Lesson 4

Table 7: Work Sample Daily Lesson Plan Format: Be sure to copy this lesson plan format as many times as
you need it for your unit plan. Remember, you should have a separate lesson plan for each day of the unit. If a
lab takes two to three days to complete, then you should have two to three lesson plans – one for each day.
Lesson Info
Daily Lesson
Plan Item
1 &2. Standards and
Objectives: List
all standards and
addressed in this
lesson; include the
obj. # and
Lesson Number:
Lesson Date: Thursday
Be sure to carefully read the requirements in the Lesson Plan Guidelines for each
category item listed to the left.
Objective #:
NSTA 2.22
Obj. 2
Students will be
A.2.c. 22.
able to describe
how the earth is
divided into
imaginary lines of
latitude and explain
how and why
temperature varies
between those
NSTA 2.22
Obj. 3
After several
A.2.c. 22.
PowerPoint’s and
students will be
able to list the three
major climatic
zones and the
characteristics of
each zone.
All teachers of
biology should also
prepared to
effectively apply
concepts from other
sciences and
mathematics to the
teaching of biology
including basic
Earth and space
sciences including
energy and
geochemical cycles,
climate, oceans,
natural resources,
and changes in the
All teachers of
biology should also
prepared to
effectively apply
concepts from other
sciences and
mathematics to the
teaching of biology
including basic
Earth and space
sciences including
energy and
geochemical cycles,
climate, oceans,
Lesson Info
Daily Lesson
Plan Item
Lesson Number:
Lesson Date: Thursday
Be sure to carefully read the requirements in the Lesson Plan Guidelines for each
category item listed to the left.
natural resources,
and changes in the
Daily Objectives:
NSTA 2.22 Obj. 2a Students will be able to discuss how climate varies with latitude and
explain what they might be wearing at various latitudes during specified months.
NSTA 2.22 Obj. 3a Students will be able to describe Earth's major climate zones.
NSTA 2.22 Obj. 3b Students will be able to give a detailed explanation on how climate
zones are characterized.
3. Instructional
3A. Safety!!
3B1. Notes
Leave this blank – go to 3A.
No real safety concerns.
BOLD print within the lesson plan is the information that specifically pertains to me and
what I taught.
PPT was modified based off of:
1. Global Ed2. Climatic Zones. Retrieved from
3B3. Key Questions
3B3. Classroom
Activities: Please
note, the rows
between set and
closure are to be
used to designate
the lesson segments
activities, etc.).
Each transition
should be noted by
a new row. Add or
delete rows as
*Please note, closure
may not be the last
thing you do in
your lesson. If you
plan to give time
for doing
homework, that
would come after
Key questions for Day 1 will be given in the pretest.
Below is a miniature table for you to complete. If you need to add or delete rows,
for this section, please do so only within this part of the overall table. This is done
in the same way as you would normally. Be sure to include any key questions you
might ask for a given part of your lesson as well as a very brief description of the
activities as appropriate
Class Activity
Student Thinking:
(Memory is a Residue of
Assessment on Notes for
First 5 min
Discussion questions for
~25 min
Assessment on Notes for Air
5 min
Discussion questions for Air
~20 min
Assessment on Notes for
5 min
Discussion questions and
~20 min
videos on clouds
5 min
Assessment on Notes from
Climatic Zones
Lesson Info
Daily Lesson
Plan Item
4. Daily
5. Management
6. Individual
Differences –
7. Special Notes
Lesson Number:
Lesson Date: Thursday
Be sure to carefully read the requirements in the Lesson Plan Guidelines for each
category item listed to the left.
~ 20 minutes
Discussion questions from I used the Power Point during
this discussion due to helping
Climatic Zones
the students understand all of
climate the factors that come together
5 min
change is related to to influence the climate. The
solution to working memory
overloads is straightforward:
slow the pace, and use
memory aids such as writing
on the blackboard that save
students from keeping too
much information in working
memory (Willingham Pg. 20).
Formative Assessments via socrative for each of the 4 topics.
The accommodations are mainly incorporated into the Universal Theory lesson plan so I
make the modifications for everyone in the classroom. The teacher will personally
distribute all of the classroom handouts such as the discussion questions so students can
jot down notes.
No one needed modifications this day.
“Cool Clouds” Video Notes
1. What is a cloud? (include what state the water is in)
2. Why are clouds so important?
3. Explain how clouds form (explained at the beginning and the end.)
4. What is precipitation? (How does it form?)
5. Why was the NASA scientist able to make a cloud?
6. After making the cloud, the NASA scientist said that “we see the water vapor coming out and making a really
big cloud.” Why is that statement misleading? Really think about what he is saying and the states of water.
7. What are the two main types of clouds?
8. Complete the chart with the cloud types that fall in each range:
Low clouds
Middle Clouds
High Clouds
<2000 meters
2000 – 6000 meters
> 6000 meters
9. How do clouds get their color?
10. Why can we see better through rain than fog?
11. What causes the following colors in clouds?
- Blue/ gray
- Green
Day 4 Climate Zones quiz
1. Where on the globe would you find a temperate climate?
A) Mid- latitudes
B) Low latitudes
C) Equator
D) Polar regions
2. Climate classification is based upon:
A) Relative humidity and hours of sunlight
B) Mean monthly temperatures and mean monthly precipitation
C) Atmospheric pressure and absolute humidity
D) Average annual temperature and pressure
E) Natural vegetation and soils
3. The best general indicator of the climate of a place is its:
A) Bedrock
B) Natural vegetation
C) Soil
D) Atmospheric pressure
4. The regions with the most changeable weather are Mid-latitude climates near the Polar Front:
A) True
B) False
Day 4 Climate Zone Discussion:
1. Describe how regions with similar climates are grouped into climate zones and biomes:
2. When looking at different climate zones what do researchers pay most attention to and why?
3. Why does it make sense that climate zones follow latitudinal lines?
4. Illinois and Hawaii are in the same climatic zone, yet the weather in Hawaii is relatively stable while weather in
Illinois is always changing. What factors do you think contribute to the two different weather patterns?
Interim Test for Weather and Climate
What are the two most common gases found throughout the layers of the atmosphere?
Which layer of the atmosphere does the weather occur in?
As altitude increases, the number of molecules decreases, so what happens to the air pressure?
List the three major climate zones?
Which climate zone (with respect to latitude) experiences the four seasons?
All Students got all questions correct.