Homecoming King & Queen Application

King and Queen Form 1
Arkansas State University
Homecoming 2015
“Homecoming Heroes”
King & Queen
Rules and Regulations
Homecoming candidates may be nominated by any registered student organization. Organizations prohibited to nominate a
candidate include the Core Leadership Groups: Student Activities Board, Student Government Association, IFC, NPC, &
NPHC Councils, Wolftracks Yearbook, Volunteer A-State, and Pack Leaders. All other student organizations may sponsor no
more than two (2) nominees; one King nominee and one Queen nominee. Each candidate should submit a nomination
form, resume, and one (1) headshot in a .jpeg format on a CD, jump drive, or email which includes the candidate’s first &
last name. This headshot will be used to announce all candidates running for Homecoming Court & King/Queen on the
Leadership Center social networking sites. Please include as much detail as possible. The nomination forms, resume, and
headshot photo are due in the Leadership Center no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 22, 2015.
(transfer work will not be counted) have earned at least 60 cumulative hours (transfer work included), be a full-time
student (currently enrolled in 12 hours or more), and be in good standing with the University (no academic or disciplinary
warnings). Each person may only serve on the Homecoming Court once.
The selection of the 2015 A-State Homecoming Court will be a TWO-STEP PROCESS. Homecoming Court representation will
consist of an individual interview with the Homecoming Court Interview Committee and a collective vote from the entire
student body. The top five male king nominees and top five female queen nominees will make up the Homecoming Court.
The interview will carry a weight of 50 percent of the total points, while student vote will carry the other 50 percent of the
total. The percentage breakdown will consist of 100 point system. The combination of the interview and the student body
votes collectively will determine the 2015 Homecoming Court.
Nominees will be contacted to sign up for an interview time in the Leadership Center after grades are verified on Tuesday,
September 22, 2015, via their A-State email. The interviews will be held on Friday, September 25, 2015, in the Reng
Student Union Board Room. All nominees must be interviewed to be eligible for the Homecoming Court. The interview will
consist of a variety of questions relating to student involvement, scholarship, campus activities, and community service. The
ideal nominee should possess qualities that represent the Arkansas State University community. No current students will be
serving on the selection committee. Past Homecoming Court members may be permitted to serve on the committee. The
overall selection of the committee will be supervised by the Assistant Dean of Students. Final approval of the committee is
made by the Associate Dean of Students.
Court Vote:
Court voting will occur online through the https://webapps.astate.edu/survasu/ student portal. Voting will begin
at 9:00am through the https://webapps.astate.edu/survasu/ student portal on Thursday, September 24, 2015,
and close at 9:00am on Friday, September 25, 2015. Online votes will be combined with the individual interview
to determine the top ten 2015 Homecoming Court selections, five for King and five for Queen. Any A-State student
with access to the in.astate portal can cast their vote. Each student has up to three votes for King and Queen. Each
student is permitted to vote only once.
King & Queen Vote:
King/Queen voting will be held on Thursday, October 1, 2015, from 9:00am until 9:00am Friday, October 2, 2015.
The voting process shall follow the same format as the first vote. The top male and female nominee from the court
with the most votes will be selected as the 2015 Homecoming King and Queen. Each student is permitted to vote
only once. Therefore, the King and Queen selection will be solely determined by the Arkansas State University
student body.
There will be ten members of the Homecoming Court (five males and five females). In the event of a tie, scores from the
interview process will break the tie.
King and Queen Form 2
Arkansas State University
Homecoming 2015
“Homecoming Heroes”
King & Queen
Rules and Regulations
Page 2
Homecoming Court will be announced to the student body Monday, September 28, 2015, at the Homecoming Step Show
which begins at 7:00 pm at the A-State Convocation Center. Immediately following the Homecoming Step Show the
Homecoming Court will come down to the Convocation Center floor for a brief meeting at the lower red entrance portion.
This meeting is MANDATORY.
Homecoming Court Practice will most likely occur on Friday, October 2, 2015, at Centennial Bank Stadium. The time and
date will be confirmed during the mandatory meeting after the Homecoming Step Show. The Homecoming Court will be
recognized during the pre-game ceremonies on Saturday, October 3, 2015. At this time, the Homecoming King/Queen will
be crowned and the Lil Mr. & Miss will be recognized. Court members may have up to two escorts.
Campaigning: Court Campaigning will officially begin at 9:00 am on Wednesday, September 23, 2015. King/Queen
campaigning may officially begin at 8:00 am on Tuesday, September 29, 2015.
Homecoming Court & King/Queen Campaign Rules and Regulations are as follows:
 Campaigning is limited to social media, chalking sidewalks, and free speech areas only. No items or fliers of any
kind may be passed out.
 No signs or posters may be used to campaign. Displaying any form of campaign materials on any University
facilities (including yards and windows) is not permitted. Campaign materials are not allowed to be hung on
Religious Organization Buildings, Fraternity, and/or Sorority Houses.
 All campaigning must take place 100 ft from the Reng Student Union. No campaign materials or campaigning,
verbal or otherwise, will be permitted in the Reng Student Union.
 Creating polling sites is strictly prohibited.
10. By submitting this application you are giving the Leadership Center permission to verify your GPA and other information
submitted within this application.
11. All rules will be strictly enforced. Any nomination form that is not fully completed will be terminated and not be allowed
to participate in the Homecoming Court Election Process.
**For more information please contact the Student Activities Board at sab@smail.astate.edu or Natalie Eskew at
neskew@astate.edu. **
Follow Student Activities Board:
@A-State Student Activities Board
King and Queen Form 3
Homecoming Queen
Nomination Form
Your responses should be suitable for publicity purposes
Name: _____________________________________________
Date: ________________
Organization you are representing: ______________________________________________
Hometown: _____________________ County: ________________ State: _____________
Graduate: ______
Major: ______________________________ College of: ____________________________
Degree Sought: ___________________________
Spouse’s Name (if applicable): ________________________________________________
Father’s Name: ________________________
Mother’s Name: ____________________
Address: ___________________________
Address (if different):_________________
City:________________ Zip: ___________
City: _________________ Zip:_________
Telephone (if different):_______________
Of all your previous honors, awards and achievements at A-State, please list three that
you consider to be the most important.
The following information is not for public release:
Student ID# ____________________________
G.P.A. ________________
Local Address:_______________________________________________________
Telephone (Cell) :_____________________________________________________
Email Address:________________________________________@smail.astate.edu
King and Queen Form 4
Homecoming King
Nomination Form
Your responses should be suitable for publicity purposes
Name: _____________________________________________
Date: ________________
Organization you are representing: ______________________________________________
Hometown: _____________________ County: ________________ State: _____________
Graduate: ______
Major: ______________________________ College of: ____________________________
Degree Sought: ___________________________
Spouse’s Name (if applicable): ________________________________________________
Father’s Name: ________________________
Mother’s Name: ____________________
Address: ___________________________
Address (if different):_________________
City:________________ Zip: ___________
City: _________________ Zip:_________
Telephone (if different):_______________
Of all your previous honors, awards and achievements at A-State, please list three that
you consider to be the most important.
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
The following information is not for public release:
Student ID# ____________________________
G.P.A. ________________
Local Address:_______________________________________________________
Telephone (Cell) :_____________________________________________________
Email Address:________________________________________@smail.astate.edu