1 2 Benchmark for reactive transport codes 3 in the context of complex cement/clay 4 interactions 5 Nicolas C.M. Marty1, Philippe Blanc1, Olivier Bildstein2, Francis Claret1,*, Benoit 6 Cochepin3, Su Danyang4, Eric C. Gaucher1, Diederik Jacques5, Jean-Eric Lartigue2, K. 7 Ulrich Mayer4, Johannes C.L Meeussen6, Isabelle Munier3, Ingmar Pointeau2, Liu 8 Sanheng5 and Carl Steefel7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 BRGM, 45060 Orleans Cedex, France Cadarache, F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France 3 ANDRA, 1/7 Rue Jean Monnet, F-92298 Châtenay-Malabry Cedex, France 4 Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences. University of British Columbia, 2207 Main Mall, Vancouver BC Canada. 5 Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK.CEN, Boeretang 200, Mol Belgium B-2400 6 Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group, PO Box 25, NL-1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands 7 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 2 CEA, *Corresponding author f.claret@brgm.fr 1 22 Abstract 23 The use of subsurface and underground geological settings for engineering solutions 24 such as CO2 storage, geothermal energy and nuclear waste repositories will greatly 25 increase the occurrence of claystone/concrete interactions. Due to contrasting 26 geochemical conditions (including Eh, pH, solution composition) this interface is subject 27 to steep concentration gradients and is highly reactive. Predicting long term changes 28 (1,000 to 100,000 years) in these materials is thus crucial for assessing the behaviour of 29 such infrastructures. Experiments cannot provide sufficiently reliable information for 30 such a long time scale and although natural and archaeological analogues can be very 31 helpful, modelling is a unique tool to analyse and test different evolution scenarios. In 32 order to rely on such calculations, it is of paramount importance to demonstrate that the 33 results obtained are not dependent on the numerical reactive transport code used to 34 perform the modelling. In order to address this issue, a benchmark has been 35 established. Seven international teams have participated in this benchmark exercise. All 36 reactive transport codes used (TOUGHREACT, PHREEQC with two different ways of 37 handling transport, CRUNCH, HYTEC, ORCHESTRA, MIN3P-THCm) gave very similar 38 patterns in terms of predicted concentrations of solutes and minerals. The 39 benchmarking exercise reinforces the use of reactive transport modelling in a 40 performance assessment perspective. 3 41 1. Introduction 42 Radioactive waste repositories will use a significant quantity of cement: for the support 43 building of the access galleries and storage cells, for concrete plugs and for 44 containment materials for low to intermediate radioactive wastes. Several European 45 countries have chosen clay formations as possible host rocks (Landais, 2006). To 46 ensure sealing of the access galleries, a mixture of bentonite and sand will not only be 47 used in claystone, but also in granitic host rocks. Numerous cement/clay interfaces will 48 thus be present in a radioactive waste repository. The chemistry of the cementitious 49 material and of the clay media differ substantially, with high pH and low pCO2 in the 50 former and neutral pH and high pCO2 in the latter material. The mineralogy in both 51 materials is also complex and particularly reactive (Gaucher and Blanc, 2006; Savage, 52 2011; Savage et al., 2007). Numerous papers have described the results of reactive 53 transport modelling at this interface, with various degrees of complexity. Some authors 54 have adopted a purely thermodynamic approach (Adler et al., 1999; Gaucher et al., 55 2004; Trotignon et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2010) while others have opted to couple 56 thermodynamic and kinetic approaches (De Windt et al., 2008; De Windt et al., 2004; 57 Fernandez et al., 2010; Marty et al., 2009; Savage et al., 2010; Savage et al., 2002; 58 Soler, 2003; Soler et al., 2011; Steefel and Lichtner, 1994, 1998; Trotignon et al., 2007; 59 Vieillard et al., 2004; Watson et al., 2009). The topic of cement/clay interactions thus 60 provides an excellent opportunity for testing reactive transport codes for their accuracy, 61 robustness, completeness and numerical stability. 62 This study presents a benchmark exercise open to the community of reactive transport 63 modellers. The problem has been therefore described in sufficient detail to allow its 4 64 reproduction whatever the reactive transport code used. The main challenge of the 65 exercise is linked to the complexity of the chemical reactions introduced in the test 66 cases: chemical speciation, a large number of mineral phases, ion exchange reactions 67 and dissolution/precipitation kinetics. In the frame of this benchmark, geochemical 68 evolution of a concrete/clay interface has been simulated using several codes: 69 TOUGHREACT (Xu et al., 2006; Xu et al., 2011) PHREEQC (Parkhurst and Appelo, 70 1999), CRUNCH (Steefel and Yabusaki, 1996), HYTEC (van der Lee et al., 2002, 2003; 71 van der Lee and Lagneau, 2004), ORCHESTRA (Meeussen, 2003) and MIN3P-THCm, 72 derived from MIN3P (Mayer et al., 2002). For PHREEQC, transport was addressed in 73 two ways: the use of mixed factors inside the PHREEQC code itself or using an external 74 module in which the diffusive transport equation in axisymmetric coordinates is solved 75 using a finite difference method. 76 Each code has its own specific features and capabilities (e.g. discretization schemes, 77 implementation of kinetic rate laws). Therefore this study was not designed to examine 78 small discrepancies between the codes but rather to make sure that all results obtained 79 by the various codes agreed in predicting the same mineralogical and chemical 80 changes considering (i) steep pH and Eh gradients, (ii) highly complex mineralogies 81 (both approximation of local equilibriums and reaction kinetics have been considered), 82 and (iii) the same mesh and transport parameters. Within this benchmark exercise a 83 focus on the calculation time is not performed. Indeed, some software products use 84 parallelised calculations and modelling is not necessarily processed on the same 85 computer, the results cannot be compared in terms of their efficiency to solve reactive 86 transport. Furthermore, this benchmark was proposed by an advanced reactive- 5 87 transport modeling team, not by code developers. Thus, the main purpose here is to 88 increase confidence in the safety analysis based on numerical modelling in the case of 89 nuclear waste management, but also for the safety of CO2 storage where cementitious 90 boreholes and clay cap rocks interact (Gherardi et al., 2012). The long time scale 91 considered in this benchmark is required for safety analysis, including testing different 92 storage scenarios (1,000 to 100,000 years). 