Romeo & Juliet: Shakespeare Webquest Jigsaw Activity

Name__________________________________________________ Date__________________________
Romeo and Juliet: Background on Shakespeare: Webquest Jigsaw Activity: Topics/Instructions
William Shakespeare is the most recognizable name in English literature. Sometimes it is helpful to have an understanding of what
was happening in the world when a text was written in order to understand it better. In this unit we will take a closer look at the
influences on Shakespeare and his legacy.
The class will be divided into groups. Each group will be assigned a topic on the table below. The group will be responsible for
researching the area and preparing a short (3-5 minute) presentation that includes appropriate media and answering any questions
the class may have about your assigned area. Your research will be graded for completeness and accuracy.
1. Biography
Questions for Webquest
Who was William Shakespeare? Childhood? Education? Life-changing events?
What was typical day like during the time of Shakespeare? What kinds of jobs did people
2. London c. 1590
have? What did people do for fun? How did people live? What would you like about living
there? What wouldn't you like? Would you even like to visit?
What are the three types of plays Shakespeare wrote? What type of poetry did he write?
3. His Works
List and summarize a few major works (at least 2 under each category). Why is Shakespeare
4. His competition
5. His Legacy
Who else was writing plays for Londoners? Did William get along with the other playwrights
of the day? How was Shakespeare different from his writing peers?
Why are we still reading Shakespeare's plays today? Where else do Shakespeare's stories
show up (movies, tv shows, songs, etc.)
Who was she? What was her childhood like? When did she come to power? Why is
6. Queen Elizabeth I
considered the best queen England has ever had? What does she have to do with
What is astrology? What is the zodiac? What are astrology/zodiac supposed to say about
7. Astrology during Shakespeare’s
Questions for Webquest
people and their lives? Why was it so popular during Shakespeare’s time?
What was going to the theater like during Shakespeare’s day? What is the Globe?
8. The Globe
Describe/diagram how it was designed? Who sat where and why? Compare and contrast it
to theaters of today.
9. Wedding Customs and Marriage
What were the wedding customs during his time? Compare and contrast them to wedding
customs and marriage of America today and to another culture.
What was the role of fathers, mothers and children in the family unit? What was expected
10. The Family: Parents & children
of children? What was expected of fathers? What was expected of mothers? How did
during Shakespeare’s time.
parents and children interact/bond? Compare and contrast the family unit during
Shakespeare’s time to today’s American family.
What did men wear? What did women wear? What did children wear? Was the fashion
11. Fashion
different for different classes? Compare and contrast the fashion of his day versus the
fashions of today.
What types of sports and games were popular during Shakespeare’s time? Describe at least
12. Sports / Games
5 popular sports/games. Compare and contrast your findings with sports/games that are
popular today.
What is it? How can apply it to a piece of Shakespeare’s work? Is it found in easier works
13. Iambic Pentameter
of literature? Find a children’s book/story that uses iambic pentameter and teach it to the
class. Hint: If you are stuck on finding an easier text, think Dr. Seuss.
What were the most deadly diseases during Shakespeare’s time? What was medicine like
14. Medicine and Diseases
during that time? Compare and contrast medicine and disease from Shakespeare’s time with
our time.
What instruments and musical styles were popular? What were the most popular dances?
15. Music and Dance
Who were the most popular musicians/”bands”? Compare and Contrast music and dance of
Shakespeare’s time to our music and dance styles of today.
Name_________________________________________________ Date______________________
Romeo and Juliet: Background on Shakespeare: Webquest Jigsaw Activity: Topic Organizer
Directions: Copy and paste your topic and questions into the area below.
Webquest Questions
Directions: Copy each question into the first column then use the internet to fill in the last two columns with the website
address from which you found the information and your information/answer. Once you have answered all questions, you may
work with your partner on how you are going to present this information to the class.
Webquest Question
Website Address
Interesting Information
Website Address
Name_________________________________________________ Date______________________
Romeo and Juliet: Background on Shakespeare: Webquest Jigsaw Activity: Presentation Rubric
You will have to present your topic in an interesting and creative way. How you choose to do this is entirely up to you, however, you
must go beyond a powerpoint or prezi presentation. Your presentation will be graded using the rubric below:
Presentation Rubric
1= D = 65
2 = C = 75
3 = B = 85
4 = A = 95
Audience cannot understand Audience has difficulty following Student presents information in Student presents information in
Organization presentation because there is presentation because student
logical sequence which
logical, interesting sequence
no sequence of information.
jumps around.
audience can follow.
which audience can follow.
Student is uncomfortable with
information and is able to
answer only rudimentary
Student uses superfluous
graphics or no graphics
Student occasionally uses
Student's graphics relate to
graphics that rarely support text
text and presentation.
and presentation.
Student's presentation has
four or more spelling errors
and/or grammatical errors.
Presentation has three
Presentation has no more than
Presentation has no misspellings
misspellings and/or grammatical two misspellings and/or
or grammatical errors.
grammatical errors.
Eye Contact
Student reads all of report
with no eye contact.
Student occasionally uses eye
contact, but still reads most of
Student maintains eye contact Student maintains eye contact
most of the time but frequently with audience, seldom returning
returns to notes.
to notes.
Student mumbles, incorrectly
pronounces terms, and
speaks too quietly for
students in the back of class
to hear.
Student's voice is low. Student
incorrectly pronounces terms.
Audience members have
difficulty hearing presentation.
Student's voice is clear.
Student pronounces most
words correctly. Most audience
members can hear
Student is at ease with
expected answers to all
questions, but fails to
Student demonstrates full
knowledge (more than required)
by answering all class questions
with explanations and
Student does not have grasp
of information; student cannot
answer questions about
Student's graphics explain and
reinforce screen text and
Student uses a clear voice and
correct, precise pronunciation of
terms so that all audience
members can hear presentation.
Total Points:
Name______________________________________________________________________________________________ grade__________________
*Teacher may give plus (+) or minus (-) grades.