
Name: _____________________________
Pretest Score: _____/61
Posttest Score: _____/61
Ch 10+ Pretest: Cell Growth and Division
1. _____ Having the normal number of
A. anaphase
chromosomes, 2n. 46 for humans
B. autosome
2. _____ When homologous chromosomes have
C. binary fission
replicated and paired up, this forms
D. chromatid
3. _____ Stage where the centromere splits and
E. chromatin
sister chromosomes move to opposite
F. chromosome
sides of a cell
G. crossing over
4. _____ Stage outside of cell cycle for cells that
H. cytokinesis
do not divide, e.g. nerve cells.
I. diploid
5. _____ Exchange of DNA from one chromosome
to its homolog, usually occurs during
K. G0 phase
prophase I of meiosis
L. G1 and G2 phases
6. _____ Final stage of cell division, chromosomes
M. haploid
are separated and nucleus reforms
N. homologous chromosome
7. _____ Cell division where gametes form,
O. interphase
daughter cells are haploid
P. M phase
8. _____ A “regular” chromosome, does not
Q. meiosis
determine gender, come in pairs
R. metaphase
9. _____ Chemical that is the basis of all life,
S. mitosis
contains instructions for cell functions
T. prophase
10. _____ Pairs of chromosomes that have the same
U. S phase
genes and same shape
V. sex chromosome
11. _____ A time in the cell cycle when the cell is
W. telophase
functioning normally, i.e. nothing
X. tetrad
special is happening
12. _____ A single copy of a chromosome, 2 of them are joined at the centromere
together during cell division
13. _____ Cell division where identical cells are made, daughter cells are diploid
14. _____ The stage of cell division where the contents of the cytoplasm are divided
15. _____ The time in the cell cycle where DNA is replicated in preparation for dividing
16. _____ Stage of cell division where chromosomes line up in the center of the cell
17. _____ A complete set of genetic material; copies itself during cell division; humans
have 46 of them, DNA is “wound up.”
18. _____ Stage of cell division where the nucleus breaks down, and chromosomes
become visible
19. _____ Process of cell division for prokaryotes
20. _____ X or Y chromosome, two of them together determine gender
21. _____ Stages in the cell cycle, not usually considered cell division. The cell is
growing and performing specialized functions
22. _____ Half the number of chromosomes, 23 for humans; products of meiosis
contain this number
23. _____ Form of DNA that is “unwound” long, thin strands.
24. _____ Stage in the cell cycle where the cell divides; really two separate events,
mitosis and cytokinesis
25. – 30. Draw the cell cycle with correct relative sizes of each stage. Label each stage
and include G0 and interphase.
Draw a cell in each stage of the cell cycle. Use 2n = 6 (diploid number of 6)
31. Interphase:
32. Prophase:
33. Metaphase:
34. Anaphase:
35. Telophase:
Label each of the following stages of Meiosis and identify each as haploid or diploid
36. ___________________ 37. ___________________
38. ___________________
39. ___________________
40. ___________________
41. ___________________
42. ___________________
43. ___________________
Short answer:
44. - 47. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis by naming at least 2 similarities
and 2 differences between the two processes.
48. – 51. Compare and contrast cell division in prokaryotes and eukaryoes by naming
at least 2 similarities and 2 differences between the two processes.
52. – 57. DNA takes many forms during the cell cycle. Explain/describe these forms
and give an example of when in the cell cycle they can be found.
58. – 61. Differentiate (tell the difference) between sexual and asexual reproduction.
Explain whether each of the following is associated with sexual or asexual
reproduction: mitosis, meiosis, binary fission.
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