93 2. Simulation description 94 2.1. Geometry 95 One-dimensional radial geometry was chosen for modelling the sealing of a radioactive 96 waste repository site. Considering interacting volumes, the host rock pore water can be 97 assimilated as an infinite source, whereas the quantity of concrete is limited. A 98 heterogeneous mesh with a refined spatial resolution of 0.05 m focused on the 99 concrete/claystone interface was considered. Details of the spatial discretization are 100 given in the figure 1. 101 The mesh size was selected to ensure a satisfactory compromise between a spatial 102 resolution coherent with the expected geochemical processes, especially at the 103 interface, and computation time. Indeed, in the case of a sequential non iterative 104 approach (SNIA), the time step is proportional to the size of a grid cell, which strongly 105 increases the calculation time as the spatial resolution increases. For example, using 106 PHREEQC, to ensure that temporal and spatial discretisation produces a physically 107 correct solution, the value of the time step must at least comply with the Neumann 108 criteria in 1D geometry: 6 t x 2 3 Dp 1 109 where Dp (m2 s-1) is the pore diffusion coefficient with a maximum value of 1.4 10- 110 10 111 is worthy to notice that this not a requirement for the global implicit method, however 112 even with this approach, they are practical limits to the time steps due to stiffness and 113 other undetermined issues. 114 Taking into account this criterion, maximum time steps (Δtmax) of 3.1558 106 s must be 115 obeyed for a spatial discretisation of 0.05 m at the clay/concrete interface. However, 116 due to the complexity of the benchmark problem, smaller Δtmax are sometimes applied 117 in order to ensure the numerical convergence of performed simulations. 118 119 m2 s-1 in the claystone system, ∆x (m) and ∆t (s) refer to the space and time steps. It 2.2. Mineralogical and chemical conditions 2.2.1. Concrete model 120 The mineralogical composition of the concrete considered is representative of an early- 121 age concrete (pH~13.2), i.e. with alkalis (Na+, K+). The concrete plug was modelled as 122 ordinary Portland cement (CEM I) consisting of portlandite, CSH with Ca/Si=1.6, 123 ettringite and minor quantities of hydrotalcite and monocarboaluminate (Blanc et al., 124 2010a, b). The high calcite content of the material is due to the calcareous nature of the 125 aggregate used to prepare the concrete (table 1). 126 The period required to attain fully hydrated conditions of the concrete plug should be a 127 few thousand years after closure of the repository (Burnol et al., 2006). However, this 128 period was disregarded and simulations started considering fully saturated conditions 7 129 with an interstitial fluid equilibrated with the cement phases (table 2). The dissolved 130 components C, Si, Mg, Al, S and Fe are in equilibrium with mineralogical phases: 131 calcite, CSH, hydrotalcite, monocarboaluminate, ettringite and C3FH6 (Fe-hydrogarnet), 132 respectively. 133 Alkalis are not controlled by mineral phases since Na2O and K2O are undersaturated in 134 concrete water pore. Their concentrations were deduced from concrete water analysis 135 and are fixed when modelling starts. Lothenbach & Winnefeld (2006) measured values 136 varying with time between 320 and 650 mM for potassium and 26 and 65 mM for 137 sodium. Trotignon (2006) used sodium and potassium concentrations of 250 mM for 138 predictive simulations. The alkaline charge supplied by these authors is slightly higher 139 than that used in this study ([K] =140 mM and [Na] = 60 mM). 2.2.2. Callovo-Oxfordian claystone model 140 141 The mineralogy and the pore water composition of the clayey host rock are 142 representative of the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone formation (COx) located in North-East 143 France where the French Nuclear Agency Andra is operating an underground research 144 laboratory (URL) (Delay et al., 2007). The complexity of the mineralogy of the COx 145 formation is included in the model following the recommendations of Gaucher et al. 146 (2009). 147 The constituent phases of claystone selected here (table 3) were established according 148 to the “Chlorite(CCa2)/Illite(IMt2)” model proposed by Gaucher et al. (2009). An 149 apparent dry density of 2.3 g cm-3 has been calculated from the COx mineralogical 150 composition. The mass ratios of different phases were extracted from the BRGM 151 mineralogical database (Lerouge et al., 2006) considering the C2b2 level. Illite and 8 152 illite/smectite minerals (I/S) were identified as the main clay phases of the COx 153 claystone. The simulations therefore incorporate a small amount of montmorillonite in 154 order to reflect the presence of the interstratified mineral. This modelling strategy 155 slightly affects the COx pore water composition established by Gaucher et al. (2009). 156 Microcline was also introduced in the simulations, but the precipitation reaction was 157 inhibited as the mineral cannot form at low temperatures (Gaucher et al., 2009). Quartz 158 precipitation was under kinetic control and amorphous silica was included as a potential 159 secondary phase. The modelling strategy is coherent with the amorphous form of CSH 160 considered in the concrete plug. 161 The model considers ion exchange on illite and smectite reflected in the selectivity 162 exchange coefficients on the two exchangers (Tournassat et al., 2009; Tournassat et 163 al., 2007). 164 The pore water composition resulting from the calculation (table 4) corresponds closely 165 to geochemical analyses performed in the URL at 25 °C (Vinsot et al., 2008). 166 2.2. Physical properties 167 Considering the very low permeability of the two media, the mass transport calculation 168 only follows Fick’s law: f i De gradCi 2 169 where De is the effective diffusion coefficient (m2 s-1) that depends on the properties of 170 the diffusing chemical species, the pore fluid, and the porous medium and C i refers to 171 the concentration of the species i (mol m-3). In this study, the same molecular diffusion 172 coefficient has been considered for all the species. It is worthy noticing that no 9 173 excavated damaged zone (EDZ) was considered here. Lower effective diffusion was 174 assumed for the cement plug relative to the surrounding clay stone (table 5). At the 175 interfaces, depending on the code capability or the choice made by the modeller, either 176 the arithmetic or the harmonic mean of the effective diffusion coefficients was used. It 177 should be noted that this choice has only limited and very local impact on mass 178 transport and the simulation results, because porosity changes and related effects on 179 transport properties were not considered. 