Program Outline - the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce

Program Outline
It is no secret that people are better prepared to lead and serve a community when they know its
inner-workings and what its needs are. This is why we are committed to creating a “New” Leadership
North County program serving the communities of Atascadero, Creston, Paso Robles, Nacimiento,
Shandon, Santa Margarita, San Miguel and Templeton, supported by many community-minded
“Leadership North County, through its programs, will expand
knowledge, empower citizens and promotes community involvement.”
Corporate and business people, residents, community activists, and public sector employees come
together through Leadership North County to learn more about our community. Participants in this
program will establish a network of informed peers; learn creative ways to address community issues;
and increase effectiveness as a leader. Any adult who works or lives in North County San Luis Obispo
may apply.
The program helps local citizens acquire a better understanding of civic leadership through
interaction with a broad range of local experts and community leaders. The Leadership North County
program features a series of nine workshops. Workshop locations and presenters change to enhance
and complement each topic. Issues discussed over the course of this 9-month program include:
Setting the Foundation for Leadership (Retreat)
Health and Human Services
Arts and Culture
Justice and Public Safety
Transportation and Housing
Local Government & Economic Development
Youth and Education
Military and Veterans
The 9 month program will culminate with a graduation ceremony December 8, 2016.
Program Description
For one full business day a month, for nine months, class members participate in a workshop focused on one
aspect of the local north county and surrounding areas. During the workshops, class members hear
presentations and participate in panel discussions and other activities with local leaders and experts. Class size
is limited so all participants can interact on a one-on-one basis with presenters.
Throughout the nine-month program, you will be stimulated by cutting edge leadership philosophy, challenged
by your peers, and asked to contribute your own perspective to the ongoing discussions. The program requires
a commitment of your time and focused energies, but it will give back to you in ways that will enhance all
aspects of your life. Tuition includes any related meals and material costs throughout all the workshops. We
also suggest participants contact their employers to inquire about training funds for this purpose.
Workshops Overview
Workshop- Setting the Foundation for Leadership (two day retreat in April)
The Leadership Retreat introduces class members to one another and charts the course of experiences to
come. Highlights of the day include a history of the communities the Leadership North County program serves,
and fun team building experiences.
Workshop - Utilities
This workshop provides an opportunity to discover and learn how the local electrical service provider utilizes
and combines, nuclear, solar, hydroelectric, and natural gas energy to provide sustaining utility service to the
North County. Featuring interactive discussions, facility tours and presentations, class participants will learn
first-hand about today’s issues facing the utilities needs of our community.
Workshop – Youth and Education
The issues of leadership start early in the education system, and this workshop explores our local school
system from many different angles. Featuring interactive panel discussions, facility tours and presentations,
class participants will learn first-hand about today’s issues facing our educators and students directly, including
alternative and post secondary systems.
Workshop –Military and Veteran
Class Participants will with onsite visitations learn about the mission of our military and National Guard in the
North County and how it affects our economy and the security of California and the United States.
Additionally, the class will explore the history of our military and veterans in the North County, and the
memorials dedicated to our veteran citizens.
Workshop– Transportation & Housing
This workshop addresses issues facing our local transportation and housing infrastructure. From tours of new
housing facilities, to potential alternative transportation methods and the challenges businesses face in finding
housing for their workforces, participants will see there is a lot more behind the traffic than meets the eye.
Workshop – Business & Economic Development
Featuring interactive panels from local business professionals, including Chamber of Commerce officials,
participants will learn the ins and outs of challenges facing local business in North County and how the current
climate of business impacts other facets of the community.
Workshop – Health & Human Services
This day explores the vast and intricate system of local healthcare. Through exclusive tours and panel
discussions, participants will be exposed to today’s current health issues through the eyes of its professionals,
from life-changing technologies utilized in major hospitals, to the business side of health services, including
senior, specialized and non-traditional care options.
Workshop– Justice & Public Safety
One of the highest rated workshops, this intense experience provides an opportunity to experience our courts
and judicial system from the inside, usually including a tour of our current jail and State Hospital facilities, with
frank discussions on how the judicial and mental health system impact our society and economy in the North
Workshop – The Arts in Our Community
San Luis Obispo County has a dynamic and diverse arts element in its culture. This workshop explores this area
through “behind the scenes” tours of facilities such as the Cal Poly or Templeton Performing Arts Center,
museums, outdoor public art collections and multi-media showcases. The business elements of the arts are
discussed as well as the current challenges facing this creative field.
Workshop – Local Government / Guest Luncheon
Featuring interactive panels from local business professionals, elected officials and civic management,
participants will learn first-hand about the challenges and reward of public service, the ins and outs of
challenges facing local businesses in the North County as well as the challenges facing our local transportation
and housing infrastructure to support our workforce.
Program Dates:
Retreat: Attendance is mandatory for the entire Retreat
April 8th - 4pm Arrival at Flying Flags RV Resort Buellton, CA
April 9th – Full Days Retreat
April 10th – Noon departure from Buellton
Workshops: Each day session is a full day commitment: 7:30am – 4:30pm
May 6th * June 3rd * July 8th
August 5th * September 9th * October 7th
November 4th * December 2nd
Graduation - December 8th 5:30pm – 8:00pm