fra southeast mid-year meeting february 7

FEBRUARY 7-10, 2013
Meeting convened at 0905 hours with rituals conducted by Co-Chairman PRSEP John
Handzuk, Branch 147 host. Colors were presented by Sea Cadets of Sanford, F. The
Welcome Aboard was given by Co-Chairmen John Handzuk and LAFRA National
Treasurer Carolyn Whitaker at which time they introduced one of the event planners for
the Marriott Lake Mary. Also introduced were past and current National and Regional
Officers in attendance.
Chairman Handzuk then introduced FRA Nat’l. President Mark Kilgore who gave a few
brief remarks on the following:
National Ex. Director Joe Barnes is retiring at the end of the 86th Nat’l. Convention in
Chattanooga; Shipmates should get their resolutions turned in no later than June 18th if
they plan to run for the NED position; The position will be an Office Manager position if a
resolution by the Future Planning Committee is approved; the FPC is also submitting a
resolution to make the term of Regional President two years instead of one; Eileen
Murphy, the Marketing Director is taking a position with the American Chemical Society in
Washington, DC. We wish her all the best; the Employees’ Pension Plan could possibly be
all wrapped up by the middle of summer; the 113th Congress has the fewest veterans and
experience ever, so we need to keep communicating with our representatives on issues;
Defense Secretary Panetta in his FY ‘14 budget is only asking for a 1% pay raise for the
troops and possibly another BRAC; We can possibly expect another hike for Tricare fees
like the one we had in pharmacy co-pays.
He will also be testifying before the House Armed Services Committee and the House
Veterans Affairs Committees on Wed. March 6th re the FRA’s Legislative Agenda.
He also mentioned that if each branch retained just two members each month we would
show positive growth.
Then LAFRA President Diane Hoover was introduced and she gave a brief on her
President’s Project - “Vet Dogs”.
A lunch break was taken before the Branches and Units were to meet.
FRA Branch convened at 1 p.m. with opening of the Bible and flag salutes. Welcome
aboard by SER President James Robbins who thanked everyone for taking the time to
attend this 2013 FRA SER Mid-year meeting.
Thanks were given to Branch 147, B. Duke Woody, Branch and Unit for hosting it here at
the Marriot Lake Mary, Florida.
Approximately 18 branches and 12 units were present with 1 visiting branch. Roster is
President Robbins asked if there was any information to be passed out. Several
comments came from the floor. After discussion, he continued with the next order of
We continued to proceed to grading this year's essays and the Budget/Finance Committee
met. (Enclosure 2)
The meeting re-opened with a report from Essay Chairman J.J. Thomas (Enclosure 1) and
Finance Chairman Darlene Hines.
Streamers for last year’s committee report winners have not been received. Distribution
will probably be at Regional when they are received.
President Robbins expressed his thanks to everyone who participated in the Essay
Contest and to Chairman J.J.Thomas and his committee.
Darlene Hines stated that the audit was completed and everything was in order.
Other items of importance discussed was to complete the upcoming officer and committee
reports in a timely manner. The assessment fees should be paid as soon as the yearly
membership report has been completed by National. Send the checks to the Regional
Sec/Treas. Bob Huscher.
Also under discussion was the new Webmaster, John Higgins of Branch 22 Pensacola.
Members were encouraged to visit the new website at
Pres. Robbins also requested that the branches send him a copy of their Branch Bylaws
and Standing Rules.
Being no further business we proceeded to the Good of the Order:
Southeast Regional Convention will be at Myrtle Beach, S.C., August
21-24 hosted by Branch 234
National Convention will be at Chattanooga, TN on October 14-20
Hosted by FRA Branches of the Tennessee Council
Florida Council of Branches/Units will be at Mayport, FL, April 1214 hosted by Unit 290
Introduction of Candidates for Office spoke briefly - they are:
Fred Hill - candidate for SER President
Larry Cox - candidate for SER Vice-President
Bob Huscher - candidate for SER Secretary/Treasurer
Roger Mitchell - candidate for Nat’l. Vice-President
It was mentioned that John Ippert of Hawaii is also a candidate
For Nat’l. Vice-President
Virgil Courneya - candidate for National President (current Nat’l.
National President Mark Kilgore had some brief comments.
With no further business coming before the assembly, Pres. Robbins called for a motion to
adjourn - so moved and carried.
Pres. Robbins again thanked the host branch/unit 147 and all the shipmates for attending.
Closing rituals were conducted and the colors were retired.
Meeting adjourned.
Chairman: Darlene Hines Br. 269
Member: Bob Waterman Br. 215
Sec/Treas. Bob Huscher Br. 186
Expenses for the 2012 Regional Convention were reviewed and found to be in order. A
check for $528.77 was refunded back to the treasury.
The check book was reviewed with a balance of $3,664.59 and found to be in good order.
No current statement for the annuity - one is due in August, 2013.
Upcoming items will include money orders and postage for the Essay Winners.