E L D S T A N D A R D S P R O J E C T O V E R V I E W Name of Project: Early Asian Civilizations Fluency Level(s): Emerging, Expanding, Bridging Duration: 4 weeks Subject/Course: ELD Teacher: Grade Level: 2nd Grade ELD Objectives: Content Objectives: SW: plan, edit, and present an informative/explanatory text about an early Asian Civilization using facts and definitions to develop points. Language Objectives: SW: construct an informative text by using domain-specific vocabulary and non-fiction text features to explain the characteristics of an early Asian Civilization. Project Idea: Summary of the - Write an informational/explanatory text issue - examples: paragraph, All About _____ book, etc. - Presentation - Individual presentation about the components of an early Asian civilization (Ancient China or Ancient India). Driving Question How does what you’re learning connect or differ to your own life? 1 ELD Standards Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways : Collaborative, Interpretive, Productive (Critical Principles only. *Please refer to Elaboration on Critical Principles for specific levels in your ELD Standards Guide) Collaborative 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a range of social and academic topics. 2. Interacting with others in written English in various communicative forms (print, communicative technology, and multimedia) Interpretive 6. Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed explicitly and implicitly through language. 8. Analyzing how writers and speakers use vocabulary and other language resources for specific purposes (to explain, persuade, entertain, etc.) depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area. Productive 9. Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics 10. Writing literary and informational texts to present, describe, and explain ideas and information, using appropriate technology. 12. Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures to effectively convey ideas. Part II: Learning About How English Works: Structuring Cohesive Texts, Expanding and Enriching Ideas, Connecting and Condensing Ideas (Critical Principles only. *Please refer to Elaboration on Critical Principles for specific levels in your ELD Standards Guide) Structuring Cohesive Texts 1. Understanding text structure 2. Understanding cohesion Expanding and Enriching Ideas 5. Modifying to add details Connecting & Condensing Ideas 6. Connecting Ideas 7. Condensing Ideas Part III: Foundational Literacy Skills, as Needed Phonics and Word Recognition/Fluency *Will vary depending on student’s language level/needs. Refer to Appendix A in your ELD Standards Guide for support. 2 ELA Standards W2.2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts, and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section. Academic Language Purposes: (Depth of Knowledge - D.O.K) - Connect - Present - Compare - Create - Discuss - Differentiate - Construct - Modify - Cite Evidence Patterns: Text Type: Informational/explanatory Text Features: Non-Fiction: Title, Table of Contents, Photos/Pictures, Captions, Diagrams, Bold Print, Headings, Glossary Cohesion: (Accommodate sentence frames based upon ELD level taught) Components of early Asian Civilizations: *Example sentence frames for emerging level. To differentiate for other levels, additional detail sentences can be added. Location: They lived ____________. (Add map or drawing of location) Cities: Some cities that gave people vital resources were _________. Jobs: Some important jobs were ____________. Leaders: In (Ancient China/Ancient India), ___________ emerged as a leader. Writing: In (Ancient China/Ancient India), they used _________ to write. Religion: They practiced ________. (Hinduism/Buddhism) Word Level Understanding Domain Specific Vocabulary: Hinduism Buddhism civilization religion holy culture ancient Word Level Understanding Support Vocabulary: sacred custom conquer praise resembles suffering emerge Word Level Understanding Cognates: (words that sound similar in English & Spanish) common común example ejemplo suffering sufrir conquer conquista transport transportar represents representar observation observar fertile fertile * Refer to Vocabulary Charts in Supplemental Guide for individual lesson lists. * Refer to Vocabulary Charts in Supplemental Guide * Refer to Vocabulary Charts in Supplemental Guide for individual for individual lesson lists. lesson lists. 3 21st Century Skills to be taught and assessed through instructional strategies Collaboration: Students will work with partners, groups, or whole class to discuss components of early Asian Civilizations. Students will work with a partner to peer edit a rough draft of their informational/explanatory text. Instructional Strategies: Sentence frames Note-taking in Journals - examples: T-charts, sketching/labeling, Boxes & Bullets, Timeline Asking and answering questions in partnerships Talk Structures: 4-Corners, Inside-Outside Circle, Line Up, Tea Party, Think-InkShare Students will present their research poster about an early Asian Civilization. Communication: Oral PresentationPresentations are well planned, include academic language, is easy to follow, and utilizes a rubric to evaluate oral presentations and group support. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving: After collecting ideas and discussions, students select an early Asian Civilization to create an informational/explanatory text, which will be presented to the class. Technology: Teachers and students use internet resources to watch clips of a variety of resources about early Asian Civilizations. Instructional Strategies: - sentence frames - use facts and domain-specific vocabulary - non-fiction text structure - peer presentation rubric Instructional Strategies: - Non-fiction text examples - Produce clear and coherent writing (including multiple paragraph texts) in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience Instructional Strategies: - Note-taking strategies - Select visuals or audio clips to support main points * Refer to page 11 of the Module introduction for additional vocabulary words 4 Major Products and Performances Group: Presentation Audiences: 1. Groups of students will discuss and research an early Asian Civilization. X School: Teacher Class members Community: X Experts: A person practicing Hinduism or Buddhism (if available) Web Publications: Other: Individual: - Students will create an informational/explanatory text about an early Asian Civilization. - Students will present their research findings about an early Asian Civilization. Presentation Audiences: X X School: Teacher Class Peers Community: Parents Experts: Web Publications: Other: Entry Event (to launch inquiry, engage students): - - Show students a map/globe or show the website: http://www.exploreandmore.org/world/default.htm and explain that we all live on the same earth, but every country has their unique culture. - Some things will be the same or different from what you are familiar with. - Locate the continent of Asia and countries of India and China *India is not listed on the website Show the website: http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks1/re/teddys_day_out/index.htm and allow students to explore the different religions with Teddy. Discuss the leading question: How does what you learned today connect or differ from your life? 5 Assessments Formative Assessments: Rubrics within PBL Projects Self-Evaluations Peer Evaluations Collaborative Group Research Note-taking Journal Summative Assessments: Writing: Emerging/Expanding: Write an All About ______ book using sentence frames or appropriate support Expanding/Bridging: Write an All About ______ book using their journal notes and research findings. Presentation: Emerging/Expanding/Bridging: Complete an oral presentation about an early Asian Civilization using the poster he/she created. 6 Resources Needed Equipment: Computers LCD projector Materials: Non-fiction books *Refer to pages 8-11 “Recommended Resources for Early Asian Civilizations” Video Clips/Websites *Refer to page 11 “Recommended Resources for Early Asian Civilizations” Other Resources: http://www.uri.org/kids/world_hind.htm http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks1/re/teddys_day_out/index.htm http://www.exploreandmore.org/world/default.htm teachertube.com brainpop.com Reflection Methods Individual/Group/Whole Class: - Student self reflection * Students identify how their own life connects or differs from early Asian Civilizations. Groups reflection * What can we learn from early Asian Civilizations? 7