen shot. Please log in and explore your new pages.
Total savings (£)
This is new KPI is made up of the financial value of contributing factors across the reuse process. This
includes cost (£) savings from internal trades, external inward trades, waste cost savings and the
value of staff time saved. Each aspect is explained below
Logic: Total savings (£) = internal trades + external inward trades+ waste savings +staff time (£) =
Total reuse savings
The following contribute to Total savings:
Internal procurement savings (£)
This KPI reflects the avoided procurement cost on internal trades.
Waste disposal cost savings
Each item on the system is given a weight value in KG. A waste disposal financial value can then be
applied. This was worked out using the average UK costs of disposal.
However this figure is not a fair representation of the real cost of disposing furniture and physical
items, as waste disposal is usually charged by volume- not weight. So the cost of waste disposal
using tonnage of furniture is a gross under estimation.
Waste costs vary all over the UK. The way organisations pack skips also varies- if it is tightly packed
there is less air and thus the skip charge is better value for money.
As of 01/01/2014 the waste financial savings methodology has been improved for accuracy, allowing
the admin to allow for local costs, volume and staff time. Now the admin can add their own
personal conversion factors related to: Cost of skip, average weight, staff time taken to fill a skip.
Logic: Waste cost savings (£) = (Cost of skip + cost of man per hour)/weight of skip = Cost of
disposing 1KG . Cost of disposing 1KG is then multiplied by the weight of the item/s (KG)
Customise the factors in “customise reports” section in admin dashboard
External inward trades
This is the value of items that staff have claimed from other organisations- which have been brought
into the organisation. If the admin has switched off external trades, this value will not contribute.
Staff time savings as a cost (£)
This contribution is a reflection of the cost saved from claiming an item on WARPit compared with
going through the process of buying a new item. On WARPit there is no need to get a quote for the
item/s, confirm the quote, raise a Purchase Order and then sign off the invoice. The standard costs
across the sector for raising and processing a PO is £50- however for transparency this can be
customised and zero if required.
Staff time saved (Mins)
In the same way as above, this new KPI measures “staff time saved compared with making a new
purchase” and reflects the time saved by staff carrying out 1 transaction on WARPit compared with
purchasing new.
Transaction means- the number of claims- not the number of items. So if a member claimed 20 x
desks- that is one claim/transaction, which would be a saving of X mins as the quote, PO, invoice
procedure did not have to be followed.
This is worked out by taking the number of transactions and multiplying by the time it would have
taken to purchase in the standard fashion (mins). The factor is customisable in the admin settings. 30
mins is the default however for transparency this can be customised and zero if required.
Value donated to 3rd sector
This KPI reflects the value (£) of items given to 3rd sector partners.
Customisation of the organisation home page
The admin can customise which KPIs are shown to staff and visitors on their company home page.
The purpose of this is to illustrate the benefits that fit best with your organisation’s objectives.
The admin can pick any 5 from the following to display.
1) Total savings (internal claims, inward external claims, waste and staff time saved £ value)- NEW
2) Staff time saved- NEW
3) Equivalent Trees planted- As it was in version 1
4) Equivalent Cars off the road- As it was in version 1
5) Equivalent Supply chain Carbon avoided- As it was in version 1, but with updated gaps in data
6) Waste KG avoided internal trades- As it was in version 1
7) Value of Donations to charity- NEW
The methodology of each is detailed above and is displayed on the home page under the orange
question mark [?].
Original KPIs
The following is an explanation of the original KPIs and how they are derived. The original KPIs have
been preserved and are viewable at the foot of the performance reports section.
Equivalent Trees planted
Native broadleaf trees provide sustainable habitat for wildlife and enhance the natural landscape.
These are therefore commonly used for Carbon offsetting projects. Over the course of its lifetime a
broadleaf tree absorbs on average
Equivalent cars off the road
Using the total CO2 saved on each transaction we can work out what the equivalent would be for
taking a car off the road for one year. Based on a Ford Focus 1.6TDCi which emits 115g/KM (Source:
Ford Motor Company). Assuming an average mileage of 12,000miles per year; a single vehicle would
emit 2,300 KG of CO2 per year.