Unit V Study Guide I. Label the diagram below. In addition, identify the ends of the nucleotide strands and indicate which nitrogen bases are purines and which are pyrmidines. II. Identify the scientist(s) described below: _____________________________ 1. Identified DNA replication as semi-conservative _____________________________ 2. Expert in x-ray diffraction whose photograph was used to determine DNA structure _____________________________ 3. Conclusively identified DNA as genetic material of chromosome _____________________________ 4. Chemically proved nitrogen base-pairing rules _____________________________ 5. First observed transformation in bacteria _____________________________ 6. Credited with discovering double-helix structure of DNA _____________________________ 7. Used enzymes to prove transforming material was DNA III. Use the following letters to label the diagram below. Each letter may be used more than once or not at all. Then complete the paragraph about replication. A. 5’ end of daughter strand B. 3’ end of daughter strand C. 5’ end of parental strand D. 3’ end of parental strand E. DNA polymerase F. where DNA ligase will unite pieces G. Okazaki fragment DNA replication occurs in the _____________________ of eukaryotic cells during _________ phase of the cell cycle. First, the __________________ bonds between the __________________________ are split with the enzyme, ___________________________, opening the double helix at points called __________________________________________. Another enzyme known as _________________________ makes small cuts in the DNA, then re-joins them to alleviate twisting of the DNA ahead of the ___________________________ fork. After separation of the parental strands, _____________________________________________ hold them apart to prevent the __________________ bonds from re-forming. The enzyme, _______________________________________ then moves in nucleotides according to ____________________ rules, _____________ with ________________ and ___________________ with ____________________. Nucleotides can only be added to an existing strand of nucleotides, so first the enzyme, __________________ adds a short ____________________ at the point where replication begins. Synthesis always occurs in a _______ to _________ direction, so one new strand is synthesized continuously producing the ___________________ strand; however the other strand is forming away from the _______________________________ fork. This strand is known as the _____________________ strand and it is synthesized in short pieces known as ______________________________________________. The fragments are then joined together by the enzyme, ___________________________ to form a continuous strand of nucleotides. Another ___________________________________ follows and proofreads the newly synthesized strand of nucleotides. Each time replication takes place, a small portion of DNA is left unreplicated due to ______________________________________________________________________________; thus, a small, single-stranded segment of DNA is lost at the ______’ end of each newly-synthesized strand with each cell cycle. The integrity of the genetic material is preserved by sequences of non-coding nucleotides at the tips of chromosomes known as ___________________________. As cells divide, the tips shorten, leading to cell ________________ and eventually, __________________________. Two types of human cells, __________________________ and _____________________________ produce an enzyme known as ________________________________ that lengthen the non-coding tips, essentially making these cells capable of unlimited cell division. IV. Vocabulary Check – Each choice is used one time. ________ 1. Portion of DNA; codes for a trait ________ 2. Another name for body cells ________ 3. Term used to describe paired homologues in prophase I ________ 4. Asexual reproduction in prokaryotic cells ________ 5. Division of cytoplasm in eukaryotic cell division ________ 6. Term used to describe any cell with homologous pairs; 2n ________ 7. Attachment site on chromosome for spindle fibers ________ 8. Composition of spindle fibers ________ 9. Term used to describe fine strands of DNA & associated proteins seen during interphase ________ 10. Specific phase of cell cycle in which DNA replicates ________ 11. Structures found only in animal cells; play a role in division of DNA ________ 12. Mass of abnormal cells resulting from uncontrolled growth ________ 13. Photograph of chromosome pairs; used to diagnose chromosomal number disorders ________ 14. Location of a gene on a chromosome ________ 15. Longest portion of eukaryotic cell cycle; composed of G1, S, G2 ________ 16. Location where sister chromatids are held together; point of closest contact ________ 17. Term used to describe phase of cell cycle maintained by non-dividing cells ________ 18. Enzyme-protein complex that regulates timing of cell cycle ________ 19. Process characterized by 2 cell divisions; produces egg, sperm cells ________ 20. Term used to describe exchange of genetic information that occurs in prophase I ________ 21. Region in eukaryotic cells that produces spindle fiber apparatus ________ 22. DNA and protein complex; humans have 46 in nucleus of body cells ________ 23. Portion of eukaryotic cell cycle in which cell is actively growing, metabolizing ________ 24. Pinching in of cell membrane seen in animal cells during late telophase ________ 25. Egg or sperm cell ________ 26. Identical strands of DNA ________ 27. Period of cell cycle in which a cell prepares to divide, centrioles replicate ________ 28. Construction of this occurs in cytokinesis in plant cells ________ 29. Asexual reproduction in eukaryotic cells ________ 30. Term used to describe cells with a single set of chromosomes; n ________ 31. Failure of chromosomes to separate correctly in meiosis, mitosis ________ 32. Pair of chromosomes containing same genes ________ 33. Spread of cancer cells through circulatory, lymphatic system ________ 34. Site of exchange of genetic information in crossing over ________ 35. Any chromosome other than X and Y ________ 36. Genetic make-up of an organism ________ 37. Ability of bacteria to take up genetic material from environment ________ 38. Microfilaments used to produce cleavage furrow ________ 39. Proteins that hold sister chromatids, tetrads together ________ 40. Different versions of a gene V. Each diagram below represents the DNA content in a cell: One diagram shows the changes in the DNA content in a germ cell undergoing a meiosis One diagram follows the DNA content in a somatic cell during the mitotic cell cycle 1. 2. 3. 4. Which letter represents G2 in a somatic cell? Which letter(s) represents separation of homologous pairs? Which letter(s) represents separation of sister chromatids? In both diagrams, which letter(s) represents time periods in which the cell is haploid? A. actin B. allele C. autosome D. binary fission E. cell plate F. centrioles G. centromere H. centrosome I. chiasmata J. chromatids K. chromatin L. chromosome M. cleavage furrow N. cohesins O. crossing over P. cyclin-dependent kinase Q. cytokinesis R. diploid S. G0 T. G1 U. G2 V. gamete W. gene X. genome Y. haploid Z. homologous AA. interphase BB. karyotype CC. kinetochore DD. locus EE. meiosis FF. metastasis GG. microtubules HH. mitosis II. nondisjunction JJ. S KK. somatic LL. tetrad MM. transformation NN. tumor VI. Chromosome Number - For a cell in which 2n = 4, provide the correct answers to the questions below. 1. How many chromosomes in the cell in prophase of mitosis? 2. How many chromosomes in the cell in prophase I of meiosis? 3. How many chromosomes in a cell in prophase II of meiosis (assuming cytokinesis is complete after meiosis I)? 4. How many chromatids in a cell in prophase of mitosis? 5. How many chromatids in a cell in prophase I of meiosis? 6. How many chromatids in a cell in prophase II of meiosis? 7. How many chromosomes in each cell produced from mitosis? 8. How many total cells are produced from the original cell in mitosis? 9. How many chromosomes in each cell produced from meiosis? 10. How many total cells are produced from the original cell in meiosis? VII. Identification - The diagrams below show cells in various phases of mitosis and meiosis. If 2n = 4, identify the phase of mitosis or meiosis represented by each cell. VIII. A COMPARISON OF MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS IX. CELL CYCLE CONTROL Identify the checkpoint (G1, G2, or M) primarily associated with each of the following factors: Density-dependent inhibition Alignment of sister chromatids at metaphase plate Proper replication of DNA Presence of growth factors Integrity of spindle apparatus Nutrient availability Damage to DNA Anchorage dependence Cell Size