PST style guide - University of Leicester

Journal of Physics Special Topics
Group_PaperNumber Title in bold 18 pt Calibri text
Author list goes here in 11 pt text
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH.
August 28, 2009
10 pt abstract goes here (indented by 1 cm from both left and right margins). The abstract
should outline the paper and the key conclusions of the work. The abstract should only be
approximately a few lines long.
Paper title
The title of the paper should conform to the following naming convention: group ID_ Paper
sequence number Paper Title. For example; group P1 write their third paper on Quantum Wells. This
would be called P1_3 Quantum Wells.
Main text
Main text of paper: 11pt Calibri font. Articles should be written in single or double column
format. Paragraphs can either be indented, or they can be denoted with blank lines, without any
indentation. The paragraphs here have been indented with tabs. The default tab spacing (set under
Home-Paragraph-Tabs) is 0.5 cm. Paragraphs should be justified. In the title section the date should
be replaced with the date of submission of the paper.
Section headings are not mandatory, but all papers should have an introductory part, a main
body of work, a concluding part and references. When section headings are used they should be in
11pt bold font.
The following instructions come from the Physical Review Letters style and notation guide [1].
Treat the text and mathematical formulas as an entity. Punctuate mathematical expressions as
sentences or parts of sentences. For example: a slight rearrangement of terms gives,
𝐷𝑠 = 𝐸𝑠′ 𝑋 −1⁄2 ,
𝑋 = 4𝑑π‘₯ 2 (− ln 𝑑)/𝑝2 π‘₯ 2 ,
and 𝑑 is defined to be 𝑇𝑐 /𝑇𝑠 . Equations should be centred and, if referred to in the main text,
equations should be numbered. For example: Eq. (1) shows that 𝐷𝑠 is proportional to 𝑋 −1⁄2 .
Reference styles
References should be cited consecutively in numerical order and should use on-line numerals in
square brackets [2]. More details are available in Ref. [1], but an example of a reference to a paper
[2] and a book [3] are given below. In the reference to the paper [2] the format is: author names,
journal vol. number, page number (year). In the reference to the book [3] the volume, page number
or chapter should be included when appropriate. Citing other PST articles is encouraged. As these do
not have a page number they should be cited as: author names, title, PST vol.number, (year) [4].
Websites (e.g. [1]) should be cited by web address and access date.
Short title of paper, August 29, 2009.
Length and second page header
If the paper runs on to a second page, the second page header (see below) should be edited to
contain the paper title and the date of submission. In the docx template file double click on the
header to edit it. The form of the title used in the second page header should be shortened to keep
the header to a maximum of one line. Papers should be roughly one page in length with two pages
as an absolute maximum.
This paragraph and the following paragraph are examples of a non-indented paragraphs separated
by a blank line. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a
This is a sentence. This is another sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence.
This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence.
[1] accessed on 08/10/2012.
[2] J. M. Smith, J. Naismith and B. Smith, Phys. Rev. B 24, 81 (1992).
[3] J. M. Smith, Molecular dynamics (Academic, New York, 1980), Vol. 2, p. 20.
[4] S. Clapton, C. Meredith and D. Boulderstone, A2_9 None Like It Hot, PST 9, (2010).