Information Technology or IT is a broad subject area concerned with all aspects of
managing and processing information, especially within a large organization or company.
An understanding of computer processing is essential if you plan a career in information
technology or programming. In an IT department, managers and technicians use their
knowledge to make purchasing and configuration decisions, to measure system
performance and to plan system upgrades.
Some IT careers include: Programmers, Hardware Technicians, Network Administrators,
Database Administrators, Data Processing Managers, and Multimedia Developers.
To find some careers that may suit you, go to (User Name:
Robert & Password: Hall)
Create a multi-page report, which will include a cover page, table of contents, the body of
your research and a work cited. Your task is to research an IT career in an expository
writing style. This means you will do research on the topic and arrange your material in a
clear, concise and useful format. The report must deal with facts and focus on what the
reader needs to know.
The report will address the following topics regarding each potential career:
 Job description
 Education/skills
 Salary range expectations
 Experience required
 Industries where skills would be applied
 Assess personal suitability for career
To research the topic you may use the Internet, newspapers, magazines, journals and
personal interviews. Each report is to use proper footnoting and include a bibliography.
Complete the following steps in writing your report.
Cover page
 Include the following information on the cover page: the IT career, your name,
teacher’s name, course, data due and date submitted. This material is to be vertically
and horizontally centered.
 Include Word/Art and a clipart
Table of Contents
 Include a heading as the main title and sub-headings of content and page.
 Format the material appropriately.
 Use Word’s Automatic Table of Contents feature to create this page. An example is
shown on the next page.
Table of Contents
Job Description 2
Education/Skills ...................................................................2
On Each Page
From this page on, create a header and footer. The header will include the following:
on the left the title of IT Career you are reporting on and on the right the your name and
page number with the total number of pages. The footer will include the following: on
the left “IT Career Assignment” and on the right the date.
Report Body
This is the part of the report where you must clearly tell the reader the most important
aspects of the career in order for the reader to clearly understand what it is a person in
that career does. Set appropriate formatting, margins, spacing, subtitles and indentation
for this section. Your report is to begin with an introduction, which will stimulate
interest to the topic. Use the following guideline when writing your report for each
section. Use appropriate subheadings.
Job Description
In sentence format, write 2-5 paragraphs
describing the job the person must carry out
Using bullets, outline the education and or
skills needed to do this job.
Salary Range Expectations
Using bullets, give a range of salary
expectations. (this should also include
benefits, work hours, etc.)
Experience Required
In sentence format, write 2-4 paragraphs
explaining the experience one would need in
this career.
Industries Where Skills Would Be Applied In sentence format, write 2-3 paragraphs
describing various industries where the
skills learned could be applied.
Assess Personal Suitability For Career
Using bullets, outline the various personality
traits one would need to be successful for
this career.
Work Cited
A work cited is the last item in the report. It should be properly titled. The purpose of
a work cited is to cite all the sources you have used in you research in alphabetical
order. Below are examples of how to include sources from the Internet in your
An Internet Work Cited Citation
An Internet bibliography citation must include the following items as applicable to the
1. Author/editor name (Note: an author can be a person or an orgranization).
2. Title of the article or web page within quotation marks.
3. Name of complete work or site, italicized or underlined.
4. Publication information which includes any or all of the following:
5. URL (Uniform Resource Locator or HTTP address).
6. Date of your access, in bracket, followed by a period; for example (14 May 1999)
1. Single Author Web Site
Rushche, Harry. Introduction. Shakespeare Illustrated. 1997
Organization as Author
Canadian Red Cross. Aids Information for Blood Donors. 22 Aug. 1997. (15 April 1999).
(7 April 199).
Gove rnment Web Site
Canada. Natural Resources. Minerals and Metals Sector. Canadian Mining Facts.
June 1997. (16April 1999).
Author Unknown
Health-Care Inflation: Its Baaack! Business Week. 17 Mar. 1997. (18 March 1997).