1st Call for Popular History Presentation

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1st Call for Popular History Presentations for the
Schools OUT UK is delighted to announce the Call for History & Archival Presentations for the
National Festival of LGBT History to be celebrated five Regional Hub’s every Weekend in LGBT
HM (February) in 2016.
This year we are again inviting individuals and group to showcase either:
A historical reading of the past, or
An Archival source that showcases e.g. and personal oral testimonies of past, sets of photos,
significant documents and the stories behind them
Your historical presentation/reading might be the presentation/explanation of a past local,
regional or national:
Event or related events of direct relevant to the Human/LGBT Rights agenda/experience
The history of a group or a specific campaign
A personal journey that involves a number of view-points of that journey
Each festival presentation will no more than twenty minutes long followed by a ten
minutes for a Q&A session.
The presentations showcased in this category at the 1st Festival of LGBT History included: “We were born in
the 1980’s: History of the Joyce Layland Centre (Manchester)”, “Anne Lister: A Life”, “Queer
Nottinghamshire”, “How Trade Unions Helped LGBT People gain equality” , “Press for Change & Trans
History”, “21 years and more: BiPhoria and Bisexuality in Manchester”.
Your Archival source presentation might be:
o A personal testimony (aka Oral History) about a personal or collective experience
o A set of campaigning leaflets/publicity and the story behind them
o Personal or other photo-images and the stories behind them
o A letter or document that again provides a reading of that past commonly ignored or denied.
The presentations showcased in this category at the 1st Festival of LGBT History included: “The Journey to
Freedom from ‘you can’t be gay’ to ‘Gay prove it’ ”, “Am I the only one? Lone voices to collective action”,
“Spiritual Journeys”, “Growing-up Gay in the GDR”, “Experiences with the Campaign for Homosexual
What both types of presentations, Historical Reading & Archival Source, have in common is that
they help educate the British public about the neglected past understanding of past attitudes
towards sex and gender (i.e. Festival Aim One).
Closing Date for this 1st Call of Presentations 30th June 2015
For more information contact Jeff @ academics@schools-out.org.uk
To submit your presentation offer, please fill the online form at http://lgbthistorymonth.org.uk/nationalfestival/
Schools OUT UK Registered in England as a charitable Incorporated organisation number 1156352
www.schools-out.org.uk www.lgbthistorymonth.org.uk www.the-classroom.org.uk
Our Distinguished Academic Patrons: Alison Oram (Professor in Social and Cultural History, Leeds Becket University), Harry Cocks (Associate Professor, Faculty of
Arts, University of Nottingham) , Matt Cook (Professor Matt Cook, History & Gender Studies at Birkbeck, University of London), Sheila Rowbotham (Professor, School of
Social Sciences, University of Manchester),Charles Upchurch (Associate Professor of History, Florida State University), Jeffrey Weeks (Research Professor, Arts & Human
Sciences/Social Sciences, London South Bank University), Stephen Whittle (Professor of Equalities Law in the School of Law, Manchester Metropolitan University).
Festival Document 6 – Call for Presentations
2nd National Festival of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans History
Celebrating Every Weekend in February 2016 @
Please circulate
1st Call for Popular History Presentations for the
Showcasing your contribution to shed much need light onto an important part of all our collective
history that has been and still is consistently denied and hidden
Your kind offer of a LGBT History/Archival Presentation: Application form
Your Name
Contact Address
Contact Phone Number
Email Contact
Organisation representing (if any)
The Title of Your Presentation
Is you Presentation
a) A historical Presentation (a balanced
reading of a past event)
b) An Archival Presentations (e.g. oral
testimony, etc.,)
If a history presentation what is
the evidence is it based on (e.g.
records, personal archive, oral
testimony, etc.)
How does your presentation
add to our understanding of
LGBT History (e.g. untold story,
hidden history, etc.
If your Presentation is accepted will you require access to:
(Please tick appropriate boxes)
Data Projector
Sound system
other equipment (please state)
In which of the Regional LGBT History Festival Hubs would you
like to present (tick as few or as many as you wish
(Please tick appropriate boxes)
Midlands Region @ Shrewsbury
South East Region @ London
North East Region @ Newcastle/Sunderland
North West Region @ Manchester
South West Region @ Bristol
Yorkshire Region @ York
This form can be completed and
submitted on line @
Or a competed hard copy sent by
post to:
Queries can be direct to Jeff @
Call of Presentations (2nd National Festival of LGBT History) The
Joyce Layland LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney St., Manchester, M17HB,
academics@schools-out.org.uk or by post to the above address
1st Submission Deadline 30th June
Schools OUT UK Registered in England as a charitable Incorporated organisation number 1156352
www.schools-out.org.uk www.lgbthistorymonth.org.uk www.the-classroom.org.uk
Our Distinguished Academic Patrons: Alison Oram (Professor in Social and Cultural History, Leeds Becket University), Harry Cocks (Associate Professor, Faculty of
Arts, University of Nottingham) , Matt Cook (Professor Matt Cook, History & Gender Studies at Birkbeck, University of London), Sheila Rowbotham (Professor, School of
Social Sciences, University of Manchester),Charles Upchurch (Associate Professor of History, Florida State University), Jeffrey Weeks (Research Professor, Arts & Human
Sciences/Social Sciences, London South Bank University), Stephen Whittle (Professor of Equalities Law in the School of Law, Manchester Metropolitan University).
Festival Document 6 – Call for Presentations
2nd National Festival of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans History
Celebrating Every Weekend in February 2016 @