180 181 3. Chemical reactions 3.1. Thermodynamic database 182 The THERMODDEM thermodynamic database (Blanc et al., 2012) was used for this 183 benchmark (http://thermoddem.brgm.fr/). This database is available in different formats: 184 PHREEQC, TOUGHREACT, CRUNCH, Geochemical workbench, and CHESS 185 (geochemical module used by HYTEC). For this study, the UBC team converted the 186 database to the MIN3P-THCm format. ORCHESTRA is able to read the PHREEQC 187 format directly. The data of the 31 minerals considered in the simulations (including 188 primary and secondary phases) are presented in table 6. 189 The THERMODDEM database includes the hydrated radius a0 parameters for the 190 extended Debye-Hückel activity-composition model. The latter was used with codes 191 PHREEQC2, iPHREEQC3 and CRUNCH. For the ORCHESTRA and HYTEC code, the 192 modelling teams have choose to use the Davies activity-composition model instead, 193 which do not imply parameters specific to the aqueous complexes. TOUGHREACT 194 uses a different version of the extended Debye-Hückel model, after Helgeson et al. 10 195 (1981). The effective hydrated radiuses, consistent with such model were then provided 196 instead. MIN3P-THCm is using a specific version of the extended Debye-Hückel model. 197 Eventually, such differences have only a little impact on the results since the ionic 198 strength obtained in the simulation do not oversome a value of 0.3. 199 3.2. Reaction rates 200 It is widely known that mineral dissolution rates depend on several kinetic parameters. 201 Generally, the effects that physical and chemical parameters exert on mineral 202 weathering rates (temperature, pH, catalysis/inhibition by aqueous species and solution 203 saturation state) are incorporated in a general form of mineral dissolution. TST 204 (Transition State Theory) kinetic laws are included in most geochemical codes. Its 205 formulation is implemented in several codes (TOUGHREACT, CRUNCH, HYTEC and 206 MIN3P-THCm). Dissolution/precipitation rates of a mineral (n) at different pH values and 207 constant temperature are given by Lasaga et al. (1994): rn k n An 1 n 3 208 where positive rn values indicate dissolution and negative values denote precipitation 209 (mol s-1 kg-1w), kn is the rate constant (mol m-2 s-1), which is temperature dependent, An 210 is the reactive surface area (m2 kg-1w) and Ωn is the mineral saturation ratio. 211 Parameters θ and η must be determined experimentally in order to describe the rate 212 dependency on the state of saturation. However, these parameters are only rarely found 213 for mineral dissolution, because reactions are usually studied far from equilibrium. 214 The dissolution constant (k in the above equation) is expressed as: 11 Eanu nu k k 25 exp R Eai 1 1 i k 25 exp T 298.15 i R 1 1 n aijij T 298.15 j 215 where Ea (J mol-1) is the activation energy and k25 is the rate constant at 25 °C. The 216 superscripts nu and i refer to reactions under neutral pH conditions and other 217 conditions, respectively; j refers to the species index involved in one mechanism, a is 218 the activity of the species and n is a power term. 219 Note that rate equations can be provided directly in the input files of ORCHESTRA and 220 PHREEQC. This strategy makes these codes extremely flexible. TST laws can 221 therefore be easily reproduced. 222 Apart from several reactions at local equilibrium, dissolution/precipitation reactions of 223 primary phases were controlled as much as possible by kinetic laws. The kinetic 224 parameters shown in table 7 and table 8 were extracted from a literature review. 225 3.3. Ion exchange 226 Claystone exchange properties are dominated by those of I/S (Gaucher et al., 2009). A 227 CEC of 17.4 meq 100 g-1 was considered. Taking into account a rock grain density of 228 2.65 g.cm-3, this corresponds to 2.1 mol.L-1 of exchangers. The exchange assemblage 229 was limited to Na, K, Mg and Ca cations. Claystone were initially equilibrated with the 230 COx pore water shown in table 4. The selectivity coefficients available in table 9 were 231 calculated using exchange models given by Tournassat et al. (2007; 2009). The 232 coefficients use the Gaines and Thomas convention (Gaines and Thomas, 1953; 233 Sposito, 1981). 12 4 234 Although some codes can handle variation in the total amount of exchanger (e.g. 235 calculated from the density, the porosity or the volume fraction of a mineral), within this 236 benchmark the total exchanger concentration remains constant. 237 238 239 4. Benchmark cases 4.1. Validation of transport properties and cationic exchange models (case 1) 240 The radial geometry describe in figure 1 has been used for simulations performed in 241 absence of mineralogy. Only cement and COx fluids as well as the exchange capacity 242 of the COx formation have been considered. The examination of modelled profiles (Cl 243 concentration and exchanger composition) at 1,000 years has been used for the 244 validation of transport properties and cationic exchange models. 245 4.2. Full mineralogy with slow reaction rates (case 2) 246 The extrapolation of available laboratory rates to “natural system” is not yet supported 247 by field studies (laboratory experimental feldspar dissolution rates are 2-5 orders of 248 magnitude times faster than “natural rates”, Velbel, 1993; White and Brantley, 2003; 249 Zhu, 2005). Kinetic parameters reported in this study have been established form flow- 250 through experiments and proposed reaction rates are probably overestimated. 251 Simulations were then performed using surface areas 3 orders of magnitude lower than 252 the values given in table 8. It should be noted that even if several parameters can 253 explain the discrepancy between natural and experimental rates (Maher et al., 2006), 254 the decrease in reactive surface areas (A) used in equation 3 is strictly equivalent to a 13 255 decrease in rate constants, whatever the exact cause of this decrease, because 256 reactive surface areas are supposed constant in calculations. 4.3. 