
5 Lowell Avenue, Winchester, MA 01890
After School and Enrichment Enrollment Form 2015-2016
After School and Enrichment at Acera aims to provide extended day coverage for all parents, while also providing the
students with valuable and enriching activities and experiences. Our after school staff works to meet the varied and
diverse needs of all families who choose to enroll. Please fill out the following enrollment form to help us provide care
for your child that is best suited to your family’s needs.
____ Specific Enrichment Offering
____ Coverage
____ Both Equally
Please highlight your choices below:
3:30-5:30 (Programming)
$5 Late Pick
LARP (Ages 10+)
$5 Late Pick
$5 Late Pick
Musical Instrument Construction (Ages 7+)
Fine Arts (Ages 7+)
Design, Engineering, & Power Tool Construction (Ages 10+)
Math Club (Ages 9-11)
Service Learning and Leadership (Ages 8-12)
*Science Lab (Ages 11-15)
Creative Computing Club (Ages 7+)
Hip Hop Music (Fall only) (Ages 8+)
Band Jam (Spring only) (Ages 8+)
*Science Lab (Ages 11-15)
Playground Architects (Ages 7+)
*Science Lab (Ages 11-15)
$5 Late Pick
Adventure Club (Ages 7+)
$5 Late Pick
Filmmaking: Documentaries & Your Stories (Ages 7+)
*Science Lab has a different schedule and is pricing. See Page 2 or the Science Lab Flyer for additional information.
To enroll, please return this form and payment to Kara Williams, Office Manager, in person or by email
o Enrollment occurs by session, 3 times per year. Some enrichment options may stay the same across the year,
and some may change between sessions depending upon interest and enrollment.
o Friends of current Acera students who are not enrolled at Acera are invited to consider Acera enrichment. Feel
free to forward this information to your child’s friends.
Enrichment Participation:
o Decisions about participation in Enrichment programming are made at the discretion of the
Enrichment teacher. If a student is not able to participate in a safe and productive way, or if the
teacher feels that the student is not engaging at a level appropriate for the program, the teacher may
redirect the student to an alternate activity.
o If a child is enrolled in Enrichment but the teacher concludes that he or she is not ready to participate
in the program, the parents will be notified by the teacher and given an option for a refund of the
o In order to properly staff Enrichment, and to ensure that all children enrolled get a quality experience,
we ask that parents whose primary need is after school coverage choose Enrichment electives ahead of
each session. Once a program is filled, we may not be able to accommodate “drop ins” on a day-by-day
o Session 1 Dates: September 8th – December 18th
o Session 2 Dates: January 4th - April 15th
o Session 3 Dates: April 25th – June 10th
Science Lab Schedule:
Tuesdays: Biology: Sept. 15 – Nov. 17, Chemistry: Dec. 1 – Feb. 23, Biochemistry: Mar. 1 – May 10
Wednesdays: Biochemistry: Sept. 16 – Dec. 2, Biology: Dec. 9 – Mar. 2, Chemistry: Mar. 9 – May 18
Thursdays: Chemistry: Sept. 17 – Nov. 19, Biochemistry: Dec. 3 – Feb. 25, Biology: Mar. 3 – May 26
Cost for the Enrichment Program is $420 per 14-week session.
Additional materials fees may apply or some offerings. Session 3= ½ price.
Science Lab Pricing: $950.00, per 10 week course (lab use and material fees included).
o Snack: Acera does not provide snack; we ask that parents send their children in with snack,
should they require one.
o General Coverage: We do our best to allow students to “drop in” to enrichment if there is
space, but we cannot guarantee it.
o School Holidays: After School and Enrichment Programs do not occur on school holidays.
Please reference the School Year Calendar for a list of these days. All yellow and green days
indicate days off from school.
o Late Fees:
o For Acera students enrolled in After School Enrichment until 6pm, a late fee of $10 is
charged for parents who arrive late (after 6pm) to pick up from after school. Late pickups are tracked each night, and billing for late fees occurs retroactively at the end of
each month. Fees can be paid cash to Kara, and are transferred to the instructor who
stayed late.
o The same process applies to students who stay in after school or enrichment longer
than their enrollment indicates. Parents will be billed monthly for extra time, payable by
check to Acera School.
o Late Pick Up From School: If you anticipate that you are not able to pick up your child on time
from school, you may choose to enroll them in Late Pick Up. They may stay for the recess
portion of after school for a fee of $5/day. Late Pick Up can be booked as needed or on an ongoing basis. After 3:30, they will be rolled into enrichment, and parents will be billed
o Middle School Homework Time: Middle School students who are enrolled in after school can
opt to work on school assignments in lieu of regular after school programs at the discretion of
the after school teachers. Middle School students need to be enrolled in after school and under
the supervision of after school staff if they are planning to stay at school past 3pm.
To Enroll:
o Email Kara at and include:
o Enrichment choice
o Indicate anticipated pick up time
o Submit payment (Checks made payable to Acera School)
Maker Space: Musical Instrument Construction (7+) Make your own musical instrument, using
wood, strings, and more! Learn appropriate technique for handheld woodshop tools.
Fine Arts (7+) Learn an array of skills to create paintings and drawings. Engage in art history
learning and complete projects.
LARP Live Action Role Play (10+) Engage in an imaginary world and take on a character role!
LARP incorporates elements of martial arts, costume construction, foam “boffers,” and individual
awareness in a group setting. Students say it is “like being in a real life video game!”
Maker Space: Design, Engineering, & Power Tool Construction (10+) Envision, prototype,
and build!
Math Club (9-11) Engage students in the joy of mathematics via enrichment. Focus includes
logic, probability, games, and applied mathematics in context with projects and problem solving.
Targeted for high capacity math students.
Service Learning and Leadership (8-12) Know yourself and your values. Identify needs in the
community and create projects to address those needs.
Creative Computing Club (aka C3) (7+) Students learn programming and computer art tools. A
variety of creative tools will be introduced, including the programming languages Scratch and
Processing, along with carefully selected games to improve computational thinking. Students
enrolled in this club must bring their own laptop and are responsible for installation of
recommended software; software recommendations given by the teacher will be based upon
student interests and abilities.
Hip Hop Music (Fall only) (8+) Learn how to make hip hop music on real equipment. Sample
records, program beats, write rhymes in a fun setting. Culminates in a recording of student work.
Band Jam (Spring only) (8+) Bring or try out an instrument, jam together and lay down tracks.
Culminates in a concert! (Instructor: Anthony Reynolds, M.Ed.)
Playground Architects (7+) Envision, design & build components for Acera’s nature-based
playground. Make a tree house! Add a swing! Have a cool implement for climbing or balancing
to imagine, build and try? Be a builder of our play space!
Filmmaking: Documentaries and Your Stories (7+) Guided by an award-winning documentary
filmmaker, learn to storyboard and how to leverage essential film grammar. Study different film
genres, and define message, film, edit and produce your piece. Work in groups of age-matched
peers on team or individual projects.