257 Full mineralogy with fast reaction rates (case 3) 258 The last benchmark exercise uses reactive surface areas given in table 8 without any 259 modification. Simulations test the code capabilities to manage with efficiency the time 260 step necessary to reach a correct numerical convergence. 261 5. Numerical codes 5.1. 262 TOUGHREACT 263 Part of the benchmark was performed using the TOUGHREACT two-phase non- 264 isothermal reactive transport code (Xu et al., 2004). This code was developed by 265 introducing reactive geochemistry into the framework of TOUGH2 V2 (Pruess et al., 266 1999). 267 TOUGHREACT calculations usually adopt the sequential non-iterative approach (SNIA). 268 The selected resolution computation procedure for one time step is a sequence 269 comprising one non-reactive transport step followed by a batch chemistry step. The 270 reactive transport was therefore solved using the SNIA. This approach could lead to 271 numerical errors but is frequently used, mainly to save computation time. Full details on 272 the numerical methods and simulator capabilities of TOUGHREACT are given in Xu et 273 al. (2004) and Xu et al. (2004; 2011). Concrete/clay interactions were 14 simulated using the EOS3 module. 5.2. 274 PHREEQC 5.2.1. PHREEQC2 275 276 Reactive transport performed with PHREEQC2 (Parkhurst & Appelo, 1999) is also 277 based on a sequential non-iterative approach (SNIA). Mixing factors between two 278 adjacent cells are used to calculate the mass transport by diffusion. Mixing factors are 279 defined explicitly for each cell in PHREEQC (Appelo et al., 2010; Parkhurst and Appelo, 280 1999): mixfij Di tAij f be 5 hijV j 281 where Di is the solute diffusion coefficient, Aij is the surface area between adjacent cells, 282 fbc is a boundary condition correction factor, hij is the distance between the midpoints of 283 adjacent cells and Vj is volume of the central cell. 284 5.2.2. iPHREEQC 285 iPHREEQC is a set of modules developed specifically to allow easy integration of 286 PHREEQC into other software (Charlton and Parkhurst, 2011). To simulate the 287 interaction between the concrete and clay, the diffusive transport equation in 288 axisymmetric coordinates is solved using a finite difference method and the reaction is 289 calculated with PHREEQC via the iPHREEQC modules. Coupling is performed with a 290 sequential non-iterative approach (SNIA), i.e. the same method as used in PHREEQC. 291 The code is further parallelised with a message passing interface (MPI) using the 292 concept of domain decomposition. When the model starts, each processor is assigned 293 with a certain number of cells and each processor creates an iPHREEQC module to 15 294 perform the geochemical calculation task for all the cells residing on that processor. At 295 the domain boundaries, messages which are primarily chemical compositions are 296 transmitted from one processor to another (Charlton and Parkhurst, 2011). 297 5.3. CRUNCH 298 CRUNCH (or CrunchFlow) is a software package for simulating multi-component multi- 299 dimensional reactive transport in porous media. It incorporates most of the features 300 previously found in the GIMRT/OS3D package into a single code (Steefel, 2008; Steefel 301 and Yabusaki, 1996) and uses an automatic read of a thermodynamic and kinetic 302 database. The global implicit approach (GIMRT) is used to simulate diffusive reactive 303 transport since it can take larger time steps than sequential methods once the system 304 relaxes into a quasi-stationary state. After a unique reactive transport time step, mineral 305 volumes and surface areas are updated. 306 5.4. HYTEC 307 The HYTEC code (van der Lee et al., 2002, 2003) is used for reactive transport 308 modelling in porous media under saturated and unsaturated conditions. HYTEC is 309 based on a finite volume scheme with representative elementary volumes (REV) for 310 mass transport and a sequential iterative operator-splitting method for coupling between 311 chemistry and transport. The HYTEC 4.0.4 is the version used in this study 312 5.5. ORCHESTRA 313 In ORCHESTRA, reactive transport processes are implemented by a mixing-cell 314 concept. This implies that transport systems can be composed of (well-mixed) cells and 16 315 connections between these cells. The cells contain the information on the local physical 316 and chemical composition, while the connections between the cells contain the mass 317 transport equations (diffusion, convection etc.). Both the connections between the cells, 318 but also the literal equations involved in mass transport are defined in text input files. 319 Effectively this results in a finite difference scheme. In ORCHESTRA it is possible to 320 choose a SIA approach (predictor corrector method), but for this benchmark a non- 321 iterative approach was used (SNIA), solved with a fourth order Runge Kutta method. 322 The kinetic reactions were solved using the same time step as the transport processes. 323 ORCHESTRA is coded in Java, which results in an executable programme that runs on 324 different operating systems (e.g. MS Windows, Linux, Unix, Solaris, OSX). Java also 325 contains standard language constructs for parallel programming, which facilitates 326 parallelisation. As a result, ORCHESTRA makes efficient use of multi-processor 327 hardware. In contrast with the iPHREEQC method for parallelisation that uses domain 328 decomposition with nodes/cells predefined for each processor, the ORCHESTRA 329 approach uses a single node pool, from which nodes are taken by each available 330 processor. The advantage of the iPHREEQC method is that it is more suitable for 331 distribution work over different physical machines. The advantage of the ORCHESTRA 332 method is better load balancing for systems with strongly varying calculation times per 333 node. 334 In ORCHESTRA it is possible to obtain real-time graphic output for any 335 chemical/physical parameter (e.g. concentration or pH profiles) during a calculation, 336 which makes it possible to detect oscillations or unexpected behaviour before a run has 337 finished. 17 338 5.6. MIN3P-THCm 339 MIN3P-THCm (Mayer et al., 2002; Mayer and MacQuarrie, 2010) is a general purpose 340 multi-component reactive transport code for variably saturated porous media. It has a 341 high degree of flexibility to a wide range of hydrogeological and geochemical problems. 342 The chemical processes included are homogeneous reactions in the aqueous phase as 343 well as heterogeneous reactions. Reactions within the aqueous phase and dissolution- 344 precipitation reactions can be considered as equilibrium or kinetically controlled 345 processes. All kinetically controlled reactions can be described as reversible or 346 irreversible reaction processes. Different reaction mechanisms for dissolution- 347 precipitation reactions are considered, which can be subdivided into surface controlled 348 and transport controlled reactions. 349 The code is based on the direct substitution approach (DSA) and uses the global 350 implicit method (GIM) for solving the model equations, which considers reaction and 351 transport simultaneously. Spatial discretisation is performed on the basis of the finite 352 volume method and allows simulations to be conducted in one, two, and three spatial 353 dimensions. To maximise versatility, the model formulation includes a generalised 354 framework for kinetically controlled reactions, which can be specified through a 355 database together with equilibrium processes. Full details on the numerical model and 356 capabilities are given in Mayer et al. (2002) and Mayer and MacQuarrie (2010). The 357 code was recently extended for non-isothermal systems, highly saline conditions, 358 deformation due to surface loading and to include atmospheric boundary conditions 359 (Bea et al., 2010; Bea et al., 2012). The revised code is entitled MIN3P-THCm and the 360 simulations for this benchmark was conducted with version 18 361 6. Results and discussion 6.1. 362 Case 1 363 The first proposed case has been performed for the validation of transport properties. 364 Benchmark exercise 365 concentration profiles). has been evaluated from geochemical evolutions (e.g. 6.1.1. Cl concentration profiles 366 367 As in our model the concrete pore water is free from Cl, this element can be used as a 368 tracer for the validation of physical properties of the considered porous media. The 369 perfect agreement between Cl concentration profiles (cf. figure 2) prevents the 370 possibility of modeller’s mistakes or software’s incoherencies for the mass-transport 371 processing. 6.1.2. Exchanger composition 372 373 Exchanger composition at 1,000 years has been reported on figure 3. Gaines-Thomas 374 exchange convention has been used for the calculations. Weak discrepancies observed 375 on exchanger composition are then mainly attributed to various activity models 376 implemented in each code (see section 3.1). Such effect is well illustrated on the Na- 377 exchanged profiles where 3 groups can be identified: 378 - ORCHESTRA and HYTEC using the Davies equation, 379 - MIN3P-THCm making a compromise between Davies and Debye-Huckle 380 equation, 19 381 382 - PHREEQC2 and iPHREEQC3, TOUGHREACT and CRUNCH using the extended Debye-Huckle equation. 6.2. 383 Case 2 384 The second exercise aims to test the efficiency of each code for the processing of 385 complex geochemistry such as one encountered in claystone/concrete interactions. 386 Numerical results are compared in terms of mineralogical and fluid chemistry 387 transformations. Exchanger composition evolutions can be extracted from code input 388 files available in electronic supplementary data. 6.2.1. Mineralogical changes and pH evolutions 389 390 Mineralogical transformations are shown in volume distribution diagrams with the 391 various mineralogical phases considered in the system according to the distance. 392 Changes in pH are also shown on the secondary axis of ordinates (red curve). Results 393 obtained after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions are shown in figure 4 for 394 TOUGHREACT, figure 5 for PHREEQC2, figure 6 for iPHREEQC3, figure 7 for 395 CRUNCH, figure 8 for HYTEC, figure 9 for ORCHESTRA and figure 10 for MIN3P- 396 THCm. 397 Geochemical transformations resulting from contact between clay and concrete media 398 have been well described and have also been the subject of numerous publications 399 (Gaucher and Blanc, 2006; Savage et al., 2007; Savage, 2011). Therefore, the aim of 400 this study is not to provide a detailed description of the expected geochemical 401 processes. In brief, the main reactions observed are: 20 402 C3FH6, monocarboaluminate, CSH1.6 and portlandite in the concrete; 403 404 Dissolution of smectite (weak), quartz and dolomite inside the claystone and Precipitation of calcite, saponite and straetlingite in the claystone and ettringite, saponite, ferrihydrite , magnetite and CSH1.2 and 0.8 in the concrete. 405 406 Although the formulations and specific capabilities of each code are not strictly identical, 407 the numerical results indicate strong similarities in nature, amount and extent of the 408 materials modification. The models also show a tendency to clog the porosity in 409 response to mineralogical transformations. 410 6.2.2. Pore water evolution 411 Only very small differences are observed for the K, Na and Al concentration profiles 412 (figure 413 processes/parameters responsible for these discrepancies cannot be identified with 414 certainty. Independently of the code used, all pH profiles are very similar (figure 4 to 415 figure 10). 416 11). Due 6.3. to the complexity of the calculations performed, the Case 3 417 After a brief presentation of code-specific simplifications and modifications made on the 418 benchmarking exercise, numerical results are compared in terms of mineralogical 419 transformations. 420 extracted from code input files available in electronic supplementary data. Fluid chemistry and exchanger composition evolutions can be 21 421 6.3.1. Modification of the benchmark conditions 422 As expected, fast reaction rates proposed in the benchmark problem resulted in 423 numerical difficulties for the majority of the codes used. In order to perform the 424 calculations, the benchmark specifications described above had to be modified to 425 varying degrees. The modelling teams had to deal with the specific capabilities of each 426 code. The main modifications concern the number of mineralogical phases under kinetic 427 control and the maximum time step size (table 10). When not considered as kinetic 428 reactions, the mineralogical phases were processed assuming local equilibrium. 429 6.3.2. Mineralogical changes and pH evolutions 430 Results obtained after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions are shown in 431 figure 12 for TOUGHREACT, figure 13 for PHREEQC2, figure 14 for iPHRREQC3, 432 figure 15 for CRUNCH, figure 16 for HYTEC, figure 17 for ORCHESTRA and figure 18 433 for MIN3P-THCm. 434 Observed small differences are likely dominated by code-specific modifications of the 435 initial benchmarking proposal in order to perform the calculation. For example as shown 436 in table 10, the number of phases initially expected to be considered under kinetic 437 control has been decreased for most models. These modifications mainly concern the 438 processing at local equilibrium for the fastest reaction rates (calcite, dolomite and 439 siderite) to reduce stiffness in the system of equations. The relevance of a kinetic 440 formulation for carbonates is questionable for long-term predictive modelling in a purely 441 diffusive system. Besides, considering a mesh refinement of 5 cm at the 442 concrete/claystone interface, these minerals could be processed with the approximation 443 of local equilibrium (Marty et al., 2009). At first glance, one could argue that whatever 22 444 the relevance of the proposed kinetics, numerical codes should be able to process the 445 proposed exercise. However, numerically, it is difficult to obtain a correct estimation of 446 reaction rates for fastest rate constants when the mineral saturation ratio is close to one 447 (Ω in equation 3). It could reduce accuracy and cut the time step, so an equilibrium or 448 quasi equilibrium approach can be well justified. The difficulties encountered are 449 probably due to the capacity of codes to manage the time step efficiently enough to 450 solve 451 convergence criterion) may differ slightly from one modelled case to another and then 452 may also affect numerical results (possible source of discrepancies). This issue is 453 particularly true for codes using a SNIA approach for solving reactive-transport 454 equations. 455 Compared with the previous results (see mineralogical changes obtained from the case 456 2 in section 6.2.1), the highest availability of silica (realized from clay dissolution) 457 promotes the formation of zeolite (Clinoptilolite(Ca): Ca0.55(Si4.9Al1.1)O12:3.9H2O) instead 458 of straetlingite (Ca2Al2SiO2(OH)10:2.5H2O). Other mineralogical transformations (e.g. 459 saponite precipitations) have been identified in the previous case. Whatever the 460 considered reaction rates (case 2 vs. case 3), alkaline plume diffusion (i.e. pH > 9) is 461 limited at the first 10 centimeters inside the claystone at 10,000 years of simulated time. 462 reactive-transport equations. The selected calculation parameters (e.g. 7. Conclusion 463 Although the code formulations differ substantially (numerical scheme, activity 464 correction model, polynomial equation for equilibrium-constant calculations...), very 465 limited discrepancies in the numerical results can be observed. Indeed, independent of 23 466 the code used, the mineralogical profiles in the concrete zone indicate strong similarities 467 in terms of volume fractions and composition of the constituent phases and in terms of 468 solutes concentrations. Critical analysis has demonstrated the robustness of the 469 obtained results regarding the geochemical evolution at the cement/clay interface. 470 Taking into account the feedback of the porosity evolution on the diffusion coefficient 471 would certainly be a good subject for another benchmark. Even though, this question 472 has been tackled in an advective system by the benchmark proposed by Xie et al (this 473 issue), evaluating the effect for a purely diffusive system and with more complex 474 geochemical transformation will be of great interest. Another topic that could be 475 investigated in the future concerns the modelling of such an interface taking into 476 account the heterogeneity of the porous media (e.g. excavated disturbed zone) and its 477 associated transport parameters. 478 479 Acknowledgments: Subsurface environmental simulation benchmarking studies have 480 been initiated by Carl Steefel and Steve Yabusaki. 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Thermodynamic data were extracted from THERMODDEM (http://thermoddem.brgm.fr). Table 7: Kinetic parameters considered for dissolution reactions. Parameters describe the pH dependence and deviation from equilibrium of the dissolution rates (see appendix B in Xu et al., 2004). Table 8: Kinetic parameters considered for precipitation reactions. Table 9: Selectivity coefficients for exchange reactions. Extracted from Gaucher et al. (2009) Table 10: Simplifications adopted in order to perform the proposed benchmark exercise. 32 661 Table 1: Mineralogical composition of the concrete plug. Minerals name in the Structural formula Volume mol L-1 of DDB fraction (%) solution C3FH6 Ca3Fe2(OH)12 2.17 0.94 Calcite CaCO3 71.43 129.45 CSH(1.6) Ca1.60SiO3.6:2.58H2O 14.69 11.61 Ettringite Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12:26H2O 4.22 0.40 Hydrotalcite Mg4Al2O7:10H2O 0.81 0.24 Monocarboaluminate Ca4Al2CO9:10.68H2O 0.10 0.02 Portlandite Porosity Ca(OH)2 0.13 662 663 33 6.38 12.92 664 Table 2: Composition of the concrete pore water (PHREEQC calculation). Concrete pore water chemical Element (total compositionat 25°C (mol kgconcentration) 1 w) 3.8 10-5 4.6 10-7 2.2 10-5 1.4 10-1 1.5 10-9 1.9 10-3 6.0 10-2 9.8 10-4 5.3 10-5 13.2 -2.8 -13.1 Al Fe Si K Mg Ca Na S(VI) TIC pH pe log PCO2 (atm) 665 666 34 667 Table 3: Mineralogical composition of the Callovo-Oxfodian argillites Minerals name in the Structural formula DDB Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Dolomite Illite(IMt2) Microcline Montmorillonite(HcCa) Pyrite Quartz(alpha) Siderite Porosity CaCO3 SrSO4 (Mg2.964Fe1.927Al1.116Ca0.011)(Si2.633Al1.367)O10(OH)8 CaMg(CO3)2 (Na0.044K0.762)(Si3.387Al0.613)(Al1.427Fe0.376Mg0.241)O10(OH)2 K(AlSi3)O8 Ca0.3Mg0.6Al1.4Si4O10(OH)2 FeS2 SiO2 FeCO3 0.18 668 669 35 Volume fraction (%) 0.23 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.33 0.03 0.08 0.01 0.25 0.01 mol L-1 of solution 27.99 0.69 0.41 2.76 10.77 1.37 2.75 1.06 50.86 1.10 670 671 Table 4: Composition of the Callovo-Oxfordian porewater (PHREEQC calculation). Calculated COx Gaucher et al. In situ Element chemical composition (2009) concentrations* at 25°C (mol kg-1w) (mol kg-1w) (mol kg-1w) -8 -8 Al 8.4 10 3.0 10 -Fe 6.8 10-5 4.7 10-5 (1.5 ± 1.1) 10-5 Si 1.8 10-4 1.8 10-4 1.4 10-4 -4 -4 Sr 2.3 10 2.1 10 (2.5 ± 0.2) 10-4 -4 -3 K 5.1 10 1.0 10 (9.0 ± 3.0) 10-4 Mg 5.1 10-3 5.4 10-3 (5.9 ± 1.1) 10-3 -3 -3 Ca 7.6 10 8.5 10 (7.6 ± 1.4) 10-3 -2 -2 Na 4.0 10 4.3 10 (5.6 ± 0.4) 10-2 -2 -2 Cl 4.1 10 4.1 10 (4.1 ± 1.1) 10-2 -2 -2 S(VI) 1.1 10 1.5 10 (1.9 ± 0.4) 10-2 TIC 3.8 10-3 2.4 10-3 (4.2 ± 0.6) 10-3 pH 7,0 7.2 7.2 ± 0.2 pe -2.8 -3.0 -3.4 ± 0.5 log PCO2 (atm) -1.8 -2.2 -1,9 * Values extracted from Vinsot et al. (2008). 672 36 673 Table 5: Transport parameters Porosity Effective diffusion Material (%) coefficient (m2 s-1) COx claystone 18 2.6 10-11 Concrete plug 13 9 10-12 674 675 37 676 677 678 Table 6: Thermodynamic constants (25°C) and molar volume of minerals considered in simulations. Thermodynamic data were extracted from THERMODDEM (http://thermoddem.brgm.fr). Molar Minerals Structural formula log K25 volume (cm3 mol-1) Amorphous silica SiO2 -2.70 29.00 Brucite Mg(OH)2 17.11 24.63 Clinoptilolite(Ca) Ca0.55(Si4.9Al1.1)O12:3.9H2O -2.11 209.66 CSH(1.6) Ca1.60SiO3.6:2.58H2O 28.00 84.68 CSH(1.2) Ca1.2SiO3.2:2.06H2O 19.30 71.95 CSH(0.8) Ca0.8SiO2.8:1.54H2O 11.05 59.29 C3FH6 Ca3Fe2(OH)12 72.38 154.50 Ettringite Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12:26H2O 57.01 710.32 Ferrihydrite(2L) Fe(OH)3 3.40 34.36 Gypsum CaSO4:2H2O -4.60 74.69 Hydrotalcite Mg4Al2O7:10H2O 73.76 227.36 Fe(OH)2 Fe(OH)2 12.85 24.48 Magnetite(am) Fe3O4 14.59 44.52 Monocarboaluminate Ca4Al2CO9:10.68H2O 80.57 261.96 MordeniteB(Ca) Ca0.515Al1.03Si4.97O12:3.1H2O -2.92 209.80 Portlandite Ca(OH)2 22.81 33.06 Pyrite FeS2 -23.59 23.94 Pyrrhotite FeS -3.68 18.20 Saponite(Ca) Ca0.17Mg3Al0.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 28.07 138.84 Saponite(FeCa) Ca0.17Mg2FeAl0.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 26.54 139.96 Straetlingite Ca2Al2SiO2(OH)10:2.5H2O 49.67 215.63 Calcite CaCO3 1.85 36.93 Celestite SrSO4 -6.62 46.25 (Mg2.964Fe1.927Al1.116Ca0.011)(Si2.633Al1.367) Chlorite(CCa-2) 61.33 211.92 O10(OH)8 Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 3.53 64.37 Gibbsite(am) Al(OH)3 10.58 31.96 (Na0.044K0.762)(Si3.387Al0.613)(Al1.427Fe0.376 Illite(IMt2) 11.52 139.18 Mg0.241)O10(OH)2 Microcline K(AlSi3)O8 0.04 108.74 Montmorillonite(HcCa) Ca0.3Mg0.6Al1.4Si4O10(OH)2 7.28 132.48 Quartz(alpha) SiO2 -3.74 22.69 Siderite FeCO3 -0.27 29.38 679 38 680 681 Table 7: Kinetic parameters considered for dissolution reactions. Parameters describe the pH dependence and deviation from equilibrium dissolution rates (see appendix B in Xu et al., 2004). nu OH Mineral A k 25 E anu k 25H E aH k 25 E aOH n OH nH 2 -1 (m g ) (mol m-2 s-1) (kJ mol-1) (mol m-2 s-1) (kJ mol-1) (mol m-2 s-1) (kJ mol-1) Illite(IMt2) (1) 30 3.3 10-17 35 9.8 10-12 0.52 36 3.1 10-12 0.38 48 (2) -15 -11 -12 Montmorillonite(HcCa) 8.5 9.3 10 63 5.3 10 0.69 54 2.9 10 0.34 61 Chlorite(CCa-2) (3) 0.003 6.4 10-17 16 8.2 10-9 0.28 17 6.9 10-9 0.34 16 Quartz(alpha) (4) 0.05 6.4 10-14 77 ---1.9 10-10 0.34 80 Celestite(5) 40 2.2 10-8 34 1.4 10-6 0.10 33 ---Calcite(6) 0.7 1.6 10-6 24 5.0 10-1 1.00 14 ---Dolomite(7) 0.1 1.1 10-8 31 2.8 10-4 0.61 46 ---Siderite(8) 2.7 2.1 10-9 56 5.9 10-6 0.60 56 ---Gibbsite(9) 1 -----3.1 10-6 1 48 Microcline(10) 0.1 1.0 10-14 31 1.7 10-11 0.27 31 1.4 10-10 0.35 31 682 Kinetic data extracted from Marty et al. (accepted) 39 of the θ η 1 0.17 1 1 0.49 1 0.16 1 1 0.09 1 10.34 1 1 2.06 1 2.10 1 1 2.35 683 684 Table 8: Kinetic parameters considered for precipitation reactions. Additional mechanism k 25pre. E apre. A i i Mineral E ai k 25 ni -1 (m2 g-1) (mol m-2 s-1) (kJ mol ) (kJ mol-1) (mol m-2 s-1) Illite(IMt2)(11) 30 6.2 10-14 66 ----Montmorillonite(HcCa) 8.5 0 0 ----Chlorite(CCa-2) 0.003 0 0 ----Quartz(alpha) (12) 0.05 3.2 10-12 50 ----Celestite(13) 40 5.1 10-8 34 ----Calcite(14) 0.7 1.8 10-7 66 HCO31.9 10-3 1.6 67 Dolomite(15) 0.1 9.5 10-15 103 ----Siderite(16) 2.7 1.6 10-11 108 ----(17) -6 Gibbsite 1 0 0 OH 3.1 10 1 48 Microcline 0.1 0 0 ----Kinetic data extracted from Marty et al. (accepted) 41 θ η 0.06 1 1 4.58 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1.68 1 1 0.54 2 2 1 1 1 1 685 Table 9: Selectivity coefficients for exchange reactions. Extracted from Gaucher et al. (2009) Illite/smectite model (Gaucher et al., 2009) log k exNa / Ca log k exNa / Mg log k exNa / K 0.7 0.7 1.2 686 687 42 688 Table 10: Simplifications adopted in order to perform the proposed benchmark exercise. Resolution Phases under kinetic Code Remarks scheme control PHREEQC2 SNIA Carbonates, Microcline, Chlorite(Cca-2), gibbsite and iPHREEQC3 & Illite(IMt2), Quartz(alpha), celestite external SNIA Montmorillonite(HcCa) processed at the transport local equilibrium module Celestite, Chlorite(Cca-2), Carbonates SNIA (but SIA Gibbsite(am), Illite(IMt2) , TOUGHREACT processed at the possible) Montmorillonite(HcCa), local equilibrium Quartz(alpha), Microcline Acidic All minerals listed in tables mechanism 6, 7 and 8. Equilibrium CRUNCH Global implicit (unnecessary) phases treated as quasion reaction rate equilibrium reactions. not considered SIA Celestite, Chlorite(Cca-2), Illite(IMt2), Microcline Montmorillonite(HcCa), Quartz (alpha), Siderite Calcite processed at local equilibrium MIN3P DSA All minerals listed in tables 6, 7 and 8. Equilibrium phases treated as quasiequilibrium reactions. Reactive surface area of calcite decreased by 2 orders of magnitude ORCHESTRA SNIA (but SIA possible) Microcline, Chlorite(Cca-2), Illite(IMt2), Quartz(alpha), Montmorillonite(HcCa) (Identical to PHREEQC) Carbonates processed at local equilibrium HYTEC 689 690 691 SNIA: Sequential non-iterative approach SIA: Sequential iterative approach DSA: direct substitution approach 43 692 FIGURES CAPTIONS 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 Figure 1: System modelled with a heterogeneous mesh with a spatial resolution of 0.05 m at the concrete/claystone interface Figure 2: Cl concentration profiles at 1,000 years obtained with TOUGHREACT, PHREEQC2, iPHREEQC3, CRUNCH, HYTEC, ORCHESTRA and MIN3P-THCm (case 1). Figure 3: Exchanger compositions at 1,000 years obtained with TOUGHREACT, PHREEQC2, iPHREEQC3, CRUNCH, HYTEC, ORCHESTRA and MIN3P-THCm (case 1). Figure 4: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with TOUGHREACT after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). Figure 5: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with PHREEQC2 after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). Figure 6: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with iPHRREQC3 after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). Figure 7: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with CRUNCH after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). Figure 8: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with HYTEC after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). Figure 9: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with ORCHESTRA after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). Figure 10: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with MIN3P-THCm after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). Figure 11: Si, Al, Ca, Na, Mg, K, Cl and S(6) concentrations obtained with TOUGHREACT, PHREEQC2, iPHREEQC3, CRUNCH, HYTEC, ORCHESTRA and MIN3P-THCm after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions. Figure 12: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with TOUGHREACT after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). Figure 13: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with PHREEQC2 after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). Figure 14: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with iPHREEQC3 after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). Figure 15: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with CRUNCH after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). Figure 16: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with HYTEC after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). Figure 17: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with ORCHESTRA after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). Figure 18: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with MIN3P-THCm after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). 44 733 734 735 Figure 1: System modelled with a heterogeneous mesh with a spatial resolution 736 of 0.05 m at the concrete/claystone interface 737 45 1,000 years PHREEQC2 iPHREEQC3 TOUGHREACT CRUNCH ORCHESTRA MIN3P-THCm HYTEC Cl concentration (mol L-1) 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 2 4 6 8 34 36 38 40 42 Distance (m) 738 739 Figure 2: Cl concentration profiles at 1,000 years obtained with TOUGHREACT, 740 PHREEQC2, iPHREEQC3, CRUNCH, HYTEC, ORCHESTRA and MIN3P-THCm (case 741 1). 742 46 743 744 Figure 3: Exchanger compositions at 1,000 years obtained with TOUGHREACT, 745 PHREEQC2, iPHREEQC3, CRUNCH, HYTEC, ORCHESTRA and MIN3P-THCm (case 746 1). 747 47 748 10 000 years - TOUGHREACT 1.2 14 1 0.8 0.6 10 0.4 8 0.2 0 6 1 2 4 3 Distance (m) 749 5 pH Volume fraction 12 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 750 Figure 4: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with TOUGHREACT after 10,000 751 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). 752 48 10 000 years - PHREEQC2 1.2 14 1 0.8 0.6 10 0.4 8 0.2 0 6 1 2 3 4 Distance (m) 753 5 pH Volume fraction 12 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 754 Figure 5: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with PHREEQC2 after 10,000 years 755 of concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). 756 49 10 000 years - iPHREEQC3 1.2 14 1 0.8 0.6 10 0.4 8 0.2 0 6 1 2 3 4 Distance (m) 757 5 pH Volume fraction 12 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 758 Figure 6: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with iPHRREQC3 after 10,000 years 759 of concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). 760 50 10 000 years - CRUNCH 1.2 14 1 0.8 0.6 10 0.4 8 0.2 0 6 1 2 3 4 Distance (m) 761 5 pH Volume fraction 12 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 762 Figure 7: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with CRUNCH after 10,000 years of 763 concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). 764 51 10 000 years - HYTEC 14 1.2 1 0.8 10 0.6 0.4 8 0.2 6 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (m) 765 5 pH Volume fraction 12 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 766 Figure 8: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with HYTEC after 10,000 years of 767 concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). 768 52 10 000 years - ORCHESTRA 1.2 14 1 0.8 0.6 10 0.4 8 0.2 0 6 1 2 3 4 Distance (m) 769 5 pH Volume fraction 12 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 770 Figure 9: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with ORCHESTRA after 10,000 years 771 of concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). 53 10 000 years - MIN3P-THCm 1.2 14 1 0.8 0.6 10 0.4 8 0.2 0 6 1 2 3 4 Distance (m) 772 5 pH Volume fraction 12 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 773 Figure 10: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with MIN3P-THCm after 10,000 774 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 2). 775 54 776 777 Figure 11: Si, Al, Ca, Na, Mg, K, Cl and S(6) concentrations obtained with TOUGHREACT, PHREEQC2, iPHREEQC3, 778 CRUNCH, HYTEC, ORCHESTRA and MIN3P-THCm after 10,000 years of concrete/claystone interactions. 55 779 780 10 000 years - TOUGHREACT 1.2 14 1 0.8 0.6 10 0.4 8 0.2 0 6 1 2 3 4 Distance (m) 781 5 pH Volume fraction 12 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 782 Figure 12: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with TOUGHREACT after 10,000 783 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). 784 56 10 000 years - PHREEQC2 1.2 14 1 0.8 0.6 10 0.4 8 0.2 0 6 1 2 3 4 Distance (m) 785 5 pH Volume fraction 12 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 786 Figure 13: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with PHREEQC2 after 10,000 years 787 of concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). 788 57 10 000 years - iPHREEQC3 1.2 14 1 0.8 0.6 10 0.4 8 0.2 0 6 1 2 3 4 Distance (m) 789 5 pH Volume fraction 12 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 790 Figure 14: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with iPHREEQC3 after 10,000 years 791 of concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). 792 58 10 000 years - CRUNCH 1.2 14 1 0.8 0.6 10 0.4 8 0.2 0 6 1 2 3 4 Distance (m) 793 5 pH Volume fraction 12 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 794 Figure 15: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with CRUNCH after 10,000 years of 795 concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). 796 59 10 000 years - HYTEC 1.4 14 1.2 12 0.8 10 0.6 0.4 8 0.2 0 6 1 2 3 4 Distance (m) 797 5 pH Volume fraction 1 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 798 Figure 16: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with HYTEC after 10,000 years of 799 concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). 800 60 10 000 years - ORCHESTRA 1.2 14 1 0.8 0.6 10 0.4 8 0.2 0 6 1 2 3 4 Distance (m) 801 5 pH Volume fraction 12 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 802 Figure 17: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with ORCHESTRA after 10,000 803 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). 804 61 10 000 years - MIN3P-THCm 1.2 14 1 0.8 0.6 10 0.4 8 0.2 0 6 1 2 3 4 Distance (m) 805 5 pH Volume fraction 12 Amorphous silica Brucite Calcite Celestite Chlorite(Cca-2) Clinoptilolite(Ca) CSH(1.6) CSH(1.2) CSH(0.8) C3FH6 Dolomite Ettringite Fe(OH)2 Ferrihydrite(2L) Gibbsite(am) Gypsum Hydrotalcite Illite(IMt2) Magnetite(am) Microcline Monocarboaluminate Montmorillonite(HcCa) MordeniteB(Ca) Portlandite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz(alpha) Saponite(Ca) Saponite(FeCa) Siderite Straetlingite 806 Figure 18: Mineralogical and pH changes obtained with MIN3P-THCm after 10,000 807 years of concrete/claystone interactions (case 3